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Generative AI generates tricky choices for managers

时间:2023-12-23 15:22:05浏览次数:22  
标签:tricky managers generates AI up LLMs LLM ChatGPT adj


Generative AI generates tricky choices for managers

Transformational technologies can be very trying




  THE REMARKABLE capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (AI) are clear the moment you try it. But remarkableness is also a problem for managers. Working out what to do with a new technology is harder when it can affect so many activities; when its adoption depends not just on the abilities of machines but also on pesky humans; and when it has some surprising flaws.



  Study after study rams home the potential of large language models (LLMs), which power AIs like ChatGPT, to improve all manner of things. LLMs can save time, by generating meeting summaries, analysing data or drafting press releases. They can sharpen up customer service. They cannot put up IKEA bookshelves—but nor can humans.



  1. "study after study " 一项又一项的研究

  2. rams home 充分说明;使透彻理解;

  3. power 在句中作动词,表示“驱动,推动,促进”

  4. "all manner of things" 各种事物,各种各样的事情

  5. sharpen v.锐化;(使)提高,改善;(使感觉或感情)加强,加重,变得更明显;使尖锐;使明朗;

    "sharpen up" 提高,完善

  6. draft [dræft] n.草稿;草案;汇票;草图 adj.正在起草中的,草拟的;草图的;以草稿形式的;初步画出或(写出)的;


  7. press release n.(向媒体发布的)新闻稿;

    release “放出”的含义可以引申为:放松;免除;释放;宣泄;发行;排放。新闻也属于放出的东西,可以用这个代指。


  AI can even boost innovation. Karan Girotra of Cornell University and his co-authors compared the idea-generating abilities of the latest version of ChatGPT with those of students at an elite university. A lone human can come up with about five ideas in 15 minutes; arm the human with the AI and the number goes up to 200. Crucially, the quality of these ideas is better, at least judged by purchase-intent surveys for new product concepts. Such possibilities can paralyse bosses; when you can do everything, it’s easy to do nothing.

  AI甚至可以促进创新。康奈尔大学的卡兰·吉罗特拉(Karan Girotra)及合著者比较了最新版ChatGPT和一所名牌大学的学生的创意能力。一个人单枪匹马可以在15分钟内想出大约五个创意,配备上一个AI后可以想出200个。关键是这些创意的质量还要更高,至少从新产品概念的购买意向调查来看是这样。这样巨大的可能性反而可能让老板们手足无措:如果你什么都能做,最后很容易什么都没做。


  1. paralyse v.使瘫痪;使麻痹;使不能正常工作;

  2. boost innovation 促进创新

  3. idea-generating abilities 创意能力

  4. elite university 名牌大学

  5. purchase-intent surveys 购买意向调查

  6. product concepts 产品概念


  LLMs’ ease of use also has pluses and minuses. On the plus side, more applications for generative AI can be found if more people are trying it. Familiarity with LLMs will make people better at using them. Reid Hoffman, a serial AI investor, has a simple bit of advice: start playing with it. If you asked ChatGPT to write a haiku a year ago and have not touched it since, you have more to do.

  LLM的易用性也是有利有弊。有利的一面是,越多人尝试使用生成式AI,就越能发现它的更多用处。越熟悉LLM,就越懂得如何善用它们。投资了一系列AI项目的里德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)给出了一条简单的建议:先用起来。如果你一年前让ChatGPT写了一首俳句,之后就再没碰过它,那么就该多用用了。


  1. "have pluses and minuses" 有利有弊

  2. applications n. (尤指理论、发现等的)应用,运用;申请;请求;申请表;申请书;施用;涂抹;敷用;

  3. serial [ˈsɪriəl] n.电视连续剧;广播连续剧;杂志连载小说;


  4. haiku n.俳句(日本传统诗体,三行为一首,通常有17个音节);



  Familiarity may also counter the human instinct to be wary of automation. A paper by Siliang Tong of Nanyang Technological University and his co-authors that was published in 2021, before generative AI was all the rage, captured this suspicion neatly. It showed that AI-generated feedback improved employee performance more than feedback from human managers. However, disclosing that the feedback came from a machine had the opposite effect: it undermined trust, stoked fears of job insecurity and hurt performance. Exposure to LLMs could soothe concerns.



  1. be wary of 谨慎的;提防;

  2. all the rage 风靡一时的;时尚;风行一时;风行一时的事物;

  3. "captured this suspicion neatly" 精准地捕获了这种疑惧

  4. neatly adv.整齐地;整洁地;干净地;灵巧地;利索地;恰好地;极好地;

  5. undermine vt.破坏;逐渐削弱(信心、权威等);挖…的墙脚;使逐步减少效力;从根基处破坏;

  6. stoke [stoʊk] v.激起;煽动;给…添加(燃料);

    stoke fears 引发恐惧

  7. job insecurity 工作不安全感;工作不稳定;

  8. soothe concerns 缓解担忧

  9. 文中最后一段话是给管理者说的,因为他们给员工的反馈有效度远不如AI,所以会有不被员工信任,被AI取代从而丢失工作的风险,还会因此变得工作表现不积极,而如果他们学会善用AI,结合AI可能回缓解这些焦虑。


  Or not. Complicating things are flaws in the technology. The Cambridge Dictionary has named “hallucinate” as its word of the year, in tribute to the tendency of LLMs to spew out false information. The models are evolving rapidly and ought to get better on this score, at least. But some problems are baked in, according to a new paper by R. Thomas McCoy of Princeton University and his co-authors.

  但也未必。这项技术的缺陷让事情变得更复杂。剑桥词典将“hallucinate”(幻觉)选为年度热词,它描述的就是LLM胡说八道的倾向。这些模型目前迅速演进,在这方面应该至少会有所改进。但普林斯顿大学的托马斯·麦考伊(R. Thomas McCoy)及合著者新发表的论文显示,有些问题是根深蒂固的。


  1. word of the year 年度热词

  2. "bake" 的原意是烘烤,但在口语和写作中,"baked in" 这个短语通常用来表示某些特性或问题在最初的设计或建立阶段就已经存在,并且难以改变。

  3. spew [spjuː] v.喷出;(使)涌出;呕吐; n.呕吐物;喷出物;

  4. on this score 在这一点上;(尤指)在这个关注点上;



  Because off-the-shelf models are trained on internet data to predict the next word in an answer on a probabilistic basis, they can be tripped up by surprising things. Get GPT-4, the LLM behind ChatGPT, to multiply a number by 9/5 and add 32, and it does well; ask it to multiply the same number by 7/5 and add 31, and it does considerably less well. The difference is explained by the fact that the first calculation is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, and therefore common on the internet; the second is rare and so does not feature much in the training data. Such pitfalls will exist in proprietary models, too.



  1. off-the-shelf adj.从货架直接取下买走的,现成的;非专门设计(或定制)的;

  2. surprising adj.令人惊讶的;奇怪的;令人吃惊的;出人意料的;意想不到的

  3. feature n.特色;特点;特征;特写,专题节目;正片,故事片;


  4. on a probabilistic basis 根据概率...

  5. be tripped up by 被...问题难倒

  6. sth does not feature much in ... 在...中很少出现\

  7. pitfall n.陷阱;(尤指)隐患;困难;危险;

  8. proprietary [prəˈpraɪəteri] adj.专有的;专利的;所有的;所有权的;专卖的;专营的;




  On top of all this is a practical problem: it is hard for firms to keep track of employees’ use of AI. Confidential data might be uploaded and potentially leak out in a subsequent conversation. Earlier this year Samsung, an electronics giant, clamped down on usage of ChatGPT by employees after engineers reportedly shared source code with the chatbot.



  1. "On top of ..." 这个短语表示除了之前提到的所有事情之外,还有另外一个事实或问题。可以理解为“除了”,“更甚者”。

  2. electronics giant 电子巨头

  3. clamp down on 严厉打击;加以控制;遏制

  4. reportedly adv.据说;据报道;据传闻;


  This combination of superpowers, simplicity and stumbles is a messy one for bosses to navigate. But it points to a few rules of thumb. Be targeted. Some consultants like to talk about the “lighthouse approach”—picking a contained project that has signalling value to the rest of the organisation. Rather than banning the use of LLMs, have guidelines on what information can be put into them. Be on top of how the tech works: this is not like driving a car and not caring what is under the hood. Above all, use it yourself. Generative AI may feel magical. But it is hard work to get right.■



  1. stumbles v.绊倒;(不顺畅地)说,读,演奏;绊脚;蹒跚而行;跌跌撞撞地走; n.过失,失败;绊脚,失足;差错,失误;

  2. messy adj.混乱的;凌乱的;肮脏的;不整洁的;难以处理的;令人厌烦的;

  3. rules of thumb 经验法则;经验方法;拇指法则;

  4. lighthouse n.灯塔

  5. contained project 受控项目

  6. signalling value 指导意义

  7. organisation n.组织;团体;机构;

  8. how the tech works 技术的工作原理,这项科技是如何工作的

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/coding-inspirations/p/17923143.html


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