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spdlog 格式化

时间:2023-12-02 19:00:49浏览次数:37  
标签:格式化 name 23 etc spdlog time message SPDLOG

这里记录一下 spdlog log 的 pattern 具体参数,官方链接见 https://github.com/gabime/spdlog/wiki/3.-Custom-formatting#pattern-flags


flag meaning example
%v The actual text to log "some user text"
%t Thread id "1232"
%P Process id "3456"
%n Logger's name "some logger name"
%l The log level of the message "debug", "info", etc
%L Short log level of the message "D", "I", etc
%a Abbreviated weekday name "Thu"
%A Full weekday name "Thursday"
%b Abbreviated month name "Aug"
%B Full month name "August"
%c Date and time representation "Thu Aug 23 15:35:46 2014"
%C Year in 2 digits "14"
%Y Year in 4 digits "2014"
%D or %x Short MM/DD/YY date "08/23/14"
%m Month 01-12 "11"
%d Day of month 01-31 "29"
%H Hours in 24 format 00-23 "23"
%I Hours in 12 format 01-12 "11"
%M Minutes 00-59 "59"
%S Seconds 00-59 "58"
%e Millisecond part of the current second 000-999 "678"
%f Microsecond part of the current second 000000-999999 "056789"
%F Nanosecond part of the current second 000000000-999999999 "256789123"
%p AM/PM "AM"
%r 12 hour clock "02:55:02 PM"
%R 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M "23:55"
%T or %X ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S "23:55:59"
%z ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone ([+/-]HH:MM) "+02:00"
%E Seconds since the epoch "1528834770"
%% The % sign "%"
%+ spdlog's default format "[2014-10-31 23:46:59.678] [mylogger] [info] Some message"
%^ start color range (can be used only once) "[mylogger] [info(green)] Some message"
%$ end color range (for example %[1]%$ %v) (can be used only once) [+++] Some message
%@ Source file and line (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..), SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc. instead of spdlog::trace(...)) Same as %g:%# /some/dir/my_file.cpp:123
%s Basename of the source file (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..), SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc.) my_file.cpp
%g Full or relative path of the source file as appears in the FILE macro (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..), SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc.) /some/dir/my_file.cpp
%# Source line (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..), SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc.) 123
%! Source function (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..), SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc. see tweakme for pretty-print) my_func
%o Elapsed time in milliseconds since previous message 456
%i Elapsed time in microseconds since previous message 456
%u Elapsed time in nanoseconds since previous message 11456
%O Elapsed time in seconds since previous message 4

  1. +++ ↩︎

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/SupperMary/p/17872033.html


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