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【ABAQUS2023-Output Vars】使用记录

时间:2023-12-04 15:14:40浏览次数:34  
标签:Vars strain ABAQUS2023 extraction energy frequency Output analyses yes



Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic

Recoverable strain energy. In steady-state dynamic and frequency extraction analyses, this is the cyclic mean value. In frequency extraction analyses, the value of strain energy is normalized. Normalization is performed for each eigenmode separately, such that the kinetic and strain energies for the whole model add up to one.


Field: yes History: yes .fil: no .dat: no
Total elastic strain energy density in the element.When the Mullins effect is modeled with hyperelastic materials, this quantity represents only the recoverable part of the energy density in the element. In steady-state dynamic and frequency extraction analyses, this is the cyclic mean value. In mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses and in frequency extraction analyses, only field output in the output database is supported for this variable. In frequency extraction analyses, the value of total elastic strain energy density in the element is normalized. Normalization is performed for each eigenmode separately, such that the kinetic and strain energies for the whole model add up to one.


Field: yes History: yes .fil: yes .dat: yes
Current element volume. (Not available for eigenfrequency extraction,eigenvalue buckling prediction, complex eigenfrequency extraction, or linear dynamics procedures. Available only for continuum and structural elements not using general beam or shell section definitions.)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/aksoam/p/17874968.html


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