Sometimes we have a free-standing function that has a strong opinion around what this
will end up being, at the time it is invoked.
For example, if we had a DOM event listener for a button:
<button onClick="myClickHandler">Click Me!</button>
In the following handler, thethis
type is any
Oh no! this
is an any
type. We sure don’t want to depend on disabled
being a defined property without some degree of type safety. If we enable the compilerOptions.noImplicitThis
flag in tsconfig.json
, you’ll see a type checking error here
To address the problem, we need to give this function a this
function myClickHandler(
this: HTMLButtonElement,
event: Event
) {
this.disabled = true
myClickHandler(new Event('click')) // The 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'HTMLButtonElement'.
To resolve this issue, we need to manually bind:
function myClickHandler(
this: HTMLButtonElement,
event: Event
) {
this.disabled = true
myClickHandler(new Event("click")) // not working
const myButton = document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0]
const boundHandler: (event: Event) => void = myClickHandler.bind(myButton)
boundHandler(new Event("click")) // bound version: ok, new Event("click")) // also ok
标签:event,Typescript,myClickHandler,Event,new,type,click From: