jlink 刷机
jlink https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/tools/jlink.html#GUID-CECAC52B-CFEE-46CB-8166-F17A8E9280E9
You can use the jlink
tool to assemble and optimize a set of modules and their dependencies into a custom runtime image.
jlink [options] --module-path modulepath --add-modules module [, module...]
Command-line options separated by spaces. See jlink Options.
The path where the
tool discovers observable modules. These modules can be modular JAR files, JMOD files, or exploded modules. module
The names of the modules to add to the runtime image. The
tool adds these modules and their transitive dependencies.
The jlink
tool links a set of modules, along with their transitive dependencies, to create a custom runtime image.
Developers are responsible for updating their custom runtime images.
jlink Options
--add-modules mod[, mod...]
Adds the named modules,
, to the default set of root modules. The default set of root modules is empty. --bind-services
Link service provider modules and their dependencies.
Enable compression of resources:
: No compression1
: Constant string sharing2
--disable-plugin pluginname
Disables the specified plug-in. See jlink Plug-ins for the list of supported plug-ins.
--endian {little|big}
Specifies the byte order of the generated image. The default value is the format of your system's architecture.
Prints the help message.
Suppresses a fatal error when signed modular JARs are linked in the runtime image. The signature-related files of the signed modular JARs aren’t copied to the runtime image.
--launcher command=module
or--launcher command=module/main
Specifies the launcher command name for the module or the command name for the module and main class (the module and the main class names are separated by a slash (
)). --limit-modules mod[, mod...]
Limits the universe of observable modules to those in the transitive closure of the named modules,
, plus the main module, if any, plus any further modules specified in the--add-modules
option. --list-plugins
Lists available plug-ins, which you can access through command-line options. See jlink Plug-ins.
or--module-path modulepath
Specifies the module path.
If this option is not specified, then the default module path is
. This directory contains the java.base module and the other standard and JDK modules. If this option is specified but the java.base module cannot be resolved from it, then thejlink
command appends$JAVA_HOME/jmods
to the module path. --no-header-files
Excludes header files.
Excludes man pages.
--output path
Specifies the location of the generated runtime image.
--save-opts filename
options in the specified file. --suggest-providers [name, ...]
Suggest providers that implement the given service types from the module path.
Prints version information.
Reads options from the specified file.
An options file is a text file that contains the options and values that you would typically enter in a command prompt. Options may appear on one line or on several lines. You may not specify environment variables for path names. You may comment out lines by prefixing a hash symbol (
) to the beginning of the line.The following is an example of an options file for the
command:#Wed Dec 07 00:40:19 EST 2016 --module-path mlib --add-modules com.greetings --output greetingsapp
jlink Plug-ins
Plug-ins not listed in this section aren’t supported and are subject to change.
For plug-in options that require a pattern-list
, the value is a comma-separated list of elements, with each element using one the following forms:
is the name of a file that contains patterns to be used, one pattern per line.
For a complete list of all available plug-ins, run the command jlink --list-plugins
Table 2-4 List of jlink plugins
Plugin Name | Option | Description |
Compresses all resources in the output image.
An optional |
Includes the list of locales where Example:
Orders the specified paths in priority order. If Example:
Strips debug information from the output image. |
jlink Examples
The following command creates a runtime image in the directory greetingsapp
. This command links the module com.greetings, whose module definition is contained in the directory mlib
jlink --module-path mlib --add-modules com.greetings --output greetingsapp
The following command lists the modules in the runtime image greetingsapp
greetingsapp/bin/java --list-modules com.greetings java.base@11 java.logging@11 org.astro@1.0
The following command creates a runtime image in the directory compressedrt
that’s stripped of debug symbols, uses compression to reduce space, and includes French language locale information:
jlink --add-modules jdk.localedata --strip-debug --compress=2 --include-locales=fr --output compressedrt
The following example compares the size of the runtime image compressedrt
with fr_rt
, which isn’t stripped of debug symbols and doesn’t use compression:
jlink --add-modules jdk.localedata --include-locales=fr --output fr_rt du -sh ./compressedrt ./fr_rt 23M ./compressedrt 36M ./fr_rt
The following example lists the providers that implement java.security.Provider:
jlink --suggest-providers java.security.Provider Suggested providers: java.naming provides java.security.Provider used by java.base java.security.jgss provides java.security.Provider used by java.base java.security.sasl provides java.security.Provider used by java.base java.smartcardio provides java.security.Provider used by java.base java.xml.crypto provides java.security.Provider used by java.base jdk.crypto.cryptoki provides java.security.Provider used by java.base jdk.crypto.ec provides java.security.Provider used by java.base jdk.crypto.mscapi provides java.security.Provider used by java.base jdk.security.jgss provides java.security.Provider used by java.base
The following example creates a custom runtime image named mybuild
that includes only java.naming and jdk.crypto.cryptoki and their dependencies but no other providers. Note that these dependencies must exist in the module path:
jlink --add-modules java.naming,jdk.crypto.cryptoki --output mybuild
The following command is similar to the one that creates a runtime image named greetingsapp
, except that it will link the modules resolved from root modules with service binding; see the Configuration.resolveAndBind method.
jlink --module-path mlib --add-modules com.greetings --output greetingsapp --bind-services
The following command lists the modules in the runtime image greetingsapp
created by this command:
greetingsapp/bin/java --list-modules com.greetings java.base@11 java.compiler@11 java.datatransfer@11 java.desktop@11 java.logging@11 java.management@11 java.management.rmi@11 java.naming@11 java.prefs@11 java.rmi@11 java.security.jgss@11 java.security.sasl@11 java.smartcardio@11 java.xml@11 java.xml.crypto@11 jdk.accessibility@11 jdk.charsets@11 jdk.compiler@11 jdk.crypto.cryptoki@11 jdk.crypto.ec@11 jdk.crypto.mscapi@11 jdk.internal.opt@11 jdk.jartool@11 jdk.javadoc@11 jdk.jdeps@11 jdk.jfr@11 jdk.jlink@11 jdk.localedata@11 jdk.management@11 jdk.management.jfr@11 jdk.naming.dns@11 jdk.naming.rmi@11 jdk.security.auth@11 jdk.security.jgss@11 jdk.zipfs@11 org.astro@1.0
标签:11,java,jdk,--,modules,jlink,刷机 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/papering/p/17927718.html