1、npm run refresh 没有报错,npm run build会报错
✖ 34 problems (1 error, 33 warnings) 0 errors and 12 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option. [08:47:54] 'audit' errored after 6.31 s [08:47:54] ESLintError in plugin "gulp-eslint" Message: Unexpected constant condition. Details: fileName: E:\code\awc_stage\3c\state-230619\stage\src\xxxxx\src\js\aaa.js lineNumber: 658 domainEmitter: [object Object] domainThrown: false [08:47:54] 'build' errored after 6.31 s
问题原因:写少了一个 = ,改成type == 'middle' 就可以了
标签:plugin,54,gulp,ESLintError,47,报错 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wwssgg/p/17896014.html