本软件功能强大,价格实惠,欢迎试用本软件的WIN 64位版本。
This software is powerful and affordable. Welcome to try the WIN 64 bit version of this software.
This software can calculate values such as a0+a1 * x+a2 * x ^2++ The product of the formula for an * a ^ n over b1 and b2 the result of the score.
The specific method is to input the values from a0 to an in the coefficient area of multiple equations, and then click to calculate the integration result
You can calculate the result in the results column.
The maximum number of items is 1000.
When inputting polynomial coefficients, each term has one row, and from top to bottom, it is a0 to an, with no empty rows in between.
单击此处下载软件click here download the software.
标签:2025,WIN,a0,64,软件,software From: https://www.cnblogs.com/gdigital/p/17962700