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typescript export 同名模块

时间:2023-12-23 10:07:30浏览次数:67  
标签:typescript file parent modules ts Step export 模块

Title: A Guide to Implementing "Typescript Export Same Name Modules"

Introduction: In this guide, I will walk you through the process of implementing "Typescript export same name modules" for a newcomer in the field. We will start by understanding the workflow and then proceed with step-by-step instructions, including the necessary code snippets and explanations.

  1. Understanding the Workflow: To implement "Typescript export same name modules," we need to follow these steps:
Step Description
1 Create a parent module
2 Create individual modules
3 Export modules from the parent module
4 Import modules into other files
  1. Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Create a Parent Module We start by creating a parent module, which will serve as the entry point for our exported modules. Create a new file, let's name it parent.ts, and add the following code:

export * from './module1';
export * from './module2';
// Add more module exports if required

Explanation: The export * statement allows us to export all the modules from the specified file.

Step 2: Create Individual Modules Next, we need to create the individual modules that we want to export. Create two separate files, module1.ts and module2.ts, and add the following code in each file:


export const foo = 'Module 1';
export function bar() {
  console.log('Hello from Module 1');


export const foo = 'Module 2';
export function bar() {
  console.log('Hello from Module 2');

Explanation: In each module file, we export a constant variable foo and a function bar. You can add more exports based on your requirements.

Step 3: Export Modules from the Parent Module Now, let's go back to the parent.ts file and import the individual modules we created earlier. Add the following code at the beginning of the file:

export * from './module1';
export * from './module2';

Explanation: By using the export * statement, we export all the modules from module1.ts and module2.ts files.

Step 4: Import Modules into Other Files To use these exported modules in other files, we need to import them. Create a new file, let's name it main.ts, and add the following code:

import { foo as foo1, bar as bar1 } from './parent';
import { foo as foo2, bar as bar2 } from './module2';


Explanation: In the first line, we import the exported variables and functions from the parent.ts file using the names foo1 and bar1. Similarly, we import the exported variables and functions from the module2.ts file using the names foo2 and bar2. Finally, we log the values of foo1 and foo2 and call the bar1 and bar2 functions.

  1. Conclusion: Implementing "Typescript export same name modules" requires following a simple workflow of creating a parent module, individual modules, exporting modules from the parent module, and importing them into other files. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you should now have a good understanding of how to achieve this.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16213426/8940588


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