helm 可以启动很简单的consul cluster:
helm install consul consul/xxx/x -f consul.yaml
global: name: consul datacenter: dc1 tls: # If true, the Helm chart will enable TLS for Consul # servers and clients and all consul-k8s-control-plane components, as well as generate certificate # authority (optional) and server and client certificates. # This setting is required for [Cluster Peering](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/connect/cluster-peering/k8s). enabled: true acls: # If true, the Helm chart will automatically manage ACL tokens and policies # for all Consul and consul-k8s-control-plane components. # This requires Consul >= 1.4. manageSystemACLs: true connectInject: # True if you want to enable connect injection. Set to "-" to inherit from # global.enabled. enabled: false client: # If true, the chart will install all # the resources necessary for a Consul client on every Kubernetes node. This _does not_ require # `server.enabled`, since the agents can be configured to join an external cluster. # @type: boolean enabled: true server: replicas: 2 #storage: 1Gi #storageClass: openebs-rwx tests: enabled: false ui: ingress: # This will create an Ingress resource for the Consul UI. # @type: boolean enabled: true # Optionally set the ingressClassName. ingressClassName: "nginx" # pathType override - refer to: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#path-types pathType: Prefix # hosts is a list of host name to create Ingress rules. # # ```yaml # hosts: # - host: foo.bar # paths: # - /example # - /test # ``` # # @type: array<map> hosts: - paths: - /ui - /v1 annotations: | nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
只是启动 consul-server, 就需要token 等。这借助 consul-k8s-control-plane 这个工具。
kubectl run vvv2 -it --rm --image=hashicorp/consul-k8s-control-plane:1.3.0 --command -- /bin/sh
标签:启动,consul,enabled,helm,k8s,true,Consul From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qgbo/p/17921739.html