首页 > 其他分享 >搭建RAC时报错Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskd due to Universally Unique Identifie

搭建RAC时报错Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskd due to Universally Unique Identifie

时间:2024-01-22 19:32:22浏览次数:29  
标签:Identifie verify storage dev found nodes Unique hisdbdg2 hisdbdg1

问题描述:搭建RAC时报错Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskd due to Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) not being found......,如下所示:
系统:rhel 7.9 64位

搭建RAC时报错Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskd due to Universally Unique Identifie_wwid

ASM device sharedness check - This check verifies the sharedness of devices selected for ASM.  Error: 
Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskd due to Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) not being found, or different values being found, for this device across nodes: [hisdbdg2, hisdbdg1]  - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available  - Action: User Action Not Available 
Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskc due to Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) not being found, or different values being found, for this device across nodes: [hisdbdg2, hisdbdg1]  - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available  - Action: User Action Not Available 
Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskb due to Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) not being found, or different values being found, for this device across nodes: [hisdbdg2, hisdbdg1]  - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available  - Action: User Action Not Available 
PRVG-0806 : Signature for storage path "/dev/asm-diskd" is inconsistent across the nodes. Signature was found as "36000c29c1a711ca08989587392b9e101|" on nodes: "hisdbdg1". Signature was found as "36000c295dd4fd1496961830ea04e55cb|" on nodes: "hisdbdg2".  - Cause:  The sharability check for the storage at the indicated path failed because the associated storage signature was not consistent across all cluster nodes. The varying signatures were as indicated following the message.  - Action:  Make sure that all nodes of the cluster have same storage signature for the specified path. 
PRVG-0806 : Signature for storage path "/dev/asm-diskb" is inconsistent across the nodes. Signature was found as "36000c29a53b8c39b19efd828865dcbf1|" on nodes: "hisdbdg2". Signature was found as "36000c295dd4fd1496961830ea04e55cb|" on nodes: "hisdbdg1".  - Cause:  The sharability check for the storage at the indicated path failed because the associated storage signature was not consistent across all cluster nodes. The varying signatures were as indicated following the message.  - Action:  Make sure that all nodes of the cluster have same storage signature for the specified path. 
PRVG-0806 : Signature for storage path "/dev/asm-diskc" is inconsistent across the nodes. Signature was found as "36000c29c1a711ca08989587392b9e101|" on nodes: "hisdbdg2". Signature was found as "36000c29a53b8c39b19efd828865dcbf1|" on nodes: "hisdbdg1".  - Cause:  The sharability check for the storage at the indicated path failed because the associated storage signature was not consistent across all cluster nodes. The varying signatures were as indicated following the message.  - Action:  Make sure that all nodes of the cluster have same storage signature for the specified path. 

  Check Failed on Nodes: [hisdbdg2,  hisdbdg1]  
Verification result of failed node: hisdbdg2 Back to Top  
Verification result of failed node: hisdbdg1 Back to Top  

Shared Storage Accessibility:/dev/asm-diskd,/dev/asm-diskb,/dev/asm-diskc - This test checks the shared access of storage across the cluster nodes.  Error: 
PRVG-0806 : Signature for storage path "/dev/asm-diskd" is inconsistent across the nodes. Signature was found as "36000c29c1a711ca08989587392b9e101|" on nodes: "hisdbdg1". Signature was found as "36000c295dd4fd1496961830ea04e55cb|" on nodes: "hisdbdg2".  - Cause:  The sharability check for the storage at the indicated path failed because the associated storage signature was not consistent across all cluster nodes. The varying signatures were as indicated following the message.  - Action:  Make sure that all nodes of the cluster have same storage signature for the specified path. 
PRVG-0806 : Signature for storage path "/dev/asm-diskb" is inconsistent across the nodes. Signature was found as "36000c29a53b8c39b19efd828865dcbf1|" on nodes: "hisdbdg2". Signature was found as "36000c295dd4fd1496961830ea04e55cb|" on nodes: "hisdbdg1".  - Cause:  The sharability check for the storage at the indicated path failed because the associated storage signature was not consistent across all cluster nodes. The varying signatures were as indicated following the message.  - Action:  Make sure that all nodes of the cluster have same storage signature for the specified path. 
PRVG-0806 : Signature for storage path "/dev/asm-diskc" is inconsistent across the nodes. Signature was found as "36000c29c1a711ca08989587392b9e101|" on nodes: "hisdbdg2". Signature was found as "36000c29a53b8c39b19efd828865dcbf1|" on nodes: "hisdbdg1".  - Cause:  The sharability check for the storage at the indicated path failed because the associated storage signature was not consistent across all cluster nodes. The varying signatures were as indicated following the message.  - Action:  Make sure that all nodes of the cluster have same storage signature for the specified path. 

  Check Failed on Nodes: [hisdbdg2,  hisdbdg1]  
Verification result of failed node: hisdbdg2 Back to Top  
Verification result of failed node: hisdbdg1 Back to Top  

[root@hisdbdg1 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdb
[root@hisdbdg1 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdc
[root@hisdbdg1 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdd
[root@hisdbdg1 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sde
[root@hisdbdg1 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdf
[root@hisdbdg1 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdg
[root@hisdbdg1 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdh

[root@hisdbdg2 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdb
[root@hisdbdg2 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdc
[root@hisdbdg2 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdd
[root@hisdbdg2 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sde
[root@hisdbdg2 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdf
[root@hisdbdg2 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdg
[root@hisdbdg2 ~]# /usr/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u /dev/sdh


此前节点2在添加共享磁盘时顺序为①->②->③,正确的顺序应为③->①->②. 按正确顺序添加磁盘后恢复正常.

搭建RAC时报错Cannot verify the shared state for device /dev/asm-diskd due to Universally Unique Identifie_wwid_02

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_12991611/9369477


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