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Jackson Annotations(注解)详解

时间:2023-12-23 15:44:22浏览次数:35  
标签:Jackson String public bean 详解 result new Annotations name


1. 概述

在本教程中,我们将深入研究 Jackson Annotations


2. Jackson 序列化注解


2.1. @JsonAnyGetter

@JsonAnyGetter 注解允许灵活地使用 Map 字段作为标准属性。

例如,ExtendableBean 实体具有 name 属性和一组键/值对形式的可扩展属性:

public class ExtendableBean {
    public String name;
    private Map<String, String> properties;

    public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
        return properties;

当我们序列化这个实体的一个实例时,我们将 Map 中的所有键值作为标准的普通属性:

    "name":"My bean",


public void whenSerializingUsingJsonAnyGetter_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    ExtendableBean bean = new ExtendableBean("My bean");
    bean.add("attr1", "val1");
    bean.add("attr2", "val2");

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(bean);
    assertThat(result, containsString("attr1"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("val1"));

我们还可以使用可选参数 enabled 设置成 false 来禁用 @JsonAnyGetter. 在这种情况下,Map 将被转换为 JSON,并在序列化后出现在 properties 变量下。

2.2. @JsonGetter

@JsonGetter 注解是 @JsonProperty 注解的替代方法,后者将方法标记为getter方法。

在下面的示例中,我们将方法 getTheName() 指定为 MyBean 实体的 name 属性的 getter 方法:

public class MyBean {
    public int id;
    private String name;

    public String getTheName() {
        return name;


public void whenSerializingUsingJsonGetter_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    MyBean bean = new MyBean(1, "My bean");

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(bean);
    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));

2.3. @JsonPropertyOrder

我们可以使用 @JsonPropertyOrder 注解来指定序列化时属性的顺序

让我们为 MyBean 实体的属性设置自定义顺序:

@JsonPropertyOrder({ "name", "id" })
public class MyBean {
    public int id;
    public String name;


    "name":"My bean",


public void whenSerializingUsingJsonPropertyOrder_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    MyBean bean = new MyBean(1, "My bean");

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(bean);
    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));

我们还可以使用 @JsonPropertyOrder(alphabetic=true) 按字母顺序对属性进行排序。 在这种情况下,序列化的输出将是:

    "name":"My bean"

2.4. @JsonRawValue


在下面的例子中,我们使用 @JsonRawValue 来嵌入一些自定义JSON作为实体的值:

public class RawBean {
    public String name;

    public String json;

The output of serializing the entity is:

    "name":"My bean",


public void whenSerializingUsingJsonRawValue_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    RawBean bean = new RawBean("My bean", "{\"attr\":false}");

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(bean);
    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("{\"attr\":false}"));

我们还可以使用可选的布尔参数 value 来定义此注解是否有效。

2.5. @JsonValue

@JsonValue 表示库将使用的单个方法来序列化整个实例。

例如,在枚举中,我们用 @JsonValue 注解 getName,这样任何实体都可以通过其名称进行序列化:

public enum TypeEnumWithValue {
    TYPE1(1, "Type A"), TYPE2(2, "Type 2");

    private Integer id;
    private String name;

    // standard constructors

    public String getName() {
        return name;


public void whenSerializingUsingJsonValue_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonParseException, IOException {
    String enumAsString = new ObjectMapper()

    assertThat(enumAsString, is(""Type A""));
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2.6. @JsonRootName

如果启用了包装,则使用 @JsonRootName 注解来指定要使用的根包装器的名称。

包装意味着不是将 User 序列化为:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John"
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    "User": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "John"
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所以让我们看一个例子。 我们将使用 @JsonRootName 注解来指示这个潜在包装实体的名称:

@JsonRootName(value = "user")
public class UserWithRoot {
    public int id;
    public String name;
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默认情况下,包装器的名称将是类的名称 - UserWithRoot。 通过使用注解,我们可以得到更干净的 user:

public void whenSerializingUsingJsonRootName_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    UserWithRoot user = new User(1, "John");

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String result = mapper.writeValueAsString(user);

    assertThat(result, containsString("John"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("user"));
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从 Jackson 2.4 开始,一个新的可选参数 namespace 可用于 XML 等数据格式。 如果我们添加它,它将成为完全限定名称的一部分:

@JsonRootName(value = "user", namespace="users")
public class UserWithRootNamespace {
    public int id;
    public String name;

    // ...
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如果我们用 XmlMapper 序列化它,输出将是:

<user xmlns="users">
    <id xmlns="">1</id>
    <name xmlns="">John</name>
    <items xmlns=""/>
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2.7. @JsonSerialize

@JsonSerialize 表示编组实体时要使用的自定义序列化程序。

让我们看一个简单的例子。 我们将使用 @JsonSerialize 通过 CustomDateSerializer 序列化 eventDate 属性:

public class EventWithSerializer {
    public String name;

    @JsonSerialize(using = CustomDateSerializer.class)
    public Date eventDate;
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这是简单的自定义 Jackson 序列化程序:

public class CustomDateSerializer extends StdSerializer<Date> {

    private static SimpleDateFormat formatter 
      = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");

    public CustomDateSerializer() { 

    public CustomDateSerializer(Class<Date> t) {

    public void serialize(
      Date value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider arg2) 
      throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonSerialize_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException, ParseException {
    SimpleDateFormat df
      = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");

    String toParse = "20-12-2014 02:30:00";
    Date date = df.parse(toParse);
    EventWithSerializer event = new EventWithSerializer("party", date);

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(event);
    assertThat(result, containsString(toParse));
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3. Jackson 反序列化注解


3.1. @JsonCreator

我们可以使用 @JsonCreator 注解来调整反序列化中使用的构造函数/工厂。

当我们需要反序列化一些与我们需要获取的目标实体不完全匹配的 JSON 时,它非常有用。

让我们看一个例子。 假设我们需要反序列化以下 JSON:

    "theName":"My bean"
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但是,我们的目标实体中没有 theName 字段,只有一个 name 字段。 现在我们不想更改实体本身,我们只需要通过使用 @JsonCreator 注解构造函数并同时使用 @JsonProperty 注解来对解组过程进行更多控制:

public class BeanWithCreator {
    public int id;
    public String name;

    public BeanWithCreator(
      @JsonProperty("id") int id, 
      @JsonProperty("theName") String name) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;
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public void whenDeserializingUsingJsonCreator_thenCorrect()
  throws IOException {
    String json = "{\"id\":1,\"theName\":\"My bean\"}";

    BeanWithCreator bean = new ObjectMapper()
    assertEquals("My bean", bean.name);
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3.2. @JacksonInject

@JacksonInject 表示属性将从注入而不是从 JSON 数据中获取其值。

在以下示例中,我们使用 @JacksonInject 来注入属性 id

public class BeanWithInject {
    public int id;
    public String name;
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public void whenDeserializingUsingJsonInject_thenCorrect()
  throws IOException {
    String json = "{\"name\":\"My bean\"}";
    InjectableValues inject = new InjectableValues.Std()
      .addValue(int.class, 1);
    BeanWithInject bean = new ObjectMapper().reader(inject)
    assertEquals("My bean", bean.name);
    assertEquals(1, bean.id);
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3.3. @JsonAnySetter

@JsonAnySetter 允许我们灵活地使用 Map 作为标准属性。 在反序列化时,来自 JSON 的属性将简单地添加到Map中。

首先,我们将使用 @JsonAnySetter 反序列化实体 ExtendableBean

public class ExtendableBean {
    public String name;
    private Map<String, String> properties;

    public void add(String key, String value) {
        properties.put(key, value);
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这是我们需要反序列化的 JSON:

    "name":"My bean",
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public void whenDeserializingUsingJsonAnySetter_thenCorrect()
  throws IOException {
    String json
      = "{\"name\":\"My bean\",\"attr2\":\"val2\",\"attr1\":\"val1\"}";

    ExtendableBean bean = new ObjectMapper()
    assertEquals("My bean", bean.name);
    assertEquals("val2", bean.getProperties().get("attr2"));
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3.4. @JsonSetter



在下面的示例中,我们将指定方法 setTheName() 作为 MyBean 实体中 name 属性的设置器:

public class MyBean {
    public int id;
    private String name;

    public void setTheName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
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现在,当我们需要解组一些 JSON 数据时,这非常有效:

public void whenDeserializingUsingJsonSetter_thenCorrect()
  throws IOException {
    String json = "{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"My bean\"}";

    MyBean bean = new ObjectMapper()
    assertEquals("My bean", bean.getTheName());
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3.5. @JsonDeserialize

@JsonDeserialize 表示使用自定义反序列化器。

首先,我们将使用 @JsonDeserialize 通过 CustomDateDeserializer 反序列化 eventDate 属性:

public class EventWithSerializer {
    public String name;

    @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomDateDeserializer.class)
    public Date eventDate;
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public class CustomDateDeserializer
  extends StdDeserializer<Date> {

    private static SimpleDateFormat formatter
      = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");

    public CustomDateDeserializer() { 

    public CustomDateDeserializer(Class<?> vc) { 

    public Date deserialize(
      JsonParser jsonparser, DeserializationContext context) 
      throws IOException {
        String date = jsonparser.getText();
        try {
            return formatter.parse(date);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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public void whenDeserializingUsingJsonDeserialize_thenCorrect()
  throws IOException {
    String json
      = "{"name":"party","eventDate":"20-12-2014 02:30:00"}";

    SimpleDateFormat df
      = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
    EventWithSerializer event = new ObjectMapper()
      "20-12-2014 02:30:00", df.format(event.eventDate));
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3.6. @JsonAlias

@JsonAlias 在反序列化期间为属性定义一个或多个可选名称。


public class AliasBean {
    @JsonAlias({ "fName", "f_name" })
    private String firstName;   
    private String lastName;
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这里我们有一个POJO,我们希望将带有 fNamef_name 和 *firstName *等值的JSON反序列化到POJO的 firstName 变量中。


public void whenDeserializingUsingJsonAlias_thenCorrect() throws IOException {
    String json = "{\"fName\": \"John\", \"lastName\": \"Green\"}";
    AliasBean aliasBean = new ObjectMapper().readerFor(AliasBean.class).readValue(json);
    assertEquals("John", aliasBean.getFirstName());
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4. Jackson 针对属性的其它注解

4.1. @JsonIgnoreProperties

@JsonIgnoreProperties 是一个类级别的注解,它标记了Jackson将忽略的一个属性或一组属性。

让我们看一个简单的例子,序列化时忽略属性 id:

@JsonIgnoreProperties({ "id" })
public class BeanWithIgnore {
    public int id;
    public String name;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonIgnoreProperties_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    BeanWithIgnore bean = new BeanWithIgnore(1, "My bean");

    String result = new ObjectMapper()
    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("id")));
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为了毫无例外地忽略JSON输入中的任何未知属性,我们可以设置 @JsonIgnoreProperties 注解的 ignoreUnknown=true

4.2. @JsonIgnore

相比之下,@JsonIgnore 注解用于在字段级别标记要忽略的属性。

让我们使用 @JsonIgnore 来忽略序列化中的属性 id:

public class BeanWithIgnore {
    public int id;

    public String name;
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然后我们将测试以确保 id 被成功忽略:

public void whenSerializingUsingJsonIgnore_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    BeanWithIgnore bean = new BeanWithIgnore(1, "My bean");

    String result = new ObjectMapper()
    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("id")));
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4.3. @JsonIgnoreType

@JsonIgnoreType 标记要忽略的注解类型的所有属性。

我们可以使用注解来标记所有类型为 Name 的属性被忽略:

public class User {
    public int id;
    public Name name;

    public static class Name {
        public String firstName;
        public String lastName;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonIgnoreType_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException, ParseException {
    User.Name name = new User.Name("John", "Doe");
    User user = new User(1, name);

    String result = new ObjectMapper()

    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("name")));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("John")));
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4.4. @JsonInclude

我们可以使用 @JsonInclude 来排除 empty/null/default 的属性。


public class MyBean {
    public int id;
    public String name;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonInclude_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    MyBean bean = new MyBean(1, null);

    String result = new ObjectMapper()
    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("name")));
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4.5. @JsonAutoDetect

@JsonAutoDetect 可以覆盖哪些属性可见哪些不可见的默认语义。

首先,让我们通过一个简单的例子来看看注解是如何发挥作用的; 让我们启用序列化私有属性:

@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
public class PrivateBean {
    private int id;
    private String name;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonAutoDetect_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    PrivateBean bean = new PrivateBean(1, "My bean");

    String result = new ObjectMapper()
    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
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5. Jackson 多态类型处理注解


  • @JsonTypeInfo – 指示要在序列化中包含什么类型信息的详细信息
  • @JsonSubTypes – 指示注解类型的子类型
  • @JsonTypeName – 定义用于注解类的逻辑类型名

让我们来看一个更复杂的例子,并使用这三个 — @JsonTypeInfo@JsonSubTypes,和 @JsonTypeName 来序列化/反序列化实体Zoo:

public class Zoo {
    public Animal animal;

      use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, 
      include = As.PROPERTY, 
      property = "type")
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Dog.class, name = "dog"),
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Cat.class, name = "cat")
    public static class Animal {
        public String name;

    public static class Dog extends Animal {
        public double barkVolume;

    public static class Cat extends Animal {
        boolean likesCream;
        public int lives;
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public void whenSerializingPolymorphic_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    Zoo.Dog dog = new Zoo.Dog("lacy");
    Zoo zoo = new Zoo(dog);

    String result = new ObjectMapper()

    assertThat(result, containsString("type"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("dog"));
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    "animal": {
        "type": "dog",
        "name": "lacy",
        "barkVolume": 0
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然后让我们看看如何将它反序列化到 Zoo 实例:

public void whenDeserializingPolymorphic_thenCorrect()
throws IOException {
    String json = "{\"animal\":{\"name\":\"lacy\",\"type\":\"cat\"}}";

    Zoo zoo = new ObjectMapper()

    assertEquals("lacy", zoo.animal.name);
    assertEquals(Zoo.Cat.class, zoo.animal.getClass());
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6. Jackson 常用注解


6.1. @JsonProperty

我们可以添加 @JsonProperty 注解来表示JSON中的属性名。

当我们处理非标准的getter和setter时,让我们使用 @JsonProperty序列化/反序列化属性name:

public class MyBean {
    public int id;
    private String name;

    public void setTheName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getTheName() {
        return name;
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public void whenUsingJsonProperty_thenCorrect()
  throws IOException {
    MyBean bean = new MyBean(1, "My bean");

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(bean);
    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));

    MyBean resultBean = new ObjectMapper()
    assertEquals("My bean", resultBean.getTheName());
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6.2. @JsonFormat

@JsonFormat 注解指定序列化 日期/时间 值时的格式。

在下面的例子中,我们使用 @JsonFormat 来控制属性 eventDate 的格式:

public class EventWithFormat {
    public String name;

    @JsonFormat(pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    public Date eventDate;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonFormat_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException, ParseException {
    SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");

    String toParse = "20-12-2014 02:30:00";
    Date date = df.parse(toParse);
    EventWithFormat event = new EventWithFormat("party", date);
    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(event);
    assertThat(result, containsString(toParse));
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6.3. @JsonUnwrapped

@JsonUnwrapped 定义了在序列化/反序列化时应该 解包/展平 的值。

让我们看看这到底是如何工作的;我们将使用注解来展开属性 name:

public class UnwrappedUser {
    public int id;

    public Name name;

    public static class Name {
        public String firstName;
        public String lastName;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonUnwrapped_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException, ParseException {
    UnwrappedUser.Name name = new UnwrappedUser.Name("John", "Doe");
    UnwrappedUser user = new UnwrappedUser(1, name);

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(user);
    assertThat(result, containsString("John"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("name")));
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6.4. @JsonView


例如,我们将使用 @JsonView 来序列化 Item 实体的实例。


public class Views {
    public static class Public {}
    public static class Internal extends Public {}
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接下来是使用视图的 Item 实体:

public class Item {
    public int id;

    public String itemName;

    public String ownerName;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonView_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    Item item = new Item(2, "book", "John");

    String result = new ObjectMapper()

    assertThat(result, containsString("book"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("2"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("John")));
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6.5. @JsonManagedReference@JsonBackReference

@JsonManagedReference@JsonBackReference 注解可以处理 父/子 关系并绕过循环。

在下面的例子中,我们使用 @JsonManagedReference@JsonBackReference 来序列化我们的 ItemWithRef 实体:

public class ItemWithRef {
    public int id;
    public String itemName;

    public UserWithRef owner;
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我们的 UserWithRef 实体:

public class UserWithRef {
    public int id;
    public String name;

    public List<ItemWithRef> userItems;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJacksonReferenceAnnotation_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    UserWithRef user = new UserWithRef(1, "John");
    ItemWithRef item = new ItemWithRef(2, "book", user);

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(item);

    assertThat(result, containsString("book"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("John"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("userItems")));
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6.6. @JsonIdentityInfo

@JsonIdentityInfo 表示对象标识应该在序列化/反序列化值时使用,例如,当处理无限递归类型的问题时。

在下面的例子中,我们有一个 ItemWithIdentity 实体,它与 UserWithIdentity 实体具有双向关系:

  generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class,
  property = "id")
public class ItemWithIdentity {
    public int id;
    public String itemName;
    public UserWithIdentity owner;
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UserWithIdentity 实体:

  generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class,
  property = "id")
public class UserWithIdentity {
    public int id;
    public String name;
    public List<ItemWithIdentity> userItems;
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public void whenSerializingUsingJsonIdentityInfo_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    UserWithIdentity user = new UserWithIdentity(1, "John");
    ItemWithIdentity item = new ItemWithIdentity(2, "book", user);

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(item);

    assertThat(result, containsString("book"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("John"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("userItems"));
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    "id": 2,
    "itemName": "book",
    "owner": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "John",
        "userItems": [
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6.7. @JsonFilter

注解 @JsonFilter 指定了在序列化期间要使用的过滤器。


public class BeanWithFilter {
    public int id;
    public String name;
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现在在完整的测试中,我们定义了过滤器,它从序列化中排除除 name 之外的所有其他属性:

public void whenSerializingUsingJsonFilter_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    BeanWithFilter bean = new BeanWithFilter(1, "My bean");

    FilterProvider filters 
      = new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter(

    String result = new ObjectMapper()

    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("id")));
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7. Jackson 自定义注解

接下来,让我们看看如何创建自定义Jackson注解。我们可以使用 @JacksonAnnotationsInside 注解:

    @JsonPropertyOrder({ "name", "id", "dateCreated" })
    public @interface CustomAnnotation {}
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public class BeanWithCustomAnnotation {
    public int id;
    public String name;
    public Date dateCreated;
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public void whenSerializingUsingCustomAnnotation_thenCorrect()
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    BeanWithCustomAnnotation bean 
      = new BeanWithCustomAnnotation(1, "My bean", null);

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(bean);

    assertThat(result, containsString("My bean"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("dateCreated")));
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    "name":"My bean",
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8. Jackson MixIn注解

接下来让我们看看如何使用Jackson MixIn注解。


public class Item {
    public int id;
    public String itemName;
    public User owner;

public class MyMixInForIgnoreType {}
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public void whenSerializingUsingMixInAnnotation_thenCorrect() 
  throws JsonProcessingException {
    Item item = new Item(1, "book", null);

    String result = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(item);
    assertThat(result, containsString("owner"));

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.addMixIn(User.class, MyMixInForIgnoreType.class);

    result = mapper.writeValueAsString(item);
    assertThat(result, not(containsString("owner")));
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9. 禁用Jackson注解

最后,让我们看看如何禁用所有 Jackson 注解。 我们可以通过禁用 MapperFeature.USE_ANNOTATIONS 来做到这一点,如下例所示:

@JsonPropertyOrder({ "name", "id" })
public class MyBean {
    public int id;
    public String name;
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public void whenDisablingAllAnnotations_thenAllDisabled()
  throws IOException {
    MyBean bean = new MyBean(1, null);

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String result = mapper.writeValueAsString(bean);
    assertThat(result, containsString("1"));
    assertThat(result, containsString("name"));
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<<<<<<<<<<<< [完] >>>>>>>>>>>>


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wanghengbin/p/17923192.html


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