首页 > 其他分享 >23. 名词性从句-考点分析-长难句分析-识别主从2

23. 名词性从句-考点分析-长难句分析-识别主从2

时间:2023-12-31 16:45:12浏览次数:20  
标签:定语 23 upon 从句 难句 主句 主从 主语

How well the predictions (预言)will be validated (使生效,证明,证实) by later performance(行为)

deponds upon the amout(数量), reliablity(可靠性), and approprinteness(合适性) of the information used(不是动词,是定语修饰前面名词) and on the skill and wisdom(智慧) with which it is intterpreted().


长难句分析——句首引导词HOW, 从句后有没有被逗号隔开,

主句谓语动词 ——deponds upon



of the information used 是定语成分修饰前面3个名词

it ==the inforation used


and 后面有省略 对应前面关系;是否有介词+名词+定语 (在句子的主谓宾里看)


介词对应:upon  对应 on  

名词对应:amout(数量), reliablity(可靠性), and approprinteness 对应 skill and wisdom

定语对应:of the information used 对应with which it is intterpreted

and 前后对应,and 后省略了 depens


eg2:it  ...that ...举列子

It  is generally agree that a person of high intelligence

is one who can grasp ideas reaily, make distinctions(做出辨别)

reason(动词 推理) logically, and make use of verbal and

mathematical sybols in solving problems.



For example, it has long been known that total sleep

deprivation is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet, upon

examination of the dead bodies, the animals look

completely normal.


it。。。that。。。 的主语从句

主语——从that 开始 到句末结束

谓语——has been known

has 是现在完成时, been是被动;known是核心词

主语从句———yet 并列的俩个句子,第一个有 is 的主系表;第二个有look的主系表

has been known==长期以来被知道==长期以来众所周知

deprive sb of sth 剥夺,掠夺




 It has long  been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through  their phone directories.



Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country‘s economy is dirrctly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry,

and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.

此外,而且显而易见的是一个国家的经济实力和这个国家工农业的生产效率有直接关系的并且 这取决于各类科学家和技术人员的努力。

分析——主语从句:it 。。。that




第一个主从的谓语——is  bound up with(动词短语做谓语,和什么有关系);  

第一个主从的主语——the strength of a country‘s economy

第一个主从宾语——the efficiency of its agriculture and industry,


第二个主从的谓语——rests upon;  

第二个主从的主语——this in turn

第二个主从宾语——the efforts

the efforts(努力)的定语——of scientists and technologists of all kinds.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/StudySong22/p/17937462
