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select_shape 中features参数解析

时间:2023-12-11 12:12:10浏览次数:27  
标签:features moments region shape 区域 几何 invar Geometric select

Halcon 算子 select_shape- 借助形状特征选择区域(选择轮廓)

select_shape - 借助形状特征选择区域。


1 select_shape(Regions : SelectedRegions : Features, Operation, Min, Max : )




条件:Min_i <= Feature_i(Object) <= Max_i 


特征 备注
area Area of the object 对象的面积  
row Row index of the center 中心点的行坐标  
column Column index of the center 中心点的列坐标  
width Width of the region 区域的宽度  
height Height of the region 区域的高度  
row1 Row index of upper left corner 左上角行坐标  
column1 Column index of upper left corner 左上角列坐标  
row2 Row index of lower right corner 右下角行坐标  
column2 Column index of lower right corner 右下角列坐标  
circularity Circularity 圆度 0~1
compactness Compactness 紧密度 0~1
contlength Total length of contour 轮廓线总长  
convexity Convexity 凸性  
rectangularity Rectangularity 矩形度 0~1
ra Main radius of the equivalent ellipse 等效椭圆长轴半径长度  
rb Secondary radius of the equivalent ellipse 等效椭圆短轴半径长度  
phi Orientation of the equivalent ellipse 等效椭圆方向  
anisometry Anisometry 椭圆参数,Ra/Rb长轴与短轴的比值  
bulkiness Bulkiness 椭圆参数,蓬松度π*Ra*Rb/A  
struct_factor Structur Factor  椭圆参数,Anisometry*Bulkiness-1  
outer_radius Radius of smallest surrounding circle 最小外接圆半径  
inner_radius Radius of largest inner circle 最大内接圆半径  
inner_width Width of the largest axis-parallel rectangle that fits into the region 最大内接矩形宽度  
inner_height Height of the largest axis-parallel rectangle that fits into the region 最大内接矩形高度  
dist_mean Mean distance from the region border to the center 区域边界到中心的平均距离  
dist_deviation Deviation of the distance from the region border from the center 区域边界到中心距离的偏差  
roundness Roundness 圆度,与circularity计算方法不同  
num_sides Number of polygon sides 多边形边数  
connect_num Number of connection components 连通数  
holes_num Number of holes 区域内洞数  
area_holes Area of the holes of the object 所有洞的面积  
max_diameter Maximum diameter of the region 最大直径  
orientation Orientation of the region 区域方向  
euler_number Euler number 欧拉数,即连通数和洞数的差  
rect2_phi Orientation of the smallest surrounding rectangle 最小外接矩形的方向  
rect2_len1 Half the length of the smallest surrounding rectangle 最小外接矩形长度的一半?? smallest_rectangle2
rect2_len2 Half the width of the smallest surrounding rectangle 最小外接矩形宽度的一半  
moments_m11 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩(图片中对象的形状,大小,位置)  
moments_m20 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m02 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_ia Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_ib Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m11_invar Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m20_invar Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m02_invar Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_phi1 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_phi2 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m21 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m12 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m03 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m30 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m21_invar Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m12_invar Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m03_invar Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_m30_invar Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_i1 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_i2 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_i3 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_i4 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_psi1 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_psi2 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_psi3 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩  
moments_psi4 Geometric moments of the region 几何矩


  • Regions (input_object)  region-array → object     //要检查的区域
  • SelectedRegions (output_object)  region-array → object   //符合条件的区域
  • Features (input_control)  string(-array) → (string)   //要检查的形状特征
    • 默认值: 'area' 
    • 值列表: 'area', 'row', 'column', 'width', 'height', 'row1', 'column1', 'row2', 'column2', 'circularity', 'compactness', 'contlength', 'convexity', 'rectangularity', 'ra', 'rb', 'phi', 'anisometry', 'bulkiness', 'struct_factor', 'outer_radius', 'inner_radius', 'inner_width', 'inner_height', 'max_diameter', 'dist_mean', 'dist_deviation', 'roundness', 'num_sides', 'orientation', 'connect_num', 'holes_num', 'area_holes', 'euler_number', 'rect2_phi', 'rect2_len1', 'rect2_len2', 'moments_m11', 'moments_m20', 'moments_m02', 'moments_ia', 'moments_ib', 'moments_m11_invar', 'moments_m20_invar', 'moments_m02_invar', 'moments_phi1', 'moments_phi2', 'moments_m21', 'moments_m12', 'moments_m03', 'moments_m30', 'moments_m21_invar', 'moments_m12_invar', 'moments_m03_invar', 'moments_m30_invar', 'moments_i1', 'moments_i2', 'moments_i3', 'moments_i4', 'moments_psi1', 'moments_psi2', 'moments_psi3', 'moments_psi4' 
  • Operation (input_control)  string → (string)    //单个特征的链接类型
    • 默认值: 'and' 
    • 值列表: 'and', 'or' 
  • Min (input_control)  real(-array) → (real / integer / string)   //特征下限 ,最小值
    • 默认值: 150.0
    • 典型取值范围: 0.0 ≤ Min ≤ 99999.0
    • 最小增量: 0.001
    • 建议增量: 1.0 
  • Max (input_control)  real(-array) → (real / integer / string)   //特征上限,最大值
    • 默认值: 99999.0
    • 典型取值范围: 0.0 ≤ Max ≤ 99999.0
    • 最小增量: 0.001
    • 建议增量: 1.0
    • 限制: Max >= Min   //Max必须大于等于Min  ,否则报错


1 2 3 4 5 read_image(Image,'monkey') threshold(Image,S1,160,255) connection(S1,S2) select_shape(S2,Eyes,['area','anisometry'],'and',[500,1.0],[50000,1.7]) disp_region(Eyes,WindowHandle)


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/bile/p/17894099.html


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