foreground = "#eceff4"
background = "#1c2027"
foreground = "#eceff4"
background = "#1c2027"
; background = "#ff0000"
foreground = "#bf616a"
background = "#1c2027"
font = Ubuntu 11
geometry = 800x4-150+4
; transparency = 10
padding = 5
horizontal_padding = 8
; alignment = right
separator_color = "#2e3440"
separator_height = 1
corner_radius = 4
markup = full
shrink = true
ignore_newline = true
; word_wrap = true
; Icons
icon_position = left
max_icon_size = 18
; Flatery-Dark icons
icon_path = "/home/bruno/.icons/Flatery-Dark/actions/16:/home/bruno/.icons/Flatery-Dark/apps/16:/home/bruno/.icons/Flatery-Dark/devices/16:/home/bruno/.icons/Flatery-Dark/emblems/16:/home/bruno/.icons/Flatery-Dark/mimetypes/16:/home/bruno/.icons/Flatery-Dark/panel/16:/home/bruno/.icons/Flatery-Dark/places/16"
; Actions
show_indicators = false
mouse_left_click = do_action
mouse_right_click = close_all
dmenu = rofi -dmenu -i -p Notification
browser = x-www-browser
; format = "%s — %b"
; format = "%s / %b"
format = "%s - %b"
history = "shift+mod1+Delete"
close_all = "mod1+Delete"
; Don't show the separator between the summary and body if there is no body
body = ""
format = "%s"
; Delay notifications when in fullscreen to show when coming out of fullscreen
fullscreen = pushback
desktop_entry = "org.gnome.Geary"
skip_display = true
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/c0ldzera/p/17927062.html