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时间:2023-12-25 10:35:09浏览次数:29  
标签:真题 am will 作文 2021 online meeting your Jack


Directions:Suppose you are organizing an online meeting. Write an email to Jake, an international student, to

1) invite him to participate, and

2) tell him the detailsYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET .Do not use your own name, use Li Ming instead.



Dear Jack,

How are you doing recently? I hope everything goes well.I am writing to invite you take part in an online meeting. Here I have some details.

The meeting is scheduled to start at5:00 next Friday afternoon and it will last for about one hour.During the meeting,we will discuss the proposal of organizing the winter camp this year. And some students from other countries will join in it.You,as an international students,should know them better than us.

That's all.And I really hope you could share your ideas.If you have any question,please contact me.

Dear Jack,

I am a student who is in charge of the student union. I am writing this email to invite you to attend an online meeting. It will be held online at 9 am on September 1.

The details are as follows. For one thing, it is advisable to know that the meeting is for all international students and about the lesson plan for the new semester. For another, it would be more beneficial if you could register for the meeting by filling out an online form, which is accessible before the meeting starts.

I really hope that my invitation can draw your attention.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



It is necessary to be familiar with the meeting material in advance.

2. 每位参会者都可以畅所欲言。

Participants are welcomed to express their ideas freely.

3. 如果与会者会议结束后提出建议,将不胜感激。

It would be appreciated if participants could make some suggestions after the meeting.



Dear Jack,I am writing this letter to invite you to take part in an online meeting. It would be a great honor for me if you could participate.This online meeting is about how to utilize multimedia to aid our study. With the continuous development of network technology, it is very convenient to use multimedia materials in learning and researching, therefore, it is beneficial for students to get familiar with these tools. The meeting starts at nine o’clock on Tuesday morning.We will be glad to meet you online on Tuesday. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerelyLi Ming (114words)




  I am Li Ming, your schoolmate. We are to hold an online meeting, so I am writing this email to express our welcome about your participating.

  There are two details deserving your attention. To begin with, what matters most is the issue of the time. We intend to hold this meeting at 9:00 a.m. next Monday morningand it will last two hours. Last but not least, you had better to prepare a brief presentation to express your views about the issue we discussed two days ago. Considering your identity of international student, we hope you can express your suggestions at the end of this meeting if you have any difficulties to adapt your campus life and we will provide you with feasible tips wholeheartedly.

  Thanks for your time and energy. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming








  3. 解析:

  2021年考研英语二小作文考查的是我们大家熟悉的传统题材:邀请信在往年真题中考查过四次,对于做过往年真题的考生来说,相对较为轻松。唯一不一样的地方是,本次考查邀请信涉及到的活动是online meeting即在线会议,所以考生在第二段内容里一定要注意,地点不是必须写的内容,切忌直接套用模板。



Dear Jack,

  As a student leader of our university, it is my honor to write the email to invite you to take part in an online meeting that will be organized on December 30, 2020.

  The detailed information is as follows. First of all, the meeting will last for one hour from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are available at that time. In addition, Our principal, teachers, and 15 international students will be present at this meeting. Our principal will deliver a speech on how to spend your campus life here, and there will be a five-minute question and answer session.

  We would appreciate it if you could make a speech on behalf of all the international students who are going to come to our college to study. I am looking forward your favorable reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  本次小作文要求考生给一位留学生Jack写一封信,要求他参加一个线上会议,很明显考察的是邀请信。经过备考,考生对邀请信的格式很熟悉了。首先是称呼,根据题目信息,写信对象是Jack,所以我们的称呼可以写成Dear Jack, 顶格写。第一段可以采用自我介绍加写信目的的方式。第二段给出有关线上会议的具体细节。比如说会议举行的具体时间,出席人,注意事项等等。第三段希望对方可以代表全体留学生发言,并期待对方的回信。最后不要忘记加上结束语和署名。



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/17925602.html


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