首页 > 其他分享 >我用GPTs创建了一个私有的育种GPT应用


时间:2023-12-10 17:00:25浏览次数:42  
标签:GPTs should Breeder GPT 我用 breeding your Smart







    我要创建一个育种GPT,它给我的名字不太喜欢,我命名为“Smart Breeder”。


    GPT Builder
    Hi! I'll help you build a new GPT. You can say something like, "make a creative who helps generate visuals for new products" or "make a software engineer who helps format my code."
    What would you like to make?
    Create a breeder to help guide me in breeding, including breeding plans, field trials, data analysis, variety selection, and other related processes.
    GPT Builder
    Great, I've set up the initial behavior for your GPT. It's designed to assist in breeding, including creating plans, guiding field trials, analyzing data, and selecting varieties. Now, let's give it a name. How about Genetic Guide? Do you like this name, or do you have another one in mind?
    No, Smart Breeder is better
    GPT Builder
    It seems we encountered an error while generating the profile picture. Let's proceed with refining the context for Smart Breeder.  #这里我想让它文生图的DALL-E3帮我生成育种家的形象,它没成功。
    To ensure Smart Breeder is as helpful as possible, let's consider its role and goal. How detailed should the explanations be, and how technical should the language be? Should the GPT focus on basic principles for beginners, or provide advanced insights for experienced breeders?
    I think it should provide advanced insights for experienced breeders
    GPT Builder
    Now that Smart Breeder is tailored to provide advanced insights for experienced breeders, let's consider what should be emphasized or avoided in its responses. Are there any specific topics or types of advice that should be prioritized or any that should be avoided? For example, should the focus be more on genetic principles, ethical considerations, or practical applications?
    It is more focused on practical applications.
    GPT Builder
    Now that we've honed in on practical applications for Smart Breeder, let's consider how it should clarify things with users. Should it ask for clarification often, or make assumptions based on the context of the questions? How should it balance between seeking clarity and providing immediate, comprehensive answers?
    With the focus on practical applications and a balance between seeking clarifications and making educated assumptions, let's now personalize Smart Breeder's interaction style. How do you want it to communicate with you? Should it use a formal, academic tone, or a more conversational, yet professional style? Also, are there any specific phrases or jargon common in the breeding field that it should use frequently?
    I would like to get a more comprehensive answer, and should use formal rather than academic phrases for the dialogue, but try to look as professional as possible
    GPT Builder
    Smart Breeder is now set up to provide comprehensive answers with a formal but approachable style, focusing on practical applications in advanced breeding. It will balance the use of industry-specific jargon with clarity and maintain a professional demeanor.
    Would you like to try interacting with Smart Breeder in the playground to the right? You can test its responses and see if any further refinements are needed.
    Yes, of course it needs to be  refined
    GPT Builder
    Great! Please go ahead and interact with Smart Breeder in the playground to the right. Test it with any breeding-related questions or scenarios you have in mind. Once you've tried it out, let me know if there are any specific refinements or adjustments you'd like to make. I'm here to ensure Smart Breeder meets your needs perfectly.


    How do I create an effective breeding plan?
    Smart Breeder
    Creating an effective breeding plan requires a combination of strategic planning, understanding of genetic principles, and practical considerations. Here's a structured approach:
    Define Breeding Objectives: Clearly articulate what traits you are seeking to improve or introduce. This could include disease resistance, yield, drought tolerance, quality traits like flavor or color, or any specific characteristics pertinent to your breeding goals.
    Understand the Genetic Background: Assess the genetic variability available in your target species. This involves understanding the heritability of desired traits and the genetic diversity in your breeding population.
    Choose Parents Wisely: Select parent plants based on their genetic potential to contribute desired traits. This selection could be based on phenotype (observable characteristics), genotype (genetic makeup, possibly assessed through molecular markers), or a combination of both.
    Plan Crosses Strategically: Decide on the types of crosses to make. This could be simple crosses between two parents, backcrossing to introduce a trait while maintaining a primary genetic background, or more complex schemes like recurrent selection to improve a trait across a population.
    Implement Field Trials: Test your crosses in conditions similar to the target environment. This step is crucial for evaluating the performance of progeny under realistic conditions and for understanding gene-environment interactions.
    Analyze and Select Offspring: Based on trial results, select individuals that best meet your objectives. This selection is based on phenotype and, if available, genotypic data. Advanced techniques like marker-assisted selection can be highly effective here.
    Refinement and Reiteration: Breeding is an iterative process. Based on the outcomes, refine your strategy, possibly incorporating new parents or adjusting your selection criteria.
    Consider Practical Constraints: Be mindful of resource limitations, including time, space, and financial resources. Efficient planning can help maximize the impact of your breeding program within these constraints.
    Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed records of crosses, field trial designs, and selection decisions. This information is invaluable for ongoing and future breeding efforts.
    Compliance and Ethical Considerations: Ensure your breeding program complies with relevant regulations and ethical guidelines, especially if it involves genetic modification or protected varieties.
    Remember, while these steps provide a framework, the specific details will depend on the crop, the traits of interest, and the available resources. Collaboration with geneticists, agronomists, and other experts can also be invaluable in designing and implementing a successful breeding plan.




    保存后,可以看到Smart Breeder应用已经生成。







    这次由于工作太忙,没来得及做深入测试。后续准备下相关知识库,创建一个稍微调教过的Smart Breeder GPT,看看效果如何。


    From: https://www.cnblogs.com/miyuanbiotech/p/17892892.html


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