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A Format Compliant Encryption Method for 3D Objects Allowing Hierarchical Decryption

时间:2024-01-25 14:32:19浏览次数:33  
标签:Decryption hierarchically Format encrypted object Hierarchical security method 3

Abstract—With the increasing popularity of 3D objects in

industry and everyday life, 3D object security has become

essential. While there exists methods for 3D selective encryption,

where a clear 3D object is encrypted so that the result has the

desired level of visual security, to our knowledge, no method

exists for decrypting encrypted 3D objects hierarchically. In this

paper, we are the first to propose propose a method which allows

us to hierarchically decrypt an encrypted 3D object according

to a generated ring of keys. This ring consists of a set of keys

that allow a stronger or weaker decryption of the encrypted 3D

object. Each hierarchically decrypted 3D object has a different

visual security level, where the 3D object is more or less visually

accessible. Based on a master key, these hierarchical keys are

generated using our method during the encryption process. Our

method is essential when it comes to preventing trade secrets from

being leaked from within a company or by exterior attackers.

It is also ecologically friendly and more secure than traditional

selective encryption methods.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_14897897/9411580


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