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Ratings LC

时间:2023-11-27 13:46:18浏览次数:40  
标签:Ratings Q3 Q4 contest LC number biweekly weekly

1600 	1864	Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the Binary String Alternating	构成交替字符串需要的最小交换次数	minimum-number-of-swaps-to-make-the-binary-string-alternating	weekly-contest-241	Q2
1601 	926	Flip String to Monotone Increasing	将字符串翻转到单调递增	flip-string-to-monotone-increasing	weekly-contest-107	Q2
1602 	2249	Count Lattice Points Inside a Circle	统计圆内格点数目	count-lattice-points-inside-a-circle	weekly-contest-290	Q2
1602 	2447	Number of Subarrays With GCD Equal to K	最大公因数等于 K 的子数组数目	number-of-subarrays-with-gcd-equal-to-k	weekly-contest-316	Q2
1604 	2316	Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph	统计无向图中无法互相到达点对数	count-unreachable-pairs-of-nodes-in-an-undirected-graph	biweekly-contest-81	Q2
1604 	2424	Longest Uploaded Prefix	最长上传前缀	longest-uploaded-prefix	biweekly-contest-88	Q2
1604 	2522	Partition String Into Substrings With Values at Most K	将字符串分割成值不超过 K 的子字符串	partition-string-into-substrings-with-values-at-most-k	weekly-contest-326	Q3
1604 	2546	Apply Bitwise Operations to Make Strings Equal	执行逐位运算使字符串相等	apply-bitwise-operations-to-make-strings-equal	weekly-contest-329	Q3
1604 	809	Expressive Words	情感丰富的文字	expressive-words	weekly-contest-78	Q2
1606 	1604	Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period	警告一小时内使用相同员工卡大于等于三次的人	alert-using-same-key-card-three-or-more-times-in-a-one-hour-period	biweekly-contest-36	Q2
1606 	1300	Sum of Mutated Array Closest to Target	转变数组后最接近目标值的数组和	sum-of-mutated-array-closest-to-target	biweekly-contest-16	Q2
1607 	1123	Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves	最深叶节点的最近公共祖先	lowest-common-ancestor-of-deepest-leaves	weekly-contest-145	Q2
1607 	2745	Construct the Longest New String	构造最长的新字符串	construct-the-longest-new-string	biweekly-contest-107	Q2
1607 	2320	Count Number of Ways to Place Houses	统计放置房子的方式数	count-number-of-ways-to-place-houses	weekly-contest-299	Q2
1607 	962	Maximum Width Ramp	最大宽度坡	maximum-width-ramp	weekly-contest-116	Q2
1608 	2567	Minimum Score by Changing Two Elements	修改两个元素的最小分数	minimum-score-by-changing-two-elements	biweekly-contest-98	Q2
1609 	2438	Range Product Queries of Powers	二的幂数组中查询范围内的乘积	range-product-queries-of-powers	biweekly-contest-89	Q2
1610 	1670	Design Front Middle Back Queue	设计前中后队列	design-front-middle-back-queue	biweekly-contest-40	Q3
1610 	1524	Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum	和为奇数的子数组数目	number-of-sub-arrays-with-odd-sum	biweekly-contest-31	Q2
1611 	789	Escape The Ghosts	逃脱阻碍者	escape-the-ghosts	weekly-contest-73	Q2
1611 	2232	Minimize Result by Adding Parentheses to Expression	向表达式添加括号后的最小结果	minimize-result-by-adding-parentheses-to-expression	weekly-contest-288	Q2
1613 	1277	Count Square Submatrices with All Ones	统计全为 1 的正方形子矩阵	count-square-submatrices-with-all-ones	weekly-contest-165	Q3
1613 	2766	Relocate Marbles	重新放置石块	relocate-marbles	biweekly-contest-108	Q2
1614 	2145	Count the Hidden Sequences	统计隐藏数组数目	count-the-hidden-sequences	biweekly-contest-70	Q2
1615 	1020	Number of Enclaves	飞地的数量	number-of-enclaves	weekly-contest-130	Q4
1616 	2241	Design an ATM Machine	设计一个 ATM 机器	design-an-atm-machine	biweekly-contest-76	Q3
1618 	1503	Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank	所有蚂蚁掉下来前的最后一刻	last-moment-before-all-ants-fall-out-of-a-plank	weekly-contest-196	Q2
1619 	2541	Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal II	使数组中所有元素相等的最小操作数 II	minimum-operations-to-make-array-equal-ii	biweekly-contest-96	Q2
1622 	2364	Count Number of Bad Pairs	统计坏数对的数目	count-number-of-bad-pairs	biweekly-contest-84	Q2
1622 	2425	Bitwise XOR of All Pairings	所有数对的异或和	bitwise-xor-of-all-pairings	biweekly-contest-88	Q3
1622 	2365	Task Scheduler II	任务调度器 II	task-scheduler-ii	biweekly-contest-84	Q3
1622 	2086	Minimum Number of Buckets Required to Collect Rainwater from Houses	从房屋收集雨水需要的最少水桶数	minimum-number-of-food-buckets-to-feed-the-hamsters	biweekly-contest-66	Q2
1623 	1248	Count Number of Nice Subarrays	统计「优美子数组」	count-number-of-nice-subarrays	weekly-contest-161	Q2
1624 	916	Word Subsets	单词子集	word-subsets	weekly-contest-104	Q3
1624 	785	Is Graph Bipartite?	判断二分图	is-graph-bipartite	weekly-contest-72	Q2
1625 	2860	Happy Students	让所有学生保持开心的分组方法数	happy-students	weekly-contest-363	Q2
1625 	2684	Maximum Number of Moves in a Grid	矩阵中移动的最大次数	maximum-number-of-moves-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-345	Q3
1626 	1366	Rank Teams by Votes	通过投票对团队排名	rank-teams-by-votes	weekly-contest-178	Q2
1626 	1182	Shortest Distance to Target Color	与目标颜色间的最短距离	shortest-distance-to-target-color	biweekly-contest-8	Q3
1628 	1332	Remove Palindromic Subsequences	删除回文子序列	remove-palindromic-subsequences	weekly-contest-173	Q1
1629 	1680	Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers	连接连续二进制数字	concatenation-of-consecutive-binary-numbers	weekly-contest-218	Q3
1631 	1540	Can Convert String in K Moves	K 次操作转变字符串	can-convert-string-in-k-moves	biweekly-contest-32	Q2
1631 	2580	Count Ways to Group Overlapping Ranges	统计将重叠区间合并成组的方案数	count-ways-to-group-overlapping-ranges	biweekly-contest-99	Q3
1632 	820	Short Encoding of Words	单词的压缩编码	short-encoding-of-words	weekly-contest-81	Q3
1633 	1319	Number of Operations to Make Network Connected	连通网络的操作次数	number-of-operations-to-make-network-connected	weekly-contest-171	Q3
1633 	1053	Previous Permutation With One Swap	交换一次的先前排列	previous-permutation-with-one-swap	weekly-contest-138	Q3
1633 	1466	Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero	重新规划路线	reorder-routes-to-make-all-paths-lead-to-the-city-zero	weekly-contest-191	Q3
1635 	2471	Minimum Number of Operations to Sort a Binary Tree by Level	逐层排序二叉树所需的最少操作数目	minimum-number-of-operations-to-sort-a-binary-tree-by-level	weekly-contest-319	Q3
1635 	1899	Merge Triplets to Form Target Triplet	合并若干三元组以形成目标三元组	merge-triplets-to-form-target-triplet	weekly-contest-245	Q3
1636 	2384	Largest Palindromic Number	最大回文数字	largest-palindromic-number	weekly-contest-307	Q2
1636 	1386	Cinema Seat Allocation	安排电影院座位	cinema-seat-allocation	biweekly-contest-22	Q2
1636 	2512	Reward Top K Students	奖励最顶尖的 K 名学生	reward-top-k-students	biweekly-contest-94	Q2
1637 	1558	Minimum Numbers of Function Calls to Make Target Array	得到目标数组的最少函数调用次数	minimum-numbers-of-function-calls-to-make-target-array	biweekly-contest-33	Q3
1638 	990	Satisfiability of Equality Equations	等式方程的可满足性	satisfiability-of-equality-equations	weekly-contest-123	Q2
1638 	838	Push Dominoes	推多米诺	push-dominoes	weekly-contest-85	Q2
1638 	1926	Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze	迷宫中离入口最近的出口	nearest-exit-from-entrance-in-maze	biweekly-contest-56	Q2
1638 	2779	Maximum Beauty of an Array After Applying Operation	数组的最大美丽值	maximum-beauty-of-an-array-after-applying-operation	weekly-contest-354	Q2
1640 	2344	Minimum Deletions to Make Array Divisible	使数组可以被整除的最少删除次数	minimum-deletions-to-make-array-divisible	weekly-contest-302	Q4
1640 	2187	Minimum Time to Complete Trips	完成旅途的最少时间	minimum-time-to-complete-trips	weekly-contest-282	Q3
1641 	2375	Construct Smallest Number From DI String	根据模式串构造最小数字	construct-smallest-number-from-di-string	weekly-contest-306	Q3
1642 	2275	Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than Zero	按位与结果大于零的最长组合	largest-combination-with-bitwise-and-greater-than-zero	weekly-contest-293	Q3
1643 	2024	Maximize the Confusion of an Exam	考试的最大困扰度	maximize-the-confusion-of-an-exam	biweekly-contest-62	Q3
1643 	2196	Create Binary Tree From Descriptions	根据描述创建二叉树	create-binary-tree-from-descriptions	weekly-contest-283	Q3
1646 	2226	Maximum Candies Allocated to K Children	每个小孩最多能分到多少糖果	maximum-candies-allocated-to-k-children	weekly-contest-287	Q3
1646 	1358	Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters	包含所有三种字符的子字符串数目	number-of-substrings-containing-all-three-characters	biweekly-contest-20	Q3
1648 	1975	Maximum Matrix Sum	最大方阵和	maximum-matrix-sum	biweekly-contest-59	Q2
1648 	870	Advantage Shuffle	优势洗牌	advantage-shuffle	weekly-contest-93	Q3
1648 	2423	Remove Letter To Equalize Frequency	删除字符使频率相同	remove-letter-to-equalize-frequency	biweekly-contest-88	Q1
1649 	2571	Minimum Operations to Reduce an Integer to 0	将整数减少到零需要的最少操作数	minimum-operations-to-reduce-an-integer-to-0	weekly-contest-333	Q2
1649 	2523	Closest Prime Numbers in Range	范围内最接近的两个质数	closest-prime-numbers-in-range	weekly-contest-326	Q4
1649 	1367	Linked List in Binary Tree	二叉树中的列表	linked-list-in-binary-tree	weekly-contest-178	Q3
1651 	2343	Query Kth Smallest Trimmed Number	裁剪数字后查询第 K 小的数字	query-kth-smallest-trimmed-number	weekly-contest-302	Q3
1651 	750	Number Of Corner Rectangles	角矩形的数量	number-of-corner-rectangles	weekly-contest-63	Q3
1652 	1311	Get Watched Videos by Your Friends	获取你好友已观看的视频	get-watched-videos-by-your-friends	weekly-contest-170	Q3
1653 	1509	Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves	三次操作后最大值与最小值的最小差	minimum-difference-between-largest-and-smallest-value-in-three-moves	biweekly-contest-30	Q3
1653 	1155	Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum	掷骰子的N种方法	number-of-dice-rolls-with-target-sum	weekly-contest-149	Q2
1654 	1257	Smallest Common Region	最小公共区域	smallest-common-region	biweekly-contest-13	Q2
1655 	1004	Max Consecutive Ones III	最大连续1的个数 III	max-consecutive-ones-iii	weekly-contest-126	Q3
1656 	2222	Number of Ways to Select Buildings	选择建筑的方案数	number-of-ways-to-select-buildings	biweekly-contest-75	Q3
1657 	1249	Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses	移除无效的括号	minimum-remove-to-make-valid-parentheses	weekly-contest-161	Q3
1658 	1583	Count Unhappy Friends	统计不开心的朋友	count-unhappy-friends	weekly-contest-206	Q2
1658 	1091	Shortest Path in Binary Matrix	二进制矩阵中的最短路径	shortest-path-in-binary-matrix	weekly-contest-141	Q3
1658 	2304	Minimum Path Cost in a Grid	网格中的最小路径代价	minimum-path-cost-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-297	Q2
1658 	1958	Check if Move is Legal	检查操作是否合法	check-if-move-is-legal	biweekly-contest-58	Q2
1658 	1169	Invalid Transactions	查询无效交易	invalid-transactions	weekly-contest-151	Q1
1658 	1254	Number of Closed Islands	统计封闭岛屿的数目	number-of-closed-islands	weekly-contest-162	Q3
1658 	2915	Length of the Longest Subsequence That Sums to Target	和为目标值的最长子序列的长度	length-of-the-longest-subsequence-that-sums-to-target	biweekly-contest-116	Q3
1658 	2195	Append K Integers With Minimal Sum	向数组中追加 K 个整数	append-k-integers-with-minimal-sum	weekly-contest-283	Q2
1662 	2170	Minimum Operations to Make the Array Alternating	使数组变成交替数组的最少操作数	minimum-operations-to-make-the-array-alternating	weekly-contest-280	Q2
1662 	2550	Count Collisions of Monkeys on a Polygon	猴子碰撞的方法数	count-collisions-of-monkeys-on-a-polygon	weekly-contest-330	Q2
1663 	863	All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree	二叉树中所有距离为 K 的结点	all-nodes-distance-k-in-binary-tree	weekly-contest-91	Q2
1663 	1219	Path with Maximum Gold	黄金矿工	path-with-maximum-gold	weekly-contest-157	Q3
1663 	2063	Vowels of All Substrings	所有子字符串中的元音	vowels-of-all-substrings	weekly-contest-266	Q2
1663 	2611	Mice and Cheese	老鼠和奶酪	mice-and-cheese	weekly-contest-339	Q3
1664 	1121	Divide Array Into Increasing Sequences	将数组分成几个递增序列	divide-array-into-increasing-sequences	biweekly-contest-4	Q4
1665 	2593	Find Score of an Array After Marking All Elements	标记所有元素后数组的分数	find-score-of-an-array-after-marking-all-elements	biweekly-contest-100	Q3
1665 	1620	Coordinate With Maximum Network Quality	网络信号最好的坐标	coordinate-with-maximum-network-quality	biweekly-contest-37	Q2
1666 	1162	As Far from Land as Possible	地图分析	as-far-from-land-as-possible	weekly-contest-150	Q3
1671 	1738	Find Kth Largest XOR Coordinate Value	找出第 K 大的异或坐标值	find-kth-largest-xor-coordinate-value	weekly-contest-225	Q3
1671 	2033	Minimum Operations to Make a Uni-Value Grid	获取单值网格的最小操作数	minimum-operations-to-make-a-uni-value-grid	weekly-contest-262	Q2
1672 	1438	Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit	绝对差不超过限制的最长连续子数组	longest-continuous-subarray-with-absolute-diff-less-than-or-equal-to-limit	weekly-contest-187	Q3
1674 	1215	Stepping Numbers	步进数	stepping-numbers	biweekly-contest-10	Q3
1674 	1922	Count Good Numbers	统计好数字的数目	count-good-numbers	weekly-contest-248	Q3
1674 	1339	Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree	分裂二叉树的最大乘积	maximum-product-of-splitted-binary-tree	weekly-contest-174	Q3
1675 	1870	Minimum Speed to Arrive on Time	准时到达的列车最小时速	minimum-speed-to-arrive-on-time	weekly-contest-242	Q2
1675 	987	Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree	二叉树的垂序遍历	vertical-order-traversal-of-a-binary-tree	weekly-contest-122	Q4
1675 	974	Subarray Sums Divisible by K	和可被 K 整除的子数组	subarray-sums-divisible-by-k	weekly-contest-119	Q3
1676 	2641	Cousins in Binary Tree II	二叉树的堂兄弟节点 II	cousins-in-binary-tree-ii	biweekly-contest-102	Q3
1678 	853	Car Fleet	车队	car-fleet	weekly-contest-89	Q2
1678 	885	Spiral Matrix III	螺旋矩阵 III	spiral-matrix-iii	weekly-contest-97	Q2
1678 	2115	Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies	从给定原材料中找到所有可以做出的菜	find-all-possible-recipes-from-given-supplies	biweekly-contest-68	Q2
1678 	2317	Maximum XOR After Operations 	操作后的最大异或和	maximum-xor-after-operations	biweekly-contest-81	Q3
1678 	2698	Find the Punishment Number of an Integer	求一个整数的惩罚数	find-the-punishment-number-of-an-integer	weekly-contest-346	Q3
1678 	1905	Count Sub Islands	统计子岛屿	count-sub-islands	weekly-contest-246	Q3
1679 	1402	Reducing Dishes	做菜顺序	reducing-dishes	biweekly-contest-23	Q4
1679 	2492	Minimum Score of a Path Between Two Cities	两个城市间路径的最小分数	minimum-score-of-a-path-between-two-cities	weekly-contest-322	Q3
1680 	2457	Minimum Addition to Make Integer Beautiful	美丽整数的最小增量	minimum-addition-to-make-integer-beautiful	weekly-contest-317	Q3
1680 	2182	Construct String With Repeat Limit	构造限制重复的字符串	construct-string-with-repeat-limit	weekly-contest-281	Q3
1680 	1031	Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays	两个非重叠子数组的最大和	maximum-sum-of-two-non-overlapping-subarrays	weekly-contest-133	Q3
1680 	1865	Finding Pairs With a Certain Sum	找出和为指定值的下标对	finding-pairs-with-a-certain-sum	weekly-contest-241	Q3
1680 	2280	Minimum Lines to Represent a Line Chart	表示一个折线图的最少线段数	minimum-lines-to-represent-a-line-chart	weekly-contest-294	Q3
1681 	767	Reorganize String	重构字符串	reorganize-string	weekly-contest-68	Q2
1682 	2497	Maximum Star Sum of a Graph	图中最大星和	maximum-star-sum-of-a-graph	biweekly-contest-93	Q2
1682 	1443	Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree	收集树上所有苹果的最少时间	minimum-time-to-collect-all-apples-in-a-tree	weekly-contest-188	Q3
1685 	2074	Reverse Nodes in Even Length Groups	反转偶数长度组的节点	reverse-nodes-in-even-length-groups	weekly-contest-267	Q2
1685 	2233	Maximum Product After K Increments	K 次增加后的最大乘积	maximum-product-after-k-increments	weekly-contest-288	Q3
1686 	950	Reveal Cards In Increasing Order	按递增顺序显示卡牌	reveal-cards-in-increasing-order	weekly-contest-113	Q3
1688 	1963	Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced	使字符串平衡的最小交换次数	minimum-number-of-swaps-to-make-the-string-balanced	weekly-contest-253	Q3
1689 	1419	Minimum Number of Frogs Croaking	数青蛙	minimum-number-of-frogs-croaking	weekly-contest-185	Q3
1690 	935	Knight Dialer	骑士拨号器	knight-dialer	weekly-contest-109	Q2
1690 	919	Complete Binary Tree Inserter	完全二叉树插入器	complete-binary-tree-inserter	weekly-contest-105	Q3
1692 	1462	Course Schedule IV	课程表 IV	course-schedule-iv	biweekly-contest-27	Q3
1693 	2337	Move Pieces to Obtain a String	移动片段得到字符串	move-pieces-to-obtain-a-string	weekly-contest-301	Q3
1694 	2466	Count Ways To Build Good Strings	统计构造好字符串的方案数	count-ways-to-build-good-strings	biweekly-contest-91	Q2
1694 	829	Consecutive Numbers Sum	连续整数求和	consecutive-numbers-sum	weekly-contest-83	Q3
1695 	2420	Find All Good Indices	找到所有好下标	find-all-good-indices	weekly-contest-312	Q3
1695 	1942	The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied Chair	最小未被占据椅子的编号	the-number-of-the-smallest-unoccupied-chair	biweekly-contest-57	Q2
1695 	792	Number of Matching Subsequences	匹配子序列的单词数	number-of-matching-subsequences	weekly-contest-74	Q2
1696 	2588	Count the Number of Beautiful Subarrays	统计美丽子数组数目	count-the-number-of-beautiful-subarrays	weekly-contest-336	Q3
1696 	1487	Making File Names Unique	保证文件名唯一	making-file-names-unique	weekly-contest-194	Q2
1697 	825	Friends Of Appropriate Ages	适龄的朋友	friends-of-appropriate-ages	weekly-contest-82	Q2
1697 	1289	Minimum Falling Path Sum II	下降路径最小和  II	minimum-falling-path-sum-ii	biweekly-contest-15	Q4
1697 	1017	Convert to Base -2	负二进制转换	convert-to-base-2	weekly-contest-130	Q2
1701 	1054	Distant Barcodes	距离相等的条形码	distant-barcodes	weekly-contest-138	Q4
1701 	1774	Closest Dessert Cost	最接近目标价格的甜点成本	closest-dessert-cost	weekly-contest-230	Q2
1702 	2080	Range Frequency Queries	区间内查询数字的频率	range-frequency-queries	weekly-contest-268	Q3
1702 	2100	Find Good Days to Rob the Bank	适合打劫银行的日子	find-good-days-to-rob-the-bank	biweekly-contest-67	Q2
1702 	958	Check Completeness of a Binary Tree	二叉树的完全性检验	check-completeness-of-a-binary-tree	weekly-contest-115	Q2
1704 	1947	Maximum Compatibility Score Sum	最大兼容性评分和	maximum-compatibility-score-sum	weekly-contest-251	Q3
1705 	2672	Number of Adjacent Elements With the Same Color	有相同颜色的相邻元素数目	number-of-adjacent-elements-with-the-same-color	weekly-contest-344	Q3
1707 	816	Ambiguous Coordinates	模糊坐标	ambiguous-coordinates	weekly-contest-80	Q3
1708 	2257	Count Unguarded Cells in the Grid	统计网格图中没有被保卫的格子数	count-unguarded-cells-in-the-grid	biweekly-contest-77	Q3
1708 	826	Most Profit Assigning Work	安排工作以达到最大收益	most-profit-assigning-work	weekly-contest-82	Q3
1708 	901	Online Stock Span	股票价格跨度	online-stock-span	weekly-contest-101	Q2
1708 	1401	Circle and Rectangle Overlapping	圆和矩形是否有重叠	circle-and-rectangle-overlapping	biweekly-contest-23	Q3
1709 	2140	Solving Questions With Brainpower	解决智力问题	solving-questions-with-brainpower	weekly-contest-276	Q3
1709 	979	Distribute Coins in Binary Tree	在二叉树中分配硬币	distribute-coins-in-binary-tree	weekly-contest-120	Q3
1710 	1136	Parallel Courses	平行课程	parallel-courses	biweekly-contest-5	Q4
1710 	759	Employee Free Time	员工空闲时间	employee-free-time	weekly-contest-66	Q3
1710 	1567	Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product	乘积为正数的最长子数组长度	maximum-length-of-subarray-with-positive-product	weekly-contest-204	Q2
1710 	923	3Sum With Multiplicity	三数之和的多种可能	3sum-with-multiplicity	weekly-contest-106	Q3
1711 	1801	Number of Orders in the Backlog	积压订单中的订单总数	number-of-orders-in-the-backlog	weekly-contest-233	Q2
1711 	2385	Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected	感染二叉树需要的总时间	amount-of-time-for-binary-tree-to-be-infected	weekly-contest-307	Q3
1712 	1042	Flower Planting With No Adjacent	不邻接植花	flower-planting-with-no-adjacent	weekly-contest-136	Q2
1713 	1372	Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree	二叉树中的最长交错路径	longest-zigzag-path-in-a-binary-tree	biweekly-contest-21	Q3
1713 	2406	Divide Intervals Into Minimum Number of Groups	将区间分为最少组数	divide-intervals-into-minimum-number-of-groups	weekly-contest-310	Q3
1714 	1781	Sum of Beauty of All Substrings	所有子字符串美丽值之和	sum-of-beauty-of-all-substrings	biweekly-contest-47	Q3
1714 	2359	Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes	找到离给定两个节点最近的节点	find-closest-node-to-given-two-nodes	weekly-contest-304	Q3
1716 	2202	Maximize the Topmost Element After K Moves	K 次操作后最大化顶端元素	maximize-the-topmost-element-after-k-moves	weekly-contest-284	Q3
1718 	2397	Maximum Rows Covered by Columns	被列覆盖的最多行数	maximum-rows-covered-by-columns	biweekly-contest-86	Q3
1718 	2017	Grid Game	网格游戏	grid-game	weekly-contest-260	Q2
1719 	1239	Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters	串联字符串的最大长度	maximum-length-of-a-concatenated-string-with-unique-characters	weekly-contest-160	Q3
1720 	2563	Count the Number of Fair Pairs	统计公平数对的数目	count-the-number-of-fair-pairs	weekly-contest-332	Q2
1721 	2826	Sorting Three Groups	将三个组排序	sorting-three-groups	biweekly-contest-111	Q3
1722 	1197	Minimum Knight Moves	进击的骑士	minimum-knight-moves	biweekly-contest-9	Q2
1722 	1359	Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options	有效的快递序列数目	count-all-valid-pickup-and-delivery-options	biweekly-contest-20	Q4
1724 	2070	Most Beautiful Item for Each Query	每一个查询的最大美丽值	most-beautiful-item-for-each-query	biweekly-contest-65	Q3
1724 	2261	K Divisible Elements Subarrays	含最多 K 个可整除元素的子数组	k-divisible-elements-subarrays	weekly-contest-291	Q3
1725 	2416	Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings	字符串的前缀分数和	sum-of-prefix-scores-of-strings	weekly-contest-311	Q4
1725 	1011	Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days	在 D 天内送达包裹的能力	capacity-to-ship-packages-within-d-days	weekly-contest-128	Q3
1729 	1220	Count Vowels Permutation	统计元音字母序列的数目	count-vowels-permutation	weekly-contest-157	Q4
1730 	1014	Best Sightseeing Pair	最佳观光组合	best-sightseeing-pair	weekly-contest-129	Q3
1731 	889	Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal	根据前序和后序遍历构造二叉树	construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-postorder-traversal	weekly-contest-98	Q3
1732 	2786	Visit Array Positions to Maximize Score	访问数组中的位置使分数最大	visit-array-positions-to-maximize-score	biweekly-contest-109	Q3
1732 	1273	Delete Tree Nodes	删除树节点	delete-tree-nodes	biweekly-contest-14	Q3
1734 	2048	Next Greater Numerically Balanced Number	下一个更大的数值平衡数	next-greater-numerically-balanced-number	weekly-contest-264	Q2
1734 	1292	Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold	元素和小于等于阈值的正方形的最大边长	maximum-side-length-of-a-square-with-sum-less-than-or-equal-to-threshold	weekly-contest-167	Q3
1735 	2707	Extra Characters in a String	字符串中的额外字符	extra-characters-in-a-string	biweekly-contest-105	Q2
1737 	1814	Count Nice Pairs in an Array	统计一个数组中好对子的数目	count-nice-pairs-in-an-array	biweekly-contest-49	Q3
1739 	1593	Split a String Into the Max Number of Unique Substrings	拆分字符串使唯一子字符串的数目最大	split-a-string-into-the-max-number-of-unique-substrings	weekly-contest-207	Q2
1740 	1079	Letter Tile Possibilities	活字印刷	letter-tile-possibilities	weekly-contest-140	Q2
1741 	1145	Binary Tree Coloring Game	二叉树着色游戏	binary-tree-coloring-game	weekly-contest-148	Q2
1743 	2087	Minimum Cost Homecoming of a Robot in a Grid	网格图中机器人回家的最小代价	minimum-cost-homecoming-of-a-robot-in-a-grid	biweekly-contest-66	Q3
1744 	1139	Largest 1-Bordered Square	最大的以 1 为边界的正方形	largest-1-bordered-square	weekly-contest-147	Q3
1744 	1638	Count Substrings That Differ by One Character	统计只差一个字符的子串数目	count-substrings-that-differ-by-one-character	biweekly-contest-38	Q3
1745 	2502	Design Memory Allocator	设计内存分配器	design-memory-allocator	weekly-contest-323	Q3
1745 	1391	Check if There is a Valid Path in a Grid	检查网格中是否存在有效路径	check-if-there-is-a-valid-path-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-181	Q3
1745 	1530	Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs	好叶子节点对的数量	number-of-good-leaf-nodes-pairs	weekly-contest-199	Q3
1746 	1024	Video Stitching	视频拼接	video-stitching	weekly-contest-131	Q4
1746 	1849	Splitting a String Into Descending Consecutive Values	将字符串拆分为递减的连续值	splitting-a-string-into-descending-consecutive-values	weekly-contest-239	Q2
1747 	1191	K-Concatenation Maximum Sum	K 次串联后最大子数组之和	k-concatenation-maximum-sum	weekly-contest-154	Q3
1748 	2171	Removing Minimum Number of Magic Beans	拿出最少数目的魔法豆	removing-minimum-number-of-magic-beans	weekly-contest-280	Q3
1748 	1297	Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring	子串的最大出现次数	maximum-number-of-occurrences-of-a-substring	weekly-contest-168	Q3
1748 	2134	Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together II	最少交换次数来组合所有的 1 II	minimum-swaps-to-group-all-1s-together-ii	weekly-contest-275	Q2
1749 	1111	Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings	有效括号的嵌套深度	maximum-nesting-depth-of-two-valid-parentheses-strings	weekly-contest-144	Q4
1749 	2871	Split Array Into Maximum Number of Subarrays	将数组分割成最多数目的子数组	split-array-into-maximum-number-of-subarrays	biweekly-contest-114	Q3
1749 	2401	Longest Nice Subarray	最长优雅子数组	longest-nice-subarray	weekly-contest-309	Q3
1749 	2856	Minimum Array Length After Pair Removals	删除数对后的最小数组长度	minimum-array-length-after-pair-removals	biweekly-contest-113	Q2
1751 	2400	Number of Ways to Reach a Position After Exactly k Steps	恰好移动 k 步到达某一位置的方法数目	number-of-ways-to-reach-a-position-after-exactly-k-steps	weekly-contest-309	Q2
1751 	2166	Design Bitset	设计位集	design-bitset	weekly-contest-279	Q3
1752 	939	Minimum Area Rectangle	最小面积矩形	minimum-area-rectangle	weekly-contest-110	Q3
1752 	1135	Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost	最低成本联通所有城市	connecting-cities-with-minimum-cost	biweekly-contest-5	Q3
1753 	764	Largest Plus Sign	最大加号标志	largest-plus-sign	weekly-contest-67	Q3
1753 	1216	Valid Palindrome III	验证回文字符串 III	valid-palindrome-iii	biweekly-contest-10	Q4
1754 	2568	Minimum Impossible OR	最小无法得到的或值	minimum-impossible-or	biweekly-contest-98	Q3
1758 	1954	Minimum Garden Perimeter to Collect Enough Apples	收集足够苹果的最小花园周长	minimum-garden-perimeter-to-collect-enough-apples	weekly-contest-252	Q3
1758 	1027	Longest Arithmetic Subsequence	最长等差数列	longest-arithmetic-subsequence	weekly-contest-132	Q3
1759 	1541	Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses String	平衡括号字符串的最少插入次数	minimum-insertions-to-balance-a-parentheses-string	biweekly-contest-32	Q3
1759 	2498	Frog Jump II	青蛙过河 II	frog-jump-ii	biweekly-contest-93	Q3
1759 	2075	Decode the Slanted Ciphertext	解码斜向换位密码	decode-the-slanted-ciphertext	weekly-contest-267	Q3
1760 	2121	Intervals Between Identical Elements	相同元素的间隔之和	intervals-between-identical-elements	weekly-contest-273	Q3
1761 	2453	Destroy Sequential Targets	摧毁一系列目标	destroy-sequential-targets	biweekly-contest-90	Q3
1762 	1262	Greatest Sum Divisible by Three	可被三整除的最大和	greatest-sum-divisible-by-three	weekly-contest-163	Q3
1762 	948	Bag of Tokens	令牌放置	bag-of-tokens	weekly-contest-112	Q4
1763 	2462	Total Cost to Hire K Workers	雇佣 K 位工人的总代价	total-cost-to-hire-k-workers	weekly-contest-318	Q3
1763 	2905	Find Indices With Index and Value Difference II	找出满足差值条件的下标 II	find-indices-with-index-and-value-difference-ii	weekly-contest-367	Q3
1764 	1706	Where Will the Ball Fall	球会落何处	where-will-the-ball-fall	weekly-contest-221	Q3
1765 	875	Koko Eating Bananas	爱吃香蕉的珂珂	koko-eating-bananas	weekly-contest-94	Q3
1766 	1914	Cyclically Rotating a Grid	循环轮转矩阵	cyclically-rotating-a-grid	weekly-contest-247	Q2
1768 	1600	Throne Inheritance	皇位继承顺序	throne-inheritance	weekly-contest-208	Q3
1768 	2718	Sum of Matrix After Queries	查询后矩阵的和	sum-of-matrix-after-queries	weekly-contest-348	Q3
1769 	2685	Count the Number of Complete Components	统计完全连通分量的数量	count-the-number-of-complete-components	weekly-contest-345	Q4
1770 	1146	Snapshot Array	快照数组	snapshot-array	weekly-contest-148	Q3
1774 	1238	Circular Permutation in Binary Representation	循环码排列	circular-permutation-in-binary-representation	weekly-contest-160	Q2
1775 	2531	Make Number of Distinct Characters Equal	使字符串总不同字符的数目相等	make-number-of-distinct-characters-equal	weekly-contest-327	Q3
1777 	918	Maximum Sum Circular Subarray	环形子数组的最大和	maximum-sum-circular-subarray	weekly-contest-105	Q2
1778 	1824	Minimum Sideway Jumps	最少侧跳次数	minimum-sideway-jumps	weekly-contest-236	Q3
1779 	2601	Prime Subtraction Operation	质数减法运算	prime-subtraction-operation	weekly-contest-338	Q2
1779 	1016	Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N	子串能表示从 1 到 N 数字的二进制串	binary-string-with-substrings-representing-1-to-n	weekly-contest-129	Q4
1779 	2369	Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array	检查数组是否存在有效划分	check-if-there-is-a-valid-partition-for-the-array	weekly-contest-305	Q3
1779 	1129	Shortest Path with Alternating Colors	颜色交替的最短路径	shortest-path-with-alternating-colors	weekly-contest-146	Q2
1779 	1424	Diagonal Traverse II	对角线遍历 II	diagonal-traverse-ii	weekly-contest-186	Q3
1779 	842	Split Array into Fibonacci Sequence	将数组拆分成斐波那契序列	split-array-into-fibonacci-sequence	weekly-contest-86	Q3
1781 	1895	Largest Magic Square	最大的幻方	largest-magic-square	biweekly-contest-54	Q3
1781 	2353	Design a Food Rating System	设计食物评分系统	design-a-food-rating-system	weekly-contest-303	Q3
1782 	1171	Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List	从链表中删去总和值为零的连续节点	remove-zero-sum-consecutive-nodes-from-linked-list	weekly-contest-151	Q3
1782 	1765	Map of Highest Peak	地图中的最高点	map-of-highest-peak	biweekly-contest-46	Q3
1783 	851	Loud and Rich	喧闹和富有	loud-and-rich	weekly-contest-88	Q3
1784 	894	All Possible Full Binary Trees	所有可能的满二叉树	all-possible-full-binary-trees	weekly-contest-99	Q3
1785 	2653	Sliding Subarray Beauty	滑动子数组的美丽值	sliding-subarray-beauty	weekly-contest-342	Q3
1785 	1911	Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum	最大子序列交替和	maximum-alternating-subsequence-sum	biweekly-contest-55	Q3
1786 	983	Minimum Cost For Tickets	最低票价	minimum-cost-for-tickets	weekly-contest-121	Q3
1786 	787	Cheapest Flights Within K Stops	K 站中转内最便宜的航班	cheapest-flights-within-k-stops	weekly-contest-72	Q3
1786 	971	Flip Binary Tree To Match Preorder Traversal	翻转二叉树以匹配先序遍历	flip-binary-tree-to-match-preorder-traversal	weekly-contest-118	Q3
1786 	1312	Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome	让字符串成为回文串的最少插入次数	minimum-insertion-steps-to-make-a-string-palindrome	weekly-contest-170	Q4
1786 	1510	Stone Game IV	石子游戏 IV	stone-game-iv	biweekly-contest-30	Q4
1787 	1497	Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k	检查数组对是否可以被 k 整除	check-if-array-pairs-are-divisible-by-k	weekly-contest-195	Q2
1787 	1156	Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring	单字符重复子串的最大长度	swap-for-longest-repeated-character-substring	weekly-contest-149	Q3
1787 	768	Max Chunks To Make Sorted II	最多能完成排序的块 II	max-chunks-to-make-sorted-ii	weekly-contest-68	Q4
1787 	2192	All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph	有向无环图中一个节点的所有祖先	all-ancestors-of-a-node-in-a-directed-acyclic-graph	biweekly-contest-73	Q3
1790 	2321	Maximum Score Of Spliced Array	拼接数组的最大分数	maximum-score-of-spliced-array	weekly-contest-299	Q3
1791 	2712	Minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal	使所有字符相等的最小成本	minimum-cost-to-make-all-characters-equal	weekly-contest-347	Q3
1791 	2771	Longest Non-decreasing Subarray From Two Arrays	构造最长非递减子数组	longest-non-decreasing-subarray-from-two-arrays	weekly-contest-353	Q3
1792 	1245	Tree Diameter	树的直径	tree-diameter	biweekly-contest-12	Q3
1793 	2615	Sum of Distances	等值距离和	sum-of-distances	weekly-contest-340	Q2
1793 	2381	Shifting Letters II	字母移位 II	shifting-letters-ii	biweekly-contest-85	Q3
1793 	1653	Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced	使字符串平衡的最少删除次数	minimum-deletions-to-make-string-balanced	biweekly-contest-39	Q2
1794 	886	Possible Bipartition	可能的二分法	possible-bipartition	weekly-contest-97	Q3
1795 	966	Vowel Spellchecker	元音拼写检查器	vowel-spellchecker	weekly-contest-117	Q3
1797 	1028	Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal	从先序遍历还原二叉树	recover-a-tree-from-preorder-traversal	weekly-contest-132	Q4
1797 	1072	Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows	按列翻转得到最大值等行数	flip-columns-for-maximum-number-of-equal-rows	weekly-contest-139	Q2
1797 	1834	Single-Threaded CPU	单线程 CPU	single-threaded-cpu	weekly-contest-237	Q3
1797 	1711	Count Good Meals	大餐计数	count-good-meals	weekly-contest-222	Q2
1799 	1186	Maximum Subarray Sum with One Deletion	删除一次得到子数组最大和	maximum-subarray-sum-with-one-deletion	weekly-contest-153	Q3
1802 	1673	Find the Most Competitive Subsequence	找出最具竞争力的子序列	find-the-most-competitive-subsequence	weekly-contest-217	Q2
1803 	1953	Maximum Number of Weeks for Which You Can Work	你可以工作的最大周数	maximum-number-of-weeks-for-which-you-can-work	weekly-contest-252	Q2
1804 	2096	Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another	从二叉树一个节点到另一个节点每一步的方向	step-by-step-directions-from-a-binary-tree-node-to-another	weekly-contest-270	Q3
1804 	1080	Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths	根到叶路径上的不足节点	insufficient-nodes-in-root-to-leaf-paths	weekly-contest-140	Q3
1805 	1035	Uncrossed Lines	不相交的线	uncrossed-lines	weekly-contest-134	Q3
1806 	1073	Adding Two Negabinary Numbers	负二进制数相加	adding-two-negabinary-numbers	weekly-contest-139	Q3
1807 	1594	Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix	矩阵的最大非负积	maximum-non-negative-product-in-a-matrix	weekly-contest-207	Q3
1808 	2302	Count Subarrays With Score Less Than K	统计得分小于 K 的子数组数目	count-subarrays-with-score-less-than-k	biweekly-contest-80	Q4
1808 	1230	Toss Strange Coins	抛掷硬币	toss-strange-coins	biweekly-contest-11	Q3
1808 	1519	Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label	子树中标签相同的节点数	number-of-nodes-in-the-sub-tree-with-the-same-label	weekly-contest-198	Q2
1809 	776	Split BST	拆分二叉搜索树	split-bst	weekly-contest-70	Q2
1809 	1345	Jump Game IV	跳跃游戏 IV	jump-game-iv	biweekly-contest-19	Q4
1810 	2642	Design Graph With Shortest Path Calculator	设计可以求最短路径的图类	design-graph-with-shortest-path-calculator	biweekly-contest-102	Q4
1810 	1284	Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix	转化为全零矩阵的最少反转次数	minimum-number-of-flips-to-convert-binary-matrix-to-zero-matrix	weekly-contest-166	Q4
1815 	773	Sliding Puzzle	滑动谜题	sliding-puzzle	weekly-contest-69	Q3
1817 	795	Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum	区间子数组个数	number-of-subarrays-with-bounded-maximum	weekly-contest-74	Q3
1817 	1658	Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero	将 x 减到 0 的最小操作数	minimum-operations-to-reduce-x-to-zero	weekly-contest-215	Q3
1817 	2787	Ways to Express an Integer as Sum of Powers	将一个数字表示成幂的和的方案数	ways-to-express-an-integer-as-sum-of-powers	biweekly-contest-109	Q4
1817 	1792	Maximum Average Pass Ratio	最大平均通过率	maximum-average-pass-ratio	weekly-contest-232	Q3
1818 	861	Score After Flipping Matrix	翻转矩阵后的得分	score-after-flipping-matrix	weekly-contest-91	Q3
1819 	2055	Plates Between Candles	蜡烛之间的盘子	plates-between-candles	biweekly-contest-64	Q3
1820 	1405	Longest Happy String	最长快乐字符串	longest-happy-string	weekly-contest-183	Q3
1822 	2217	Find Palindrome With Fixed Length	找到指定长度的回文数	find-palindrome-with-fixed-length	weekly-contest-286	Q3
1822 	1363	Largest Multiple of Three	形成三的最大倍数	largest-multiple-of-three	weekly-contest-177	Q4
1823 	1458	Max Dot Product of Two Subsequences	两个子序列的最大点积	max-dot-product-of-two-subsequences	weekly-contest-190	Q4
1823 	1377	Frog Position After T Seconds	T 秒后青蛙的位置	frog-position-after-t-seconds	weekly-contest-179	Q4
1824 	1298	Maximum Candies You Can Get from Boxes	你能从盒子里获得的最大糖果数	maximum-candies-you-can-get-from-boxes	weekly-contest-168	Q4
1825 	1835	Find XOR Sum of All Pairs Bitwise AND	所有数对按位与结果的异或和	find-xor-sum-of-all-pairs-bitwise-and	weekly-contest-237	Q4
1825 	1702	Maximum Binary String After Change	修改后的最大二进制字符串	maximum-binary-string-after-change	biweekly-contest-42	Q3
1825 	934	Shortest Bridge	最短的桥	shortest-bridge	weekly-contest-109	Q3
1827 	1095	Find in Mountain Array	山脉数组中查找目标值	find-in-mountain-array	weekly-contest-142	Q3
1828 	2135	Count Words Obtained After Adding a Letter	统计追加字母可以获得的单词数	count-words-obtained-after-adding-a-letter	weekly-contest-275	Q3
1828 	1754	Largest Merge Of Two Strings	构造字典序最大的合并字符串	largest-merge-of-two-strings	weekly-contest-227	Q3
1830 	790	Domino and Tromino Tiling	多米诺和托米诺平铺	domino-and-tromino-tiling	weekly-contest-73	Q4
1830 	980	Unique Paths III	不同路径 III	unique-paths-iii	weekly-contest-120	Q4
1831 	2034	Stock Price Fluctuation 	股票价格波动	stock-price-fluctuation	weekly-contest-262	Q3
1832 	755	Pour Water	倒水	pour-water	weekly-contest-65	Q2
1834 	2370	Longest Ideal Subsequence	最长理想子序列	longest-ideal-subsequence	weekly-contest-305	Q4
1835 	995	Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips	K 连续位的最小翻转次数	minimum-number-of-k-consecutive-bit-flips	weekly-contest-124	Q3
1836 	2146	K Highest Ranked Items Within a Price Range	价格范围内最高排名的 K 样物品	k-highest-ranked-items-within-a-price-range	biweekly-contest-70	Q3
1836 	1316	Distinct Echo Substrings	不同的循环子字符串	distinct-echo-substrings	biweekly-contest-17	Q4
1837 	1559	Detect Cycles in 2D Grid	二维网格图中探测环	detect-cycles-in-2d-grid	biweekly-contest-33	Q4
1839 	2311	Longest Binary Subsequence Less Than or Equal to K	小于等于 K 的最长二进制子序列	longest-binary-subsequence-less-than-or-equal-to-k	weekly-contest-298	Q3
1840 	2332	The Latest Time to Catch a Bus	坐上公交的最晚时间	the-latest-time-to-catch-a-bus	biweekly-contest-82	Q2
1841 	2013	Detect Squares	检测正方形	detect-squares	weekly-contest-259	Q3
1843 	2576	Find the Maximum Number of Marked Indices	求出最多标记下标	find-the-maximum-number-of-marked-indices	weekly-contest-334	Q3
1844 	1411	Number of Ways to Paint N × 3 Grid	给 N x 3 网格图涂色的方案数	number-of-ways-to-paint-n-3-grid	weekly-contest-184	Q4
1845 	1504	Count Submatrices With All Ones	统计全 1 子矩形	count-submatrices-with-all-ones	weekly-contest-196	Q3
1845 	2598	Smallest Missing Non-negative Integer After Operations	执行操作后的最大 MEX	smallest-missing-non-negative-integer-after-operations	weekly-contest-337	Q4
1846 	874	Walking Robot Simulation	模拟行走机器人	walking-robot-simulation	weekly-contest-94	Q2
1846 	1514	Path with Maximum Probability	概率最大的路径	path-with-maximum-probability	weekly-contest-197	Q3
1847 	1258	Synonymous Sentences	近义词句子	synonymous-sentences	biweekly-contest-13	Q3
1848 	1177	Can Make Palindrome from Substring	构建回文串检测	can-make-palindrome-from-substring	weekly-contest-152	Q3
1849 	2059	Minimum Operations to Convert Number	转化数字的最小运算数	minimum-operations-to-convert-number	weekly-contest-265	Q3
1850 	1775	Equal Sum Arrays With Minimum Number of Operations	通过最少操作次数使数组的和相等	equal-sum-arrays-with-minimum-number-of-operations	weekly-contest-230	Q3
1850 	1477	Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum	找两个和为目标值且不重叠的子数组	find-two-non-overlapping-sub-arrays-each-with-target-sum	biweekly-contest-28	Q3
1850 	1152	Analyze User Website Visit Pattern	用户网站访问行为分析	analyze-user-website-visit-pattern	biweekly-contest-6	Q3
1851 	2830	Maximize the Profit as the Salesman	销售利润最大化	maximize-the-profit-as-the-salesman	weekly-contest-359	Q3
1851 	2162	Minimum Cost to Set Cooking Time	设置时间的最少代价	minimum-cost-to-set-cooking-time	biweekly-contest-71	Q3
1853 	1301	Number of Paths with Max Score	最大得分的路径数目	number-of-paths-with-max-score	biweekly-contest-16	Q4
1854 	1269	Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps	停在原地的方案数	number-of-ways-to-stay-in-the-same-place-after-some-steps	weekly-contest-164	Q4
1854 	1334	Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance	阈值距离内邻居最少的城市	find-the-city-with-the-smallest-number-of-neighbors-at-a-threshold-distance	weekly-contest-173	Q3
1855 	1546	Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays With Sum Equals Target	和为目标值的最大数目不重叠非空子数组数目	maximum-number-of-non-overlapping-subarrays-with-sum-equals-target	weekly-contest-201	Q3
1855 	1202	Smallest String With Swaps	交换字符串中的元素	smallest-string-with-swaps	weekly-contest-155	Q3
1855 	2800	Shortest String That Contains Three Strings	包含三个字符串的最短字符串	shortest-string-that-contains-three-strings	weekly-contest-356	Q3
1855 	799	Champagne Tower	香槟塔	champagne-tower	weekly-contest-75	Q3
1856 	2266	Count Number of Texts	统计打字方案数	count-number-of-texts	weekly-contest-292	Q3
1857 	1584	Min Cost to Connect All Points	连接所有点的最小费用	min-cost-to-connect-all-points	weekly-contest-206	Q3
1858 	1744	Can You Eat Your Favorite Candy on Your Favorite Day?	你能在你最喜欢的那天吃到你最喜欢的糖果吗?	can-you-eat-your-favorite-candy-on-your-favorite-day	weekly-contest-226	Q3
1860 	2301	Match Substring After Replacement	替换字符后匹配	match-substring-after-replacement	biweekly-contest-80	Q3
1860 	1996	The Number of Weak Characters in the Game	游戏中弱角色的数量	the-number-of-weak-characters-in-the-game	weekly-contest-257	Q2
1861 	1993	Operations on Tree	树上的操作	operations-on-tree	biweekly-contest-60	Q3
1864 	1163	Last Substring in Lexicographical Order	按字典序排在最后的子串	last-substring-in-lexicographical-order	weekly-contest-150	Q4
1864 	2767	Partition String Into Minimum Beautiful Substrings	将字符串分割为最少的美丽子字符串	partition-string-into-minimum-beautiful-substrings	biweekly-contest-108	Q3
1865 	2039	The Time When the Network Becomes Idle	网络空闲的时刻	the-time-when-the-network-becomes-idle	biweekly-contest-63	Q3
1866 	1340	Jump Game V	跳跃游戏 V	jump-game-v	weekly-contest-174	Q4
1867 	1605	Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums	给定行和列的和求可行矩阵	find-valid-matrix-given-row-and-column-sums	biweekly-contest-36	Q3
1867 	1717	Maximum Score From Removing Substrings	删除子字符串的最大得分	maximum-score-from-removing-substrings	biweekly-contest-43	Q2
1868 	1616	Split Two Strings to Make Palindrome	分割两个字符串得到回文串	split-two-strings-to-make-palindrome	weekly-contest-210	Q3
1868 	924	Minimize Malware Spread	尽量减少恶意软件的传播	minimize-malware-spread	weekly-contest-106	Q4
1868 	2212	Maximum Points in an Archery Competition	射箭比赛中的最大得分	maximum-points-in-an-archery-competition	weekly-contest-285	Q3
1869 	2002	Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Subsequences	两个回文子序列长度的最大乘积	maximum-product-of-the-length-of-two-palindromic-subsequences	weekly-contest-258	Q3
1871 	1589	Maximum Sum Obtained of Any Permutation	所有排列中的最大和	maximum-sum-obtained-of-any-permutation	biweekly-contest-35	Q2
1871 	2008	Maximum Earnings From Taxi	出租车的最大盈利	maximum-earnings-from-taxi	biweekly-contest-61	Q3
1872 	1526	Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array	形成目标数组的子数组最少增加次数	minimum-number-of-increments-on-subarrays-to-form-a-target-array	biweekly-contest-31	Q4
1873 	1001	Grid Illumination	网格照明	grid-illumination	weekly-contest-125	Q4
1874 	1015	Smallest Integer Divisible by K	可被 K 整除的最小整数	smallest-integer-divisible-by-k	weekly-contest-129	Q2
1875 	2808	Minimum Seconds to Equalize a Circular Array	使循环数组所有元素相等的最少秒数	minimum-seconds-to-equalize-a-circular-array	biweekly-contest-110	Q3
1876 	1392	Longest Happy Prefix	最长快乐前缀	longest-happy-prefix	weekly-contest-181	Q4
1876 	1838	Frequency of the Most Frequent Element	最高频元素的频数	frequency-of-the-most-frequent-element	weekly-contest-238	Q2
1876 	955	Delete Columns to Make Sorted II	删列造序 II	delete-columns-to-make-sorted-ii	weekly-contest-114	Q3
1877 	752	Open the Lock	打开转盘锁	open-the-lock	weekly-contest-64	Q3
1877 	1234	Replace the Substring for Balanced String	替换子串得到平衡字符串	replace-the-substring-for-balanced-string	weekly-contest-159	Q3
1880 	2101	Detonate the Maximum Bombs	引爆最多的炸弹	detonate-the-maximum-bombs	biweekly-contest-67	Q3
1880 	754	Reach a Number	到达终点数字	reach-a-number	weekly-contest-65	Q1
1880 	1106	Parsing A Boolean Expression	解析布尔表达式	parsing-a-boolean-expression	weekly-contest-143	Q4
1880 	1536	Minimum Swaps to Arrange a Binary Grid	排布二进制网格的最少交换次数	minimum-swaps-to-arrange-a-binary-grid	weekly-contest-200	Q3
1880 	858	Mirror Reflection	镜面反射	mirror-reflection	weekly-contest-90	Q3
1881 	1255	Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters	得分最高的单词集合	maximum-score-words-formed-by-letters	weekly-contest-162	Q4
1883 	2054	Two Best Non-Overlapping Events	两个最好的不重叠活动	two-best-non-overlapping-events	biweekly-contest-64	Q2
1885 	1326	Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden	灌溉花园的最少水龙头数目	minimum-number-of-taps-to-open-to-water-a-garden	weekly-contest-172	Q4
1885 	1066	Campus Bikes II	校园自行车分配 II	campus-bikes-ii	biweekly-contest-1	Q3
1885 	2064	Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any Store	分配给商店的最多商品的最小值	minimized-maximum-of-products-distributed-to-any-store	weekly-contest-266	Q3
1886 	2305	Fair Distribution of Cookies	公平分发饼干	fair-distribution-of-cookies	weekly-contest-297	Q3
1889 	2817	Minimum Absolute Difference Between Elements With Constraint	限制条件下元素之间的最小绝对差	minimum-absolute-difference-between-elements-with-constraint	weekly-contest-358	Q3
1891 	2537	Count the Number of Good Subarrays	统计好子数组的数目	count-the-number-of-good-subarrays	weekly-contest-328	Q3
1892 	1722	Minimize Hamming Distance After Swap Operations	执行交换操作后的最小汉明距离	minimize-hamming-distance-after-swap-operations	weekly-contest-223	Q3
1893 	2327	Number of People Aware of a Secret	知道秘密的人数	number-of-people-aware-of-a-secret	weekly-contest-300	Q3
1896 	1871	Jump Game VII	跳跃游戏 VII	jump-game-vii	weekly-contest-242	Q3
1896 	878	Nth Magical Number	第 N 个神奇数字	nth-magical-number	weekly-contest-95	Q3
1897 	2360	Longest Cycle in a Graph	图中的最长环	longest-cycle-in-a-graph	weekly-contest-304	Q4
1897 	780	Reaching Points	到达终点	reaching-points	weekly-contest-71	Q3
1897 	1878	Get Biggest Three Rhombus Sums in a Grid	矩阵中最大的三个菱形和	get-biggest-three-rhombus-sums-in-a-grid	biweekly-contest-53	Q3
1898 	2901	Longest Unequal Adjacent Groups Subsequence II	最长相邻不相等子序列 II	longest-unequal-adjacent-groups-subsequence-ii	biweekly-contest-115	Q3
1899 	823	Binary Trees With Factors	带因子的二叉树	binary-trees-with-factors	weekly-contest-81	Q4
1900 	1665	Minimum Initial Energy to Finish Tasks	完成所有任务的最少初始能量	minimum-initial-energy-to-finish-tasks	weekly-contest-216	Q4
1903 	2602	Minimum Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal	使数组元素全部相等的最少操作次数	minimum-operations-to-make-all-array-elements-equal	weekly-contest-338	Q3
1904 	2608	Shortest Cycle in a Graph	图中的最短环	shortest-cycle-in-a-graph	biweekly-contest-101	Q4
1908 	1124	Longest Well-Performing Interval	表现良好的最长时间段	longest-well-performing-interval	weekly-contest-145	Q3
1909 	991	Broken Calculator	坏了的计算器	broken-calculator	weekly-contest-123	Q3
1909 	2585	Number of Ways to Earn Points	获得分数的方法数	number-of-ways-to-earn-points	weekly-contest-335	Q4
1911 	873	Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence	最长的斐波那契子序列的长度	length-of-longest-fibonacci-subsequence	weekly-contest-94	Q4
1911 	2049	Count Nodes With the Highest Score	统计最高分的节点数目	count-nodes-with-the-highest-score	weekly-contest-264	Q3
1911 	2296	Design a Text Editor	设计一个文本编辑器	design-a-text-editor	weekly-contest-296	Q4
1912 	1147	Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition	段式回文	longest-chunked-palindrome-decomposition	weekly-contest-148	Q4
1912 	2680	Maximum OR	最大或值	maximum-or	biweekly-contest-104	Q3
1912 	1898	Maximum Number of Removable Characters	可移除字符的最大数目	maximum-number-of-removable-characters	weekly-contest-245	Q2
1912 	1671	Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array	得到山形数组的最少删除次数	minimum-number-of-removals-to-make-mountain-array	biweekly-contest-40	Q4
1913 	1373	Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree	二叉搜索子树的最大键值和	maximum-sum-bst-in-binary-tree	biweekly-contest-21	Q4
1913 	2875	Minimum Size Subarray in Infinite Array	无限数组的最短子数组	minimum-size-subarray-in-infinite-array	weekly-contest-365	Q3
1914 	2147	Number of Ways to Divide a Long Corridor	分隔长廊的方案数	number-of-ways-to-divide-a-long-corridor	biweekly-contest-70	Q4
1915 	2594	Minimum Time to Repair Cars	修车的最少时间	minimum-time-to-repair-cars	biweekly-contest-100	Q4
1916 	1043	Partition Array for Maximum Sum	分隔数组以得到最大和	partition-array-for-maximum-sum	weekly-contest-136	Q3
1917 	2673	Make Costs of Paths Equal in a Binary Tree	使二叉树所有路径值相等的最小代价	make-costs-of-paths-equal-in-a-binary-tree	weekly-contest-344	Q4
1917 	2398	Maximum Number of Robots Within Budget	预算内的最多机器人数目	maximum-number-of-robots-within-budget	biweekly-contest-86	Q4
1918 	2069	Walking Robot Simulation II	模拟行走机器人 II	walking-robot-simulation-ii	biweekly-contest-65	Q2
1919 	1130	Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values	叶值的最小代价生成树	minimum-cost-tree-from-leaf-values	weekly-contest-146	Q3
1919 	1416	Restore The Array	恢复数组	restore-the-array	biweekly-contest-24	Q4
1919 	1552	Magnetic Force Between Two Balls	两球之间的磁力	magnetic-force-between-two-balls	weekly-contest-202	Q3
1922 	2731	Movement of Robots	移动机器人	movement-of-robots	biweekly-contest-106	Q3
1924 	1745	Palindrome Partitioning IV	回文串分割 IV	palindrome-partitioning-iv	weekly-contest-226	Q4
1926 	1727	Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements	重新排列后的最大子矩阵	largest-submatrix-with-rearrangements	weekly-contest-224	Q3
1927 	1449	Form Largest Integer With Digits That Add up to Target	数位成本和为目标值的最大数字	form-largest-integer-with-digits-that-add-up-to-target	biweekly-contest-26	Q4
1928 	1562	Find Latest Group of Size M	查找大小为 M 的最新分组	find-latest-group-of-size-m	weekly-contest-203	Q3
1928 	2654	Minimum Number of Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal to 1	使数组所有元素变成 1 的最少操作次数	minimum-number-of-operations-to-make-all-array-elements-equal-to-1	weekly-contest-342	Q4
1929 	1802	Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array	有界数组中指定下标处的最大值	maximum-value-at-a-given-index-in-a-bounded-array	weekly-contest-233	Q3
1929 	2018	Check if Word Can Be Placed In Crossword	判断单词是否能放入填字游戏内	check-if-word-can-be-placed-in-crossword	weekly-contest-260	Q3
1929 	1705	Maximum Number of Eaten Apples	吃苹果的最大数目	maximum-number-of-eaten-apples	weekly-contest-221	Q2
1931 	1798	Maximum Number of Consecutive Values You Can Make	你能构造出连续值的最大数目	maximum-number-of-consecutive-values-you-can-make	biweekly-contest-48	Q3
1931 	1574	Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted	删除最短的子数组使剩余数组有序	shortest-subarray-to-be-removed-to-make-array-sorted	biweekly-contest-34	Q3
1932 	996	Number of Squareful Arrays	正方形数组的数目	number-of-squareful-arrays	weekly-contest-124	Q4
1933 	1964	Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position	找出到每个位置为止最长的有效障碍赛跑路线	find-the-longest-valid-obstacle-course-at-each-position	weekly-contest-253	Q4
1933 	827	Making A Large Island	最大人工岛	making-a-large-island	weekly-contest-82	Q4
1934 	1818	Minimum Absolute Sum Difference	绝对差值和	minimum-absolute-sum-difference	weekly-contest-235	Q3
1936 	813	Largest Sum of Averages	最大平均值和的分组	largest-sum-of-averages	weekly-contest-79	Q3
1938 	2411	Smallest Subarrays With Maximum Bitwise OR	按位或最大的最小子数组长度	smallest-subarrays-with-maximum-bitwise-or	biweekly-contest-87	Q3
1938 	866	Prime Palindrome	回文素数	prime-palindrome	weekly-contest-92	Q3
1938 	777	Swap Adjacent in LR String	在LR字符串中交换相邻字符	swap-adjacent-in-lr-string	weekly-contest-70	Q3
1939 	2925	Maximum Score After Applying Operations on a Tree	在树上执行操作以后得到的最大分数	maximum-score-after-applying-operations-on-a-tree	weekly-contest-370	Q3
1939 	1760	Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag	袋子里最少数目的球	minimum-limit-of-balls-in-a-bag	weekly-contest-228	Q3
1940 	2762	Continuous Subarrays	不间断子数组	continuous-subarrays	weekly-contest-352	Q3
1940 	2111	Minimum Operations to Make the Array K-Increasing	使数组 K 递增的最少操作次数	minimum-operations-to-make-the-array-k-increasing	weekly-contest-272	Q4
1944 	2227	Encrypt and Decrypt Strings	加密解密字符串	encrypt-and-decrypt-strings	weekly-contest-287	Q4
1945 	1482	Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets	制作 m 束花所需的最少天数	minimum-number-of-days-to-make-m-bouquets	weekly-contest-193	Q3
1945 	1793	Maximum Score of a Good Subarray	好子数组的最大分数	maximum-score-of-a-good-subarray	weekly-contest-232	Q4
1947 	1631	Path With Minimum Effort	最小体力消耗路径	path-with-minimum-effort	weekly-contest-212	Q3
1947 	2516	Take K of Each Character From Left and Right	每种字符至少取 K 个	take-k-of-each-character-from-left-and-right	weekly-contest-325	Q2
1948 	2509	Cycle Length Queries in a Tree	查询树中环的长度	cycle-length-queries-in-a-tree	weekly-contest-324	Q4
1949 	1153	String Transforms Into Another String	字符串转化	string-transforms-into-another-string	biweekly-contest-6	Q4
1951 	1690	Stone Game VII	石子游戏 VII	stone-game-vii	weekly-contest-219	Q3
1951 	1259	Handshakes That Don't Cross	不相交的握手	handshakes-that-dont-cross	biweekly-contest-13	Q4
1951 	2435	Paths in Matrix Whose Sum Is Divisible by K	矩阵中和能被 K 整除的路径	paths-in-matrix-whose-sum-is-divisible-by-k	weekly-contest-314	Q4
1952 	1737	Change Minimum Characters to Satisfy One of Three Conditions	满足三条件之一需改变的最少字符数	change-minimum-characters-to-satisfy-one-of-three-conditions	weekly-contest-225	Q2
1953 	2434	Using a Robot to Print the Lexicographically Smallest String	使用机器人打印字典序最小的字符串	using-a-robot-to-print-the-lexicographically-smallest-string	weekly-contest-314	Q3
1954 	1696	Jump Game VI	跳跃游戏 VI	jump-game-vi	weekly-contest-220	Q3
1956 	1463	Cherry Pickup II	摘樱桃 II	cherry-pickup-ii	biweekly-contest-27	Q4
1959 	2564	Substring XOR Queries	子字符串异或查询	substring-xor-queries	weekly-contest-332	Q3
1960 	2392	Build a Matrix With Conditions	给定条件下构造矩阵	build-a-matrix-with-conditions	weekly-contest-308	Q4
1960 	2350	Shortest Impossible Sequence of Rolls	不可能得到的最短骰子序列	shortest-impossible-sequence-of-rolls	biweekly-contest-83	Q4
1961 	1537	Get the Maximum Score	最大得分	get-the-maximum-score	weekly-contest-200	Q4
1962 	1642	Furthest Building You Can Reach	可以到达的最远建筑	furthest-building-you-can-reach	weekly-contest-213	Q3
1962 	802	Find Eventual Safe States	找到最终的安全状态	find-eventual-safe-states	weekly-contest-76	Q3
1964 	815	Bus Routes	公交路线	bus-routes	weekly-contest-79	Q4
1965 	2439	Minimize Maximum of Array	最小化数组中的最大值	minimize-maximum-of-array	biweekly-contest-89	Q3
1966 	1969	Minimum Non-Zero Product of the Array Elements	数组元素的最小非零乘积	minimum-non-zero-product-of-the-array-elements	weekly-contest-254	Q3
1967 	1293	Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination	网格中的最短路径	shortest-path-in-a-grid-with-obstacles-elimination	weekly-contest-167	Q4
1967 	2872	Maximum Number of K-Divisible Components	可以被 K 整除连通块的最大数目	maximum-number-of-k-divisible-components	biweekly-contest-114	Q4
1969 	1943	Describe the Painting	描述绘画结果	describe-the-painting	biweekly-contest-57	Q3
1969 	835	Image Overlap	图像重叠	image-overlap	weekly-contest-84	Q3
1970 	1032	Stream of Characters	字符流	stream-of-characters	weekly-contest-133	Q4
1973 	1488	Avoid Flood in The City	避免洪水泛滥	avoid-flood-in-the-city	weekly-contest-194	Q3
1975 	907	Sum of Subarray Minimums	子数组的最小值之和	sum-of-subarray-minimums	weekly-contest-102	Q3
1975 	2831	Find the Longest Equal Subarray	找出最长等值子数组	find-the-longest-equal-subarray	weekly-contest-359	Q4
1976 	1092	Shortest Common Supersequence 	最短公共超序列	shortest-common-supersequence	weekly-contest-141	Q4
1979 	1882	Process Tasks Using Servers	使用服务器处理任务	process-tasks-using-servers	weekly-contest-243	Q3
1979 	1278	Palindrome Partitioning III	分割回文串 III	palindrome-partitioning-iii	weekly-contest-165	Q4
1979 	2151	Maximum Good People Based on Statements	基于陈述统计最多好人数	maximum-good-people-based-on-statements	weekly-contest-277	Q4
1981 	2861	Maximum Number of Alloys	最大合金数	maximum-number-of-alloys	weekly-contest-363	Q3
1982 	805	Split Array With Same Average	数组的均值分割	split-array-with-same-average	weekly-contest-77	Q4
1983 	1250	Check If It Is a Good Array	检查「好数组」	check-if-it-is-a-good-array	weekly-contest-161	Q4
1983 	1733	Minimum Number of People to Teach	需要教语言的最少人数	minimum-number-of-people-to-teach	biweekly-contest-44	Q2
1985 	940	Distinct Subsequences II	不同的子序列 II	distinct-subsequences-ii	weekly-contest-110	Q4
1985 	928	Minimize Malware Spread II	尽量减少恶意软件的传播 II	minimize-malware-spread-ii	weekly-contest-107	Q4
1989 	902	Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set	最大为 N 的数字组合	numbers-at-most-n-given-digit-set	weekly-contest-101	Q3
1990 	756	Pyramid Transition Matrix	金字塔转换矩阵	pyramid-transition-matrix	weekly-contest-65	Q3
1990 	963	Minimum Area Rectangle II	最小面积矩形 II	minimum-area-rectangle-ii	weekly-contest-116	Q3
1992 	1625	Lexicographically Smallest String After Applying Operations	执行操作后字典序最小的字符串	lexicographically-smallest-string-after-applying-operations	weekly-contest-211	Q2
1994 	927	Three Equal Parts	三等分	three-equal-parts	weekly-contest-107	Q3
1995 	1986	Minimum Number of Work Sessions to Finish the Tasks	完成任务的最少工作时间段	minimum-number-of-work-sessions-to-finish-the-tasks	weekly-contest-256	Q3
1997 	1274	Number of Ships in a Rectangle	矩形内船只的数目	number-of-ships-in-a-rectangle	biweekly-contest-14	Q4
1997 	2250	Count Number of Rectangles Containing Each Point	统计包含每个点的矩形数目	count-number-of-rectangles-containing-each-point	weekly-contest-290	Q3
1998 	2488	Count Subarrays With Median K	统计中位数为 K 的子数组	count-subarrays-with-median-k	weekly-contest-321	Q4
1999 	765	Couples Holding Hands	情侣牵手	couples-holding-hands	weekly-contest-67	Q4
2000 	911	Online Election	在线选举	online-election	weekly-contest-103	Q4
2000 	1686	Stone Game VI	石子游戏 VI	stone-game-vi	biweekly-contest-41	Q3
2001 	2328	Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid	网格图中递增路径的数目	number-of-increasing-paths-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-300	Q4
2001 	2850	Minimum Moves to Spread Stones Over Grid	将石头分散到网格图的最少移动次数	minimum-moves-to-spread-stones-over-grid	weekly-contest-362	Q3
2003 	2092	Find All People With Secret	找出知晓秘密的所有专家	find-all-people-with-secret	weekly-contest-269	Q4
2004 	1927	Sum Game	求和游戏	sum-game	biweekly-contest-56	Q3
2005 	1761	Minimum Degree of a Connected Trio in a Graph	一个图中连通三元组的最小度数	minimum-degree-of-a-connected-trio-in-a-graph	weekly-contest-228	Q4
2005 	2448	Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal	使数组相等的最小开销	minimum-cost-to-make-array-equal	weekly-contest-316	Q3
2005 	1888	Minimum Number of Flips to Make the Binary String Alternating	使二进制字符串字符交替的最少反转次数	minimum-number-of-flips-to-make-the-binary-string-alternating	weekly-contest-244	Q3
2008 	1223	Dice Roll Simulation	掷骰子模拟	dice-roll-simulation	weekly-contest-158	Q3
2009 	1981	Minimize the Difference Between Target and Chosen Elements	最小化目标值与所选元素的差	minimize-the-difference-between-target-and-chosen-elements	weekly-contest-255	Q3
2010 	880	Decoded String at Index	索引处的解码字符串	decoded-string-at-index	weekly-contest-96	Q3
2011 	2333	Minimum Sum of Squared Difference	最小差值平方和	minimum-sum-of-squared-difference	biweekly-contest-82	Q3
2011 	1102	Path With Maximum Minimum Value	得分最高的路径	path-with-maximum-minimum-value	biweekly-contest-3	Q4
2011 	2477	Minimum Fuel Cost to Report to the Capital	到达首都的最少油耗	minimum-fuel-cost-to-report-to-the-capital	weekly-contest-320	Q3
2013 	2472	Maximum Number of Non-overlapping Palindrome Substrings	不重叠回文子字符串的最大数目	maximum-number-of-non-overlapping-palindrome-substrings	weekly-contest-319	Q4
2014 	1105	Filling Bookcase Shelves	填充书架	filling-bookcase-shelves	weekly-contest-143	Q3
2014 	1354	Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums	多次求和构造目标数组	construct-target-array-with-multiple-sums	weekly-contest-176	Q4
2015 	1353	Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended	最多可以参加的会议数目	maximum-number-of-events-that-can-be-attended	weekly-contest-176	Q3
2019 	909	Snakes and Ladders	蛇梯棋	snakes-and-ladders	weekly-contest-103	Q2
2019 	2547	Minimum Cost to Split an Array	拆分数组的最小代价	minimum-cost-to-split-an-array	weekly-contest-329	Q4
2020 	2517	Maximum Tastiness of Candy Basket	礼盒的最大甜蜜度	maximum-tastiness-of-candy-basket	weekly-contest-325	Q3
2020 	2741	Special Permutations	特别的排列	special-permutations	weekly-contest-350	Q3
2021 	2271	Maximum White Tiles Covered by a Carpet	毯子覆盖的最多白色砖块数	maximum-white-tiles-covered-by-a-carpet	biweekly-contest-78	Q3
2022 	2251	Number of Flowers in Full Bloom	花期内花的数目	number-of-flowers-in-full-bloom	weekly-contest-290	Q4
2022 	1210	Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations	穿过迷宫的最少移动次数	minimum-moves-to-reach-target-with-rotations	weekly-contest-156	Q4
2022 	1235	Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling	规划兼职工作	maximum-profit-in-job-scheduling	weekly-contest-159	Q4
2023 	2597	The Number of Beautiful Subsets	美丽子集的数目	the-number-of-beautiful-subsets	weekly-contest-337	Q3
2024 	1734	Decode XORed Permutation	解码异或后的排列	decode-xored-permutation	biweekly-contest-44	Q3
2025 	751	IP to CIDR	IP 到 CIDR	ip-to-cidr	weekly-contest-64	Q2
2025 	1067	Digit Count in Range	范围内的数字计数	digit-count-in-range	biweekly-contest-1	Q4
2026 	1406	Stone Game III	石子游戏 III	stone-game-iii	weekly-contest-183	Q4
2027 	1626	Best Team With No Conflicts	无矛盾的最佳球队	best-team-with-no-conflicts	weekly-contest-211	Q3
2027 	1320	Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two Fingers	二指输入的的最小距离	minimum-distance-to-type-a-word-using-two-fingers	weekly-contest-171	Q4
2027 	895	Maximum Frequency Stack	最大频率栈	maximum-frequency-stack	weekly-contest-99	Q4
2029 	1231	Divide Chocolate	分享巧克力	divide-chocolate	biweekly-contest-11	Q4
2029 	2772	Apply Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal to Zero	使数组中的所有元素都等于零	apply-operations-to-make-all-array-elements-equal-to-zero	weekly-contest-353	Q4
2030 	2426	Number of Pairs Satisfying Inequality	满足不等式的数对数目	number-of-pairs-satisfying-inequality	biweekly-contest-88	Q4
2030 	2919	Minimum Increment Operations to Make Array Beautiful	使数组变美的最小增量运算数	minimum-increment-operations-to-make-array-beautiful	weekly-contest-369	Q3
2032 	1425	Constrained Subsequence Sum	带限制的子序列和	constrained-subsequence-sum	weekly-contest-186	Q4
2033 	2262	Total Appeal of A String	字符串的总引力	total-appeal-of-a-string	weekly-contest-291	Q4
2033 	2136	Earliest Possible Day of Full Bloom	全部开花的最早一天	earliest-possible-day-of-full-bloom	weekly-contest-275	Q4
2034 	828	Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String	统计子串中的唯一字符	count-unique-characters-of-all-substrings-of-a-given-string	weekly-contest-83	Q4
2034 	947	Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column	移除最多的同行或同列石头	most-stones-removed-with-same-row-or-column	weekly-contest-112	Q3
2034 	1335	Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule	工作计划的最低难度	minimum-difficulty-of-a-job-schedule	weekly-contest-173	Q4
2034 	1140	Stone Game II	石子游戏 II	stone-game-ii	weekly-contest-147	Q4
2036 	1348	Tweet Counts Per Frequency	推文计数	tweet-counts-per-frequency	weekly-contest-175	Q3
2036 	2245	Maximum Trailing Zeros in a Cornered Path	转角路径的乘积中最多能有几个尾随零	maximum-trailing-zeros-in-a-cornered-path	weekly-contest-289	Q3
2037 	2116	Check if a Parentheses String Can Be Valid	判断一个括号字符串是否有效	check-if-a-parentheses-string-can-be-valid	biweekly-contest-68	Q3
2038 	1590	Make Sum Divisible by P	使数组和能被 P 整除	make-sum-divisible-by-p	biweekly-contest-35	Q3
2039 	1201	Ugly Number III	丑数 III	ugly-number-iii	weekly-contest-155	Q2
2040 	1371	Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts	每个元音包含偶数次的最长子字符串	find-the-longest-substring-containing-vowels-in-even-counts	biweekly-contest-21	Q2
2040 	1751	Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended II	最多可以参加的会议数目 II	maximum-number-of-events-that-can-be-attended-ii	biweekly-contest-45	Q4
2042 	2551	Put Marbles in Bags	将珠子放入背包中	put-marbles-in-bags	weekly-contest-330	Q3
2043 	2735	Collecting Chocolates	收集巧克力	collecting-chocolates	weekly-contest-349	Q3
2048 	1553	Minimum Number of Days to Eat N Oranges	吃掉 N 个橘子的最少天数	minimum-number-of-days-to-eat-n-oranges	weekly-contest-202	Q4
2050 	1648	Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored Balls	销售价值减少的颜色球	sell-diminishing-valued-colored-balls	weekly-contest-214	Q3
2050 	1224	Maximum Equal Frequency	最大相等频率	maximum-equal-frequency	weekly-contest-158	Q4
2051 	1856	Maximum Subarray Min-Product	子数组最小乘积的最大值	maximum-subarray-min-product	weekly-contest-240	Q3
2053 	2467	Most Profitable Path in a Tree	树上最大得分和路径	most-profitable-path-in-a-tree	biweekly-contest-91	Q3
2053 	839	Similar String Groups	相似字符串组	similar-string-groups	weekly-contest-85	Q4
2055 	1575	Count All Possible Routes	统计所有可行路径	count-all-possible-routes	biweekly-contest-34	Q4
2056 	2542	Maximum Subsequence Score	最大子序列的分数	maximum-subsequence-score	biweekly-contest-96	Q3
2056 	1473	Paint House III	粉刷房子 III	paint-house-iii	weekly-contest-192	Q4
2057 	2197	Replace Non-Coprime Numbers in Array	替换数组中的非互质数	replace-non-coprime-numbers-in-array	weekly-contest-283	Q4
2059 	1131	Maximum of Absolute Value Expression	绝对值表达式的最大值	maximum-of-absolute-value-expression	weekly-contest-146	Q4
2060 	2508	Add Edges to Make Degrees of All Nodes Even	添加边使所有节点度数都为偶数	add-edges-to-make-degrees-of-all-nodes-even	weekly-contest-324	Q3
2060 	2681	Power of Heroes	英雄的力量	power-of-heroes	biweekly-contest-104	Q4
2060 	2366	Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array	将数组排序的最少替换次数	minimum-replacements-to-sort-the-array	biweekly-contest-84	Q4
2062 	2106	Maximum Fruits Harvested After at Most K Steps	摘水果	maximum-fruits-harvested-after-at-most-k-steps	weekly-contest-271	Q4
2062 	2156	Find Substring With Given Hash Value	查找给定哈希值的子串	find-substring-with-given-hash-value	weekly-contest-278	Q3
2066 	801	Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing	使序列递增的最小交换次数	minimum-swaps-to-make-sequences-increasing	weekly-contest-76	Q2
2067 	855	Exam Room	考场就座	exam-room	weekly-contest-89	Q3
2068 	1770	Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations	执行乘法运算的最大分数	maximum-score-from-performing-multiplication-operations	weekly-contest-229	Q3
2068 	1368	Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid	使网格图至少有一条有效路径的最小代价	minimum-cost-to-make-at-least-one-valid-path-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-178	Q4
2069 	1168	Optimize Water Distribution in a Village	水资源分配优化	optimize-water-distribution-in-a-village	biweekly-contest-7	Q4
2069 	2514	Count Anagrams	统计同位异构字符串数目	count-anagrams	biweekly-contest-94	Q4
2070 	1808	Maximize Number of Nice Divisors	好因子的最大数目	maximize-number-of-nice-divisors	weekly-contest-234	Q4
2071 	2607	Make K-Subarray Sums Equal	使子数组元素和相等	make-k-subarray-sums-equal	biweekly-contest-101	Q3
2071 	2866	Beautiful Towers II	美丽塔 II	beautiful-towers-ii	weekly-contest-364	Q3
2072 	1799	Maximize Score After N Operations	N 次操作后的最大分数和	maximize-score-after-n-operations	biweekly-contest-48	Q4
2073 	1850	Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Reach the Kth Smallest Number	邻位交换的最小次数	minimum-adjacent-swaps-to-reach-the-kth-smallest-number	weekly-contest-239	Q3
2073 	2845	Count of Interesting Subarrays	统计趣味子数组的数目	count-of-interesting-subarrays	weekly-contest-361	Q3
2074 	871	Minimum Number of Refueling Stops	最低加油次数	minimum-number-of-refueling-stops	weekly-contest-93	Q4
2074 	2906	Construct Product Matrix	构造乘积矩阵	construct-product-matrix	weekly-contest-367	Q4
2075 	2354	Number of Excellent Pairs	优质数对的数目	number-of-excellent-pairs	weekly-contest-303	Q4
2076 	2449	Minimum Number of Operations to Make Arrays Similar	使数组相似的最少操作次数	minimum-number-of-operations-to-make-arrays-similar	weekly-contest-316	Q4
2076 	1088	Confusing Number II	易混淆数 II	confusing-number-ii	biweekly-contest-2	Q4
2077 	843	Guess the Word	猜猜这个单词	guess-the-word	weekly-contest-86	Q4
2078 	1786	Number of Restricted Paths From First to Last Node	从第一个节点出发到最后一个节点的受限路径数	number-of-restricted-paths-from-first-to-last-node	weekly-contest-231	Q3
2078 	1712	Ways to Split Array Into Three Subarrays	将数组分成三个子数组的方案数	ways-to-split-array-into-three-subarrays	weekly-contest-222	Q3
2079 	975	Odd Even Jump	奇偶跳	odd-even-jump	weekly-contest-119	Q4
2079 	1643	Kth Smallest Instructions	第 K 条最小指令	kth-smallest-instructions	weekly-contest-213	Q4
2080 	1718	Construct the Lexicographically Largest Valid Sequence	构建字典序最大的可行序列	construct-the-lexicographically-largest-valid-sequence	biweekly-contest-43	Q3
2080 	2555	Maximize Win From Two Segments	两个线段获得的最多奖品	maximize-win-from-two-segments	biweekly-contest-97	Q3
2081 	2560	House Robber IV	打家劫舍 IV	house-robber-iv	weekly-contest-331	Q3
2081 	1639	Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary	通过给定词典构造目标字符串的方案数	number-of-ways-to-form-a-target-string-given-a-dictionary	biweekly-contest-38	Q4
2081 	2857	Count Pairs of Points With Distance k	统计距离为 k 的点对	count-pairs-of-points-with-distance-k	biweekly-contest-113	Q3
2081 	1847	Closest Room	最近的房间	closest-room	biweekly-contest-51	Q4
2081 	1494	Parallel Courses II	并行课程 II	parallel-courses-ii	biweekly-contest-29	Q4
2084 	2050	Parallel Courses III	并行课程 III	parallel-courses-iii	weekly-contest-264	Q4
2084 	774	Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station	最小化去加油站的最大距离	minimize-max-distance-to-gas-station	weekly-contest-69	Q4
2084 	2009	Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Continuous	使数组连续的最少操作数	minimum-number-of-operations-to-make-array-continuous	biweekly-contest-61	Q4
2084 	2267	Check if There Is a Valid Parentheses String Path	检查是否有合法括号字符串路径	check-if-there-is-a-valid-parentheses-string-path	weekly-contest-292	Q4
2084 	1192	Critical Connections in a Network	查找集群内的「关键连接」	critical-connections-in-a-network	weekly-contest-154	Q4
2084 	982	Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero	按位与为零的三元组	triples-with-bitwise-and-equal-to-zero	weekly-contest-121	Q4
2087 	1563	Stone Game V	石子游戏 V	stone-game-v	weekly-contest-203	Q4
2090 	2318	Number of Distinct Roll Sequences	不同骰子序列的数目	number-of-distinct-roll-sequences	biweekly-contest-81	Q4
2090 	2193	Minimum Number of Moves to Make Palindrome	得到回文串的最少操作次数	minimum-number-of-moves-to-make-palindrome	biweekly-contest-73	Q4
2091 	1383	Maximum Performance of a Team	最大的团队表现值	maximum-performance-of-a-team	weekly-contest-180	Q4
2091 	2751	Robot Collisions	机器人碰撞	robot-collisions	weekly-contest-351	Q4
2091 	2842	Count K-Subsequences of a String With Maximum Beauty	统计一个字符串的 k 子序列美丽值最大的数目	count-k-subsequences-of-a-string-with-maximum-beauty	biweekly-contest-112	Q4
2092 	2412	Minimum Money Required Before Transactions	完成所有交易的初始最少钱数	minimum-money-required-before-transactions	biweekly-contest-87	Q4
2092 	1049	Last Stone Weight II	最后一块石头的重量 II	last-stone-weight-ii	weekly-contest-137	Q4
2092 	2444	Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds	统计定界子数组的数目	count-subarrays-with-fixed-bounds	weekly-contest-315	Q4
2092 	2402	Meeting Rooms III	会议室 III	meeting-rooms-iii	weekly-contest-309	Q4
2094 	1976	Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination	到达目的地的方案数	number-of-ways-to-arrive-at-destination	biweekly-contest-59	Q3
2096 	899	Orderly Queue	有序队列	orderly-queue	weekly-contest-100	Q4
2096 	778	Swim in Rising Water	水位上升的泳池中游泳	swim-in-rising-water	weekly-contest-70	Q4
2100 	793	Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function	阶乘函数后 K 个零	preimage-size-of-factorial-zeroes-function	weekly-contest-74	Q4
2101 	2430	Maximum Deletions on a String	对字母串可执行的最大删除数	maximum-deletions-on-a-string	weekly-contest-313	Q4
2104 	2088	Count Fertile Pyramids in a Land	统计农场中肥沃金字塔的数目	count-fertile-pyramids-in-a-land	biweekly-contest-66	Q4
2104 	1944	Number of Visible People in a Queue	队列中可以看到的人数	number-of-visible-people-in-a-queue	biweekly-contest-57	Q4
2105 	1937	Maximum Number of Points with Cost	扣分后的最大得分	maximum-number-of-points-with-cost	weekly-contest-250	Q3
2105 	2209	Minimum White Tiles After Covering With Carpets	用地毯覆盖后的最少白色砖块	minimum-white-tiles-after-covering-with-carpets	biweekly-contest-74	Q4
2109 	1172	Dinner Plate Stacks	餐盘栈	dinner-plate-stacks	weekly-contest-151	Q4
2115 	1483	Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node	树节点的第 K 个祖先	kth-ancestor-of-a-tree-node	weekly-contest-193	Q4
2116 	1547	Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick	切棍子的最小成本	minimum-cost-to-cut-a-stick	weekly-contest-201	Q4
2118 	1601	Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests	最多可达成的换楼请求数目	maximum-number-of-achievable-transfer-requests	weekly-contest-208	Q4
2120 	2376	Count Special Integers	统计特殊整数	count-special-integers	weekly-contest-306	Q4
2121 	972	Equal Rational Numbers	相等的有理数	equal-rational-numbers	weekly-contest-118	Q4
2123 	1970	Last Day Where You Can Still Cross	你能穿过矩阵的最后一天	last-day-where-you-can-still-cross	weekly-contest-254	Q4
2124 	1654	Minimum Jumps to Reach Home	到家的最少跳跃次数	minimum-jumps-to-reach-home	biweekly-contest-39	Q3
2124 	968	Binary Tree Cameras	监控二叉树	binary-tree-cameras	weekly-contest-117	Q4
2125 	1955	Count Number of Special Subsequences	统计特殊子序列的数目	count-number-of-special-subsequences	weekly-contest-252	Q4
2126 	2746	Decremental String Concatenation	字符串连接删减字母	decremental-string-concatenation	biweekly-contest-107	Q3
2126 	2246	Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters	相邻字符不同的最长路径	longest-path-with-different-adjacent-characters	weekly-contest-289	Q4
2126 	1444	Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza	切披萨的方案数	number-of-ways-of-cutting-a-pizza	weekly-contest-188	Q4
2129 	798	Smallest Rotation with Highest Score	得分最高的最小轮调	smallest-rotation-with-highest-score	weekly-contest-75	Q4
2130 	1039	Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon	多边形三角剖分的最低得分	minimum-score-triangulation-of-polygon	weekly-contest-135	Q3
2130 	2076	Process Restricted Friend Requests	处理含限制条件的好友请求	process-restricted-friend-requests	weekly-contest-267	Q4
2131 	1579	Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable	保证图可完全遍历	remove-max-number-of-edges-to-keep-graph-fully-traversable	weekly-contest-205	Q4
2132 	2749	Minimum Operations to Make the Integer Zero	得到整数零需要执行的最少操作数	minimum-operations-to-make-the-integer-zero	weekly-contest-351	Q2
2132 	2910	Minimum Number of Groups to Create a Valid Assignment	合法分组的最少组数	minimum-number-of-groups-to-create-a-valid-assignment	weekly-contest-368	Q3
2133 	898	Bitwise ORs of Subarrays	子数组按位或操作	bitwise-ors-of-subarrays	weekly-contest-100	Q3
2133 	1439	Find the Kth Smallest Sum of a Matrix With Sorted Rows	有序矩阵中的第 k 个最小数组和	find-the-kth-smallest-sum-of-a-matrix-with-sorted-rows	weekly-contest-187	Q4
2134 	910	Smallest Range II	最小差值 II	smallest-range-ii	weekly-contest-103	Q3
2135 	959	Regions Cut By Slashes	由斜杠划分区域	regions-cut-by-slashes	weekly-contest-115	Q3
2136 	2382	Maximum Segment Sum After Removals	删除操作后的最大子段和	maximum-segment-sum-after-removals	biweekly-contest-85	Q4
2137 	2290	Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner	到达角落需要移除障碍物的最小数目	minimum-obstacle-removal-to-reach-corner	weekly-contest-295	Q4
2140 	906	Super Palindromes	超级回文数	super-palindromes	weekly-contest-102	Q4
2145 	1879	Minimum XOR Sum of Two Arrays	两个数组最小的异或值之和	minimum-xor-sum-of-two-arrays	biweekly-contest-53	Q4
2146 	1906	Minimum Absolute Difference Queries	查询差绝对值的最小值	minimum-absolute-difference-queries	weekly-contest-246	Q4
2147 	1610	Maximum Number of Visible Points	可见点的最大数目	maximum-number-of-visible-points	weekly-contest-209	Q3
2153 	2812	Find the Safest Path in a Grid	找出最安全路径	find-the-safest-path-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-357	Q3
2153 	2662	Minimum Cost of a Path With Special Roads	前往目标的最小代价	minimum-cost-of-a-path-with-special-roads	weekly-contest-343	Q3
2155 	2616	Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs	最小化数对的最大差值	minimize-the-maximum-difference-of-pairs	weekly-contest-340	Q3
2156 	1515	Best Position for a Service Centre	服务中心的最佳位置	best-position-for-a-service-centre	weekly-contest-197	Q4
2157 	2218	Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles	从栈中取出 K 个硬币的最大面值和	maximum-value-of-k-coins-from-piles	weekly-contest-286	Q4
2158 	2102	Sequentially Ordinal Rank Tracker	序列顺序查询	sequentially-ordinal-rank-tracker	biweekly-contest-67	Q4
2158 	2122	Recover the Original Array	还原原数组	recover-the-original-array	weekly-contest-273	Q4
2159 	2584	Split the Array to Make Coprime Products	分割数组使乘积互质	split-the-array-to-make-coprime-products	weekly-contest-335	Q3
2164 	1036	Escape a Large Maze	逃离大迷宫	escape-a-large-maze	weekly-contest-134	Q4
2168 	786	K-th Smallest Prime Fraction	第 K 个最小的素数分数	k-th-smallest-prime-fraction	weekly-contest-72	Q4
2170 	1931	Painting a Grid With Three Different Colors	用三种不同颜色为网格涂色	painting-a-grid-with-three-different-colors	weekly-contest-249	Q3
2170 	1862	Sum of Floored Pairs	向下取整数对和	sum-of-floored-pairs	biweekly-contest-52	Q4
2171 	1691	Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids 	堆叠长方体的最大高度	maximum-height-by-stacking-cuboids	weekly-contest-219	Q4
2171 	2709	Greatest Common Divisor Traversal	最大公约数遍历	greatest-common-divisor-traversal	biweekly-contest-105	Q4
2172 	2896	Apply Operations to Make Two Strings Equal	执行操作使两个字符串相等	apply-operations-to-make-two-strings-equal	weekly-contest-366	Q3
2175 	2454	Next Greater Element IV	下一个更大元素 IV	next-greater-element-iv	biweekly-contest-90	Q4
2175 	1420	Build Array Where You Can Find The Maximum Exactly K Comparisons	生成数组	build-array-where-you-can-find-the-maximum-exactly-k-comparisons	weekly-contest-185	Q4
2175 	2768	Number of Black Blocks	黑格子的数目	number-of-black-blocks	biweekly-contest-108	Q4
2178 	2065	Maximum Path Quality of a Graph	最大化一张图中的路径价值	maximum-path-quality-of-a-graph	weekly-contest-266	Q4
2181 	1912	Design Movie Rental System	设计电影租借系统	design-movie-rental-system	biweekly-contest-55	Q4
2182 	1771	Maximize Palindrome Length From Subsequences	由子序列构造的最长回文串的长度	maximize-palindrome-length-from-subsequences	weekly-contest-229	Q4
2182 	891	Sum of Subsequence Widths	子序列宽度之和	sum-of-subsequence-widths	weekly-contest-98	Q4
2184 	1081	Smallest Subsequence of Distinct Characters	不同字符的最小子序列	smallest-subsequence-of-distinct-characters	weekly-contest-140	Q4
2185 	943	Find the Shortest Superstring	最短超级串	find-the-shortest-superstring	weekly-contest-111	Q4
2189 	1074	Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target	元素和为目标值的子矩阵数量	number-of-submatrices-that-sum-to-target	weekly-contest-139	Q4
2190 	1478	Allocate Mailboxes	安排邮筒	allocate-mailboxes	biweekly-contest-28	Q4
2195 	2503	Maximum Number of Points From Grid Queries	矩阵查询可获得的最大分数	maximum-number-of-points-from-grid-queries	weekly-contest-323	Q4
2197 	834	Sum of Distances in Tree	树中距离之和	sum-of-distances-in-tree	weekly-contest-84	Q4
2198 	1621	Number of Sets of K Non-Overlapping Line Segments	大小为 K 的不重叠线段的数目	number-of-sets-of-k-non-overlapping-line-segments	biweekly-contest-37	Q3
2198 	1739	Building Boxes	放置盒子	building-boxes	weekly-contest-225	Q4
2200 	847	Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes	访问所有节点的最短路径	shortest-path-visiting-all-nodes	weekly-contest-87	Q4
2201 	2045	Second Minimum Time to Reach Destination	到达目的地的第二短时间	second-minimum-time-to-reach-destination	weekly-contest-263	Q4
2201 	1453	Maximum Number of Darts Inside of a Circular Dartboard	圆形靶内的最大飞镖数量	maximum-number-of-darts-inside-of-a-circular-dartboard	weekly-contest-189	Q4
2203 	1246	Palindrome Removal	删除回文子数组	palindrome-removal	biweekly-contest-12	Q4
2203 	2781	Length of the Longest Valid Substring	最长合法子字符串的长度	length-of-the-longest-valid-substring	weekly-contest-354	Q4
2204 	879	Profitable Schemes	盈利计划	profitable-schemes	weekly-contest-95	Q4
2205 	1157	Online Majority Element In Subarray	子数组中占绝大多数的元素	online-majority-element-in-subarray	weekly-contest-149	Q4
2207 	2835	Minimum Operations to Form Subsequence With Target Sum	使子序列的和等于目标的最少操作次数	minimum-operations-to-form-subsequence-with-target-sum	weekly-contest-360	Q3
2207 	1649	Create Sorted Array through Instructions	通过指令创建有序数组	create-sorted-array-through-instructions	weekly-contest-214	Q4
2208 	1568	Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island	使陆地分离的最少天数	minimum-number-of-days-to-disconnect-island	weekly-contest-204	Q3
2209 	2876	Count Visited Nodes in a Directed Graph	有向图访问计数	count-visited-nodes-in-a-directed-graph	weekly-contest-365	Q4
2209 	2081	Sum of k-Mirror Numbers	k 镜像数字的和	sum-of-k-mirror-numbers	weekly-contest-268	Q4
2210 	992	Subarrays with K Different Integers	K 个不同整数的子数组	subarrays-with-k-different-integers	weekly-contest-123	Q4
2214 	1889	Minimum Space Wasted From Packaging	装包裹的最小浪费空间	minimum-space-wasted-from-packaging	weekly-contest-244	Q4
2217 	2025	Maximum Number of Ways to Partition an Array	分割数组的最多方案数	maximum-number-of-ways-to-partition-an-array	biweekly-contest-62	Q4
2219 	2167	Minimum Time to Remove All Cars Containing Illegal Goods	移除所有载有违禁货物车厢所需的最少时间	minimum-time-to-remove-all-cars-containing-illegal-goods	weekly-contest-279	Q4
2220 	2223	Sum of Scores of Built Strings	构造字符串的总得分和	sum-of-scores-of-built-strings	biweekly-contest-75	Q4
2220 	2543	Check if Point Is Reachable	判断一个点是否可以到达	check-if-point-is-reachable	biweekly-contest-96	Q4
2221 	1627	Graph Connectivity With Threshold	带阈值的图连通性	graph-connectivity-with-threshold	weekly-contest-211	Q4
2221 	1542	Find Longest Awesome Substring	找出最长的超赞子字符串	find-longest-awesome-substring	biweekly-contest-32	Q4
2221 	2561	Rearranging Fruits	重排水果	rearranging-fruits	weekly-contest-331	Q4
2222 	2276	Count Integers in Intervals	统计区间中的整数数目	count-integers-in-intervals	weekly-contest-293	Q4
2223 	2484	Count Palindromic Subsequences	统计回文子序列数目	count-palindromic-subsequences	biweekly-contest-92	Q4
2225 	2163	Minimum Difference in Sums After Removal of Elements	删除元素后和的最小差值	minimum-difference-in-sums-after-removal-of-elements	biweekly-contest-71	Q4
2228 	2581	Count Number of Possible Root Nodes	统计可能的树根数目	count-number-of-possible-root-nodes	biweekly-contest-99	Q4
2230 	1012	Numbers With Repeated Digits	至少有 1 位重复的数字	numbers-with-repeated-digits	weekly-contest-128	Q4
2231 	1766	Tree of Coprimes	互质树	tree-of-coprimes	biweekly-contest-46	Q4
2233 	1178	Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle	猜字谜	number-of-valid-words-for-each-puzzle	weekly-contest-152	Q4
2234 	1915	Number of Wonderful Substrings	最美子字符串的数目	number-of-wonderful-substrings	weekly-contest-247	Q3
2235 	2528	Maximize the Minimum Powered City	最大化城市的最小供电站数目	maximize-the-minimum-powered-city	biweekly-contest-95	Q4
2235 	850	Rectangle Area II	矩形面积 II	rectangle-area-ii	weekly-contest-88	Q4
2238 	2646	Minimize the Total Price of the Trips	最小化旅行的价格总和	minimize-the-total-price-of-the-trips	weekly-contest-341	Q4
2239 	2732	Find a Good Subset of the Matrix	找到矩阵中的好子集	find-a-good-subset-of-the-matrix	biweekly-contest-106	Q4
2241 	1240	Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares	铺瓷砖	tiling-a-rectangle-with-the-fewest-squares	weekly-contest-160	Q4
2246 	2183	Count Array Pairs Divisible by K	统计可以被 K 整除的下标对数目	count-array-pairs-divisible-by-k	weekly-contest-281	Q4
2246 	960	Delete Columns to Make Sorted III	删列造序 III	delete-columns-to-make-sorted-iii	weekly-contest-115	Q4
2250 	1307	Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle	口算难题	verbal-arithmetic-puzzle	weekly-contest-169	Q4
2250 	1199	Minimum Time to Build Blocks	建造街区的最短时间	minimum-time-to-build-blocks	biweekly-contest-9	Q4
2250 	1125	Smallest Sufficient Team	最小的必要团队	smallest-sufficient-team	weekly-contest-145	Q4
2258 	864	Shortest Path to Get All Keys	获取所有钥匙的最短路径	shortest-path-to-get-all-keys	weekly-contest-92	Q4
2259 	857	Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers	雇佣 K 名工人的最低成本	minimum-cost-to-hire-k-workers	weekly-contest-90	Q4
2260 	1997	First Day Where You Have Been in All the Rooms	访问完所有房间的第一天	first-day-where-you-have-been-in-all-the-rooms	weekly-contest-257	Q3
2265 	2141	Maximum Running Time of N Computers	同时运行 N 台电脑的最长时间	maximum-running-time-of-n-computers	weekly-contest-276	Q4
2272 	952	Largest Component Size by Common Factor	按公因数计算最大组件大小	largest-component-size-by-common-factor	weekly-contest-113	Q4
2272 	2179	Count Good Triplets in an Array	统计数组中好三元组数目	count-good-triplets-in-an-array	biweekly-contest-72	Q4
2273 	1434	Number of Ways to Wear Different Hats to Each Other	每个人戴不同帽子的方案数	number-of-ways-to-wear-different-hats-to-each-other	biweekly-contest-25	Q4
2273 	753	Cracking the Safe	破解保险箱	cracking-the-safe	weekly-contest-64	Q4
2275 	1606	Find Servers That Handled Most Number of Requests	找到处理最多请求的服务器	find-servers-that-handled-most-number-of-requests	biweekly-contest-36	Q4
2276 	1498	Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition	满足条件的子序列数目	number-of-subsequences-that-satisfy-the-given-sum-condition	weekly-contest-195	Q3
2277 	749	Contain Virus	隔离病毒	contain-virus	weekly-contest-63	Q4
2277 	2029	Stone Game IX	石子游戏 IX	stone-game-ix	weekly-contest-261	Q3
2277 	2763	Sum of Imbalance Numbers of All Subarrays	所有子数组中不平衡数字之和	sum-of-imbalance-numbers-of-all-subarrays	weekly-contest-352	Q4
2280 	2407	Longest Increasing Subsequence II	最长递增子序列 II	longest-increasing-subsequence-ii	weekly-contest-310	Q4
2281 	2659	Make Array Empty	将数组清空	make-array-empty	biweekly-contest-103	Q4
2284 	1723	Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs	完成所有工作的最短时间	find-minimum-time-to-finish-all-jobs	weekly-contest-223	Q4
2286 	1851	Minimum Interval to Include Each Query	包含每个查询的最小区间	minimum-interval-to-include-each-query	weekly-contest-239	Q4
2288 	1569	Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST	将子数组重新排序得到同一个二叉查找树的方案数	number-of-ways-to-reorder-array-to-get-same-bst	weekly-contest-204	Q4
2290 	1591	Strange Printer II	奇怪的打印机 II	strange-printer-ii	biweekly-contest-35	Q4
2291 	2862	Maximum Element-Sum of a Complete Subset of Indices	完全子集的最大元素和	maximum-element-sum-of-a-complete-subset-of-indices	weekly-contest-363	Q4
2292 	761	Special Binary String	特殊的二进制序列	special-binary-string	weekly-contest-66	Q4
2294 	932	Beautiful Array	漂亮数组	beautiful-array	weekly-contest-108	Q4
2294 	2858	Minimum Edge Reversals So Every Node Is Reachable	可以到达每一个节点的最少边反转次数	minimum-edge-reversals-so-every-node-is-reachable	biweekly-contest-113	Q4
2297 	1263	Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location	推箱子	minimum-moves-to-move-a-box-to-their-target-location	weekly-contest-163	Q4
2298 	2458	Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal Queries	移除子树后的二叉树高度	height-of-binary-tree-after-subtree-removal-queries	weekly-contest-317	Q4
2300 	1697	Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths	检查边长度限制的路径是否存在	checking-existence-of-edge-length-limited-paths	weekly-contest-220	Q4
2301 	2897	Apply Operations on Array to Maximize Sum of Squares	对数组执行操作使平方和最大	apply-operations-on-array-to-maximize-sum-of-squares	weekly-contest-366	Q4
2302 	2513	Minimize the Maximum of Two Arrays	最小化两个数组中的最大值	minimize-the-maximum-of-two-arrays	biweekly-contest-94	Q3
2304 	2242	Maximum Score of a Node Sequence	节点序列的最大得分	maximum-score-of-a-node-sequence	biweekly-contest-76	Q4
2305 	2306	Naming a Company	公司命名	naming-a-company	weekly-contest-297	Q4
2306 	862	Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K	和至少为 K 的最短子数组	shortest-subarray-with-sum-at-least-k	weekly-contest-91	Q4
2307 	1655	Distribute Repeating Integers	分配重复整数	distribute-repeating-integers	biweekly-contest-39	Q4
2308 	1617	Count Subtrees With Max Distance Between Cities	统计子树中城市之间最大距离	count-subtrees-with-max-distance-between-cities	weekly-contest-210	Q4
2310 	1959	Minimum Total Space Wasted With K Resizing Operations	K 次调整数组大小浪费的最小总空间	minimum-total-space-wasted-with-k-resizing-operations	biweekly-contest-58	Q3
2312 	1857	Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph	有向图中最大颜色值	largest-color-value-in-a-directed-graph	weekly-contest-240	Q4
2315 	2188	Minimum Time to Finish the Race	完成比赛的最少时间	minimum-time-to-finish-the-race	weekly-contest-282	Q4
2315 	1187	Make Array Strictly Increasing	使数组严格递增	make-array-strictly-increasing	weekly-contest-153	Q4
2324 	2827	Number of Beautiful Integers in the Range	范围中美丽整数的数目	number-of-beautiful-integers-in-the-range	biweekly-contest-111	Q4
2328 	882	Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph	细分图中的可到达结点	reachable-nodes-in-subdivided-graph	weekly-contest-96	Q4
2333 	1585	Check If String Is Transformable With Substring Sort Operations	检查字符串是否可以通过排序子字符串得到另一个字符串	check-if-string-is-transformable-with-substring-sort-operations	weekly-contest-206	Q4
2333 	1866	Number of Ways to Rearrange Sticks With K Sticks Visible	恰有 K 根木棍可以看到的排列数目	number-of-ways-to-rearrange-sticks-with-k-sticks-visible	weekly-contest-241	Q4
2333 	1674	Minimum Moves to Make Array Complementary	使数组互补的最少操作次数	minimum-moves-to-make-array-complementary	weekly-contest-217	Q3
2336 	1505	Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On Digits	最多 K 次交换相邻数位后得到的最小整数	minimum-possible-integer-after-at-most-k-adjacent-swaps-on-digits	weekly-contest-196	Q4
2341 	810	Chalkboard XOR Game	黑板异或游戏	chalkboard-xor-game	weekly-contest-78	Q4
2344 	2478	Number of Beautiful Partitions	完美分割的方案数	number-of-beautiful-partitions	weekly-contest-320	Q4
2345 	1611	Minimum One Bit Operations to Make Integers Zero	使整数变为 0 的最少操作次数	minimum-one-bit-operations-to-make-integers-zero	weekly-contest-209	Q4
2346 	2258	Escape the Spreading Fire	逃离火灾	escape-the-spreading-fire	biweekly-contest-77	Q4
2348 	1096	Brace Expansion II	花括号展开 II	brace-expansion-ii	weekly-contest-142	Q4
2350 	837	New 21 Game	新21点	new-21-game	weekly-contest-85	Q3
2350 	2920	Maximum Points After Collecting Coins From All Nodes	收集所有金币可获得的最大积分	maximum-points-after-collecting-coins-from-all-nodes	weekly-contest-369	Q4
2350 	1713	Minimum Operations to Make a Subsequence	得到子序列的最少操作次数	minimum-operations-to-make-a-subsequence	weekly-contest-222	Q4
2354 	2719	Count of Integers	统计整数数目	count-of-integers	weekly-contest-348	Q4
2356 	1467	Probability of a Two Boxes Having The Same Number of Distinct Balls	两个盒子中球的颜色数相同的概率	probability-of-a-two-boxes-having-the-same-number-of-distinct-balls	weekly-contest-191	Q4
2358 	1707	Maximum XOR With an Element From Array	与数组中元素的最大异或值	maximum-xor-with-an-element-from-array	weekly-contest-221	Q4
2362 	1520	Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Substrings	最多的不重叠子字符串	maximum-number-of-non-overlapping-substrings	weekly-contest-198	Q3
2363 	2312	Selling Pieces of Wood	卖木头块	selling-pieces-of-wood	weekly-contest-298	Q4
2363 	1755	Closest Subsequence Sum	最接近目标值的子序列和	closest-subsequence-sum	weekly-contest-227	Q4
2364 	2203	Minimum Weighted Subgraph With the Required Paths	得到要求路径的最小带权子图	minimum-weighted-subgraph-with-the-required-paths	weekly-contest-284	Q4
2364 	2132	Stamping the Grid	用邮票贴满网格图	stamping-the-grid	biweekly-contest-69	Q4
2366 	1183	Maximum Number of Ones	矩阵中 1 的最大数量	maximum-number-of-ones	biweekly-contest-8	Q4
2367 	2801	Count Stepping Numbers in Range	统计范围内的步进数字数目	count-stepping-numbers-in-range	weekly-contest-356	Q4
2368 	2556	Disconnect Path in a Binary Matrix by at Most One Flip	二进制矩阵中翻转最多一次使路径不连通	disconnect-path-in-a-binary-matrix-by-at-most-one-flip	biweekly-contest-97	Q4
2374 	1840	Maximum Building Height	最高建筑高度	maximum-building-height	weekly-contest-238	Q4
2376 	887	Super Egg Drop	鸡蛋掉落	super-egg-drop	weekly-contest-97	Q4
2377 	854	K-Similar Strings	相似度为 K 的字符串	k-similar-strings	weekly-contest-89	Q4
2378 	757	Set Intersection Size At Least Two	设置交集大小至少为2	set-intersection-size-at-least-two	weekly-contest-65	Q4
2380 	2589	Minimum Time to Complete All Tasks	完成所有任务的最少时间	minimum-time-to-complete-all-tasks	weekly-contest-336	Q4
2381 	2334	Subarray With Elements Greater Than Varying Threshold	元素值大于变化阈值的子数组	subarray-with-elements-greater-than-varying-threshold	biweekly-contest-82	Q4
2381 	956	Tallest Billboard	最高的广告牌	tallest-billboard	weekly-contest-114	Q4
2381 	2468	Split Message Based on Limit	根据限制分割消息	split-message-based-on-limit	biweekly-contest-91	Q4
2381 	2577	Minimum Time to Visit a Cell In a Grid	在网格图中访问一个格子的最少时间	minimum-time-to-visit-a-cell-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-334	Q4
2383 	1521	Find a Value of a Mysterious Function Closest to Target	找到最接近目标值的函数值	find-a-value-of-a-mysterious-function-closest-to-target	weekly-contest-198	Q4
2385 	1349	Maximum Students Taking Exam	参加考试的最大学生数	maximum-students-taking-exam	weekly-contest-175	Q4
2387 	2713	Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a Matrix	矩阵中严格递增的单元格数	maximum-strictly-increasing-cells-in-a-matrix	weekly-contest-347	Q4
2389 	1681	Minimum Incompatibility	最小不兼容性	minimum-incompatibility	weekly-contest-218	Q4
2391 	2322	Minimum Score After Removals on a Tree	从树中删除边的最小分数	minimum-score-after-removals-on-a-tree	weekly-contest-299	Q4
2391 	818	Race Car	赛车	race-car	weekly-contest-80	Q4
2392 	2172	Maximum AND Sum of Array	数组的最大与和	maximum-and-sum-of-array	weekly-contest-280	Q4
2395 	1825	Finding MK Average	求出 MK 平均值	finding-mk-average	weekly-contest-236	Q4
2396 	808	Soup Servings	分汤	soup-servings	weekly-contest-78	Q3
2396 	2818	Apply Operations to Maximize Score	操作使得分最大	apply-operations-to-maximize-score	weekly-contest-358	Q4
2397 	2569	Handling Sum Queries After Update	更新数组后处理求和查询	handling-sum-queries-after-update	biweekly-contest-98	Q4
2397 	2538	Difference Between Maximum and Minimum Price Sum	最大价值和与最小价值和的差值	difference-between-maximum-and-minimum-price-sum	weekly-contest-328	Q4
2399 	920	Number of Music Playlists	播放列表的数量	number-of-music-playlists	weekly-contest-105	Q4
2405 	2747	Count Zero Request Servers	统计没有收到请求的服务器数目	count-zero-request-servers	biweekly-contest-107	Q4
2409 	1388	Pizza With 3n Slices	3n 块披萨	pizza-with-3n-slices	biweekly-contest-22	Q4
2413 	1928	Minimum Cost to Reach Destination in Time	规定时间内到达终点的最小花费	minimum-cost-to-reach-destination-in-time	biweekly-contest-56	Q4
2414 	2518	Number of Great Partitions	好分区的数目	number-of-great-partitions	weekly-contest-325	Q4
2415 	2003	Smallest Missing Genetic Value in Each Subtree	每棵子树内缺失的最小基因值	smallest-missing-genetic-value-in-each-subtree	weekly-contest-258	Q4
2415 	2493	Divide Nodes Into the Maximum Number of Groups	将节点分成尽可能多的组	divide-nodes-into-the-maximum-number-of-groups	weekly-contest-322	Q4
2415 	2663	Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful String	字典序最小的美丽字符串	lexicographically-smallest-beautiful-string	weekly-contest-343	Q4
2418 	1203	Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies	项目管理	sort-items-by-groups-respecting-dependencies	weekly-contest-155	Q4
2419 	2572	Count the Number of Square-Free Subsets	无平方子集计数	count-the-number-of-square-free-subsets	weekly-contest-333	Q3
2422 	1987	Number of Unique Good Subsequences	不同的好子序列数目	number-of-unique-good-subsequences	weekly-contest-256	Q4
2422 	1000	Minimum Cost to Merge Stones	合并石头的最低成本	minimum-cost-to-merge-stones	weekly-contest-126	Q4
2424 	2742	Painting the Walls	给墙壁刷油漆	painting-the-walls	weekly-contest-350	Q4
2428 	2867	Count Valid Paths in a Tree	统计树中的合法路径数目	count-valid-paths-in-a-tree	weekly-contest-364	Q4
2428 	1044	Longest Duplicate Substring	最长重复子串	longest-duplicate-substring	weekly-contest-136	Q4
2429 	1998	GCD Sort of an Array	数组的最大公因数排序	gcd-sort-of-an-array	weekly-contest-257	Q4
2429 	782	Transform to Chessboard	变为棋盘	transform-to-chessboard	weekly-contest-71	Q4
2432 	2565	Subsequence With the Minimum Score	最少得分子序列	subsequence-with-the-minimum-score	weekly-contest-332	Q4
2432 	2552	Count Increasing Quadruplets	统计上升四元组	count-increasing-quadruplets	weekly-contest-330	Q4
2433 	903	Valid Permutations for DI Sequence	DI 序列的有效排列	valid-permutations-for-di-sequence	weekly-contest-101	Q4
2439 	1872	Stone Game VIII	石子游戏 VIII	stone-game-viii	weekly-contest-242	Q4
2444 	2421	Number of Good Paths	好路径的数目	number-of-good-paths	weekly-contest-312	Q4
2448 	2926	Maximum Balanced Subsequence Sum	平衡子序列的最大和	maximum-balanced-subsequence-sum	weekly-contest-370	Q4
2449 	2127	Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a Meeting	参加会议的最多员工数	maximum-employees-to-be-invited-to-a-meeting	weekly-contest-274	Q4
2453 	2463	Minimum Total Distance Traveled	最小移动总距离	minimum-total-distance-traveled	weekly-contest-318	Q4
2454 	1900	The Earliest and Latest Rounds Where Players Compete	最佳运动员的比拼回合	the-earliest-and-latest-rounds-where-players-compete	weekly-contest-245	Q4
2455 	1040	Moving Stones Until Consecutive II	移动石子直到连续 II	moving-stones-until-consecutive-ii	weekly-contest-135	Q4
2456 	1499	Max Value of Equation	满足不等式的最大值	max-value-of-equation	weekly-contest-195	Q4
2457 	1782	Count Pairs Of Nodes	统计点对的数目	count-pairs-of-nodes	biweekly-contest-47	Q4
2460 	2440	Create Components With Same Value	创建价值相同的连通块	create-components-with-same-value	biweekly-contest-89	Q4
2464 	1994	The Number of Good Subsets	好子集的数目	the-number-of-good-subsets	biweekly-contest-60	Q4
2466 	1703	Minimum Adjacent Swaps for K Consecutive Ones	得到连续 K 个 1 的最少相邻交换次数	minimum-adjacent-swaps-for-k-consecutive-ones	biweekly-contest-42	Q4
2470 	2286	Booking Concert Tickets in Groups	以组为单位订音乐会的门票	booking-concert-tickets-in-groups	biweekly-contest-79	Q4
2476 	1622	Fancy Sequence	奇妙序列	fancy-sequence	biweekly-contest-37	Q4
2476 	2117	Abbreviating the Product of a Range	一个区间内所有数乘积的缩写	abbreviating-the-product-of-a-range	biweekly-contest-68	Q4
2479 	1803	Count Pairs With XOR in a Range	统计异或值在范围内的数对有多少	count-pairs-with-xor-in-a-range	weekly-contest-233	Q4
2481 	1330	Reverse Subarray To Maximize Array Value	翻转子数组得到最大的数组值	reverse-subarray-to-maximize-array-value	biweekly-contest-18	Q4
2481 	2289	Steps to Make Array Non-decreasing	使数组按非递减顺序排列	steps-to-make-array-non-decreasing	weekly-contest-295	Q3
2483 	1932	Merge BSTs to Create Single BST	合并多棵二叉搜索树	merge-bsts-to-create-single-bst	weekly-contest-249	Q4
2486 	1916	Count Ways to Build Rooms in an Ant Colony	统计为蚁群构筑房间的不同顺序	count-ways-to-build-rooms-in-an-ant-colony	weekly-contest-247	Q4
2489 	2035	Partition Array Into Two Arrays to Minimize Sum Difference	将数组分成两个数组并最小化数组和的差	partition-array-into-two-arrays-to-minimize-sum-difference	weekly-contest-262	Q4
2499 	2157	Groups of Strings	字符串分组	groups-of-strings	weekly-contest-278	Q4
2499 	1735	Count Ways to Make Array With Product	生成乘积数组的方案数	count-ways-to-make-array-with-product	biweekly-contest-44	Q4
2502 	1938	Maximum Genetic Difference Query	查询最大基因差	maximum-genetic-difference-query	weekly-contest-250	Q4
2507 	2846	Minimum Edge Weight Equilibrium Queries in a Tree	边权重均等查询	minimum-edge-weight-equilibrium-queries-in-a-tree	weekly-contest-361	Q4
2515 	2272	Substring With Largest Variance	最大波动的子字符串	substring-with-largest-variance	biweekly-contest-78	Q4
2517 	2040	Kth Smallest Product of Two Sorted Arrays	两个有序数组的第 K 小乘积	kth-smallest-product-of-two-sorted-arrays	biweekly-contest-63	Q4
2529 	1632	Rank Transform of a Matrix	矩阵转换后的秩	rank-transform-of-a-matrix	weekly-contest-212	Q4
2530 	1776	Car Fleet II	车队 II	car-fleet-ii	weekly-contest-230	Q4
2531 	1896	Minimum Cost to Change the Final Value of Expression	反转表达式值的最少操作次数	minimum-cost-to-change-the-final-value-of-expression	biweekly-contest-54	Q4
2533 	2736	Maximum Sum Queries	最大和查询	maximum-sum-queries	weekly-contest-349	Q4
2533 	1675	Minimize Deviation in Array	数组的最小偏移量	minimize-deviation-in-array	weekly-contest-217	Q4
2533 	1948	Delete Duplicate Folders in System	删除系统中的重复文件夹	delete-duplicate-folders-in-system	weekly-contest-251	Q4
2537 	1595	Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points	连通两组点的最小成本	minimum-cost-to-connect-two-groups-of-points	weekly-contest-207	Q4
2539 	1819	Number of Different Subsequences GCDs	序列中不同最大公约数的数目	number-of-different-subsequences-gcds	weekly-contest-235	Q4
2558 	2014	Longest Subsequence Repeated k Times	重复 K 次的最长子序列	longest-subsequence-repeated-k-times	weekly-contest-259	Q4
2559 	1815	Maximum Number of Groups Getting Fresh Donuts	得到新鲜甜甜圈的最多组数	maximum-number-of-groups-getting-fresh-donuts	biweekly-contest-49	Q4
2561 	2234	Maximum Total Beauty of the Gardens	花园的最大总美丽值	maximum-total-beauty-of-the-gardens	weekly-contest-288	Q4
2561 	2030	Smallest K-Length Subsequence With Occurrences of a Letter	含特定字母的最小子序列	smallest-k-length-subsequence-with-occurrences-of-a-letter	weekly-contest-261	Q4
2566 	913	Cat and Mouse	猫和老鼠	cat-and-mouse	weekly-contest-104	Q4
2571 	1489	Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree	找到最小生成树里的关键边和伪关键边	find-critical-and-pseudo-critical-edges-in-minimum-spanning-tree	weekly-contest-194	Q4
2575 	1531	String Compression II	压缩字符串 II	string-compression-ii	weekly-contest-199	Q4
2581 	2617	Minimum Number of Visited Cells in a Grid	网格图中最少访问的格子数	minimum-number-of-visited-cells-in-a-grid	weekly-contest-340	Q4
2582 	2813	Maximum Elegance of a K-Length Subsequence	子序列最大优雅度	maximum-elegance-of-a-k-length-subsequence	weekly-contest-357	Q4
2583 	936	Stamping The Sequence	戳印序列	stamping-the-sequence	weekly-contest-109	Q4
2583 	2019	The Score of Students Solving Math Expression	解出数学表达式的学生分数	the-score-of-students-solving-math-expression	weekly-contest-260	Q4
2587 	1883	Minimum Skips to Arrive at Meeting On Time	准时抵达会议现场的最小跳过休息次数	minimum-skips-to-arrive-at-meeting-on-time	weekly-contest-243	Q4
2588 	2532	Time to Cross a Bridge	过桥的时间	time-to-cross-a-bridge	weekly-contest-327	Q4
2594 	964	Least Operators to Express Number	表示数字的最少运算符	least-operators-to-express-number	weekly-contest-116	Q4
2607 	2911	Minimum Changes to Make K Semi-palindromes	得到 K 个半回文串的最少修改次数	minimum-changes-to-make-k-semi-palindromes	weekly-contest-368	Q4
2610 	1687	Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports	从仓库到码头运输箱子	delivering-boxes-from-storage-to-ports	biweekly-contest-41	Q4
2610 	2056	Number of Valid Move Combinations On Chessboard	棋盘上有效移动组合的数目	number-of-valid-move-combinations-on-chessboard	biweekly-contest-64	Q4
2615 	2338	Count the Number of Ideal Arrays	统计理想数组的数目	count-the-number-of-ideal-arrays	weekly-contest-301	Q4
2619 	2790	Maximum Number of Groups With Increasing Length	长度递增组的最大数目	maximum-number-of-groups-with-increasing-length	weekly-contest-355	Q3
2620 	1830	Minimum Number of Operations to Make String Sorted	使字符串有序的最少操作次数	minimum-number-of-operations-to-make-string-sorted	biweekly-contest-50	Q4
2621 	2281	Sum of Total Strength of Wizards	巫师的总力量和	sum-of-total-strength-of-wizards	weekly-contest-294	Q4
2628 	2213	Longest Substring of One Repeating Character	由单个字符重复的最长子字符串	longest-substring-of-one-repeating-character	weekly-contest-285	Q4
2633 	2499	Minimum Total Cost to Make Arrays Unequal	让数组不相等的最小总代价	minimum-total-cost-to-make-arrays-unequal	biweekly-contest-93	Q4
2640 	1787	Make the XOR of All Segments Equal to Zero	使所有区间的异或结果为零	make-the-xor-of-all-segments-equal-to-zero	weekly-contest-231	Q4
2647 	2386	Find the K-Sum of an Array	找出数组的第 K 大和	find-the-k-sum-of-an-array	weekly-contest-307	Q4
2648 	2071	Maximum Number of Tasks You Can Assign	你可以安排的最多任务数目	maximum-number-of-tasks-you-can-assign	biweekly-contest-65	Q4
2650 	2097	Valid Arrangement of Pairs	合法重新排列数对	valid-arrangement-of-pairs	weekly-contest-270	Q4
2655 	1659	Maximize Grid Happiness	最大化网格幸福感	maximize-grid-happiness	weekly-contest-215	Q4
2661 	1923	Longest Common Subpath	最长公共子路径	longest-common-subpath	weekly-contest-248	Q4
2666 	1397	Find All Good Strings	找到所有好字符串	find-all-good-strings	weekly-contest-182	Q4
2677 	2791	Count Paths That Can Form a Palindrome in a Tree	树中可以形成回文的路径数	count-paths-that-can-form-a-palindrome-in-a-tree	weekly-contest-355	Q4
2681 	2573	Find the String with LCP	找出对应 LCP 矩阵的字符串	find-the-string-with-lcp	weekly-contest-333	Q4
2690 	1960	Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Substrings	两个回文子字符串长度的最大乘积	maximum-product-of-the-length-of-two-palindromic-substrings	biweekly-contest-58	Q4
2711 	2603	Collect Coins in a Tree	收集树中金币	collect-coins-in-a-tree	weekly-contest-338	Q4
2758 	2902	Count of Sub-Multisets With Bounded Sum	和带限制的子多重集合的数目	count-of-sub-multisets-with-bounded-sum	biweekly-contest-115	Q4
2765 	803	Bricks Falling When Hit	打砖块	bricks-falling-when-hit	weekly-contest-76	Q4
2768 	2836	Maximize Value of Function in a Ball Passing Game	在传球游戏中最大化函数值	maximize-value-of-function-in-a-ball-passing-game	weekly-contest-360	Q4
2803 	2060	Check if an Original String Exists Given Two Encoded Strings	同源字符串检测	check-if-an-original-string-exists-given-two-encoded-strings	weekly-contest-265	Q4
2816 	2916	Subarrays Distinct Element Sum of Squares II	子数组不同元素数目的平方和 II	subarrays-distinct-element-sum-of-squares-ii	biweekly-contest-116	Q4
2817 	1977	Number of Ways to Separate Numbers	划分数字的方案数	number-of-ways-to-separate-numbers	biweekly-contest-59	Q4
2824 	2612	Minimum Reverse Operations	最少翻转操作数	minimum-reverse-operations	weekly-contest-339	Q4
2849 	1728	Cat and Mouse II	猫和老鼠 II	cat-and-mouse-ii	weekly-contest-224	Q4
2857 	2851	String Transformation	字符串转换	string-transformation	weekly-contest-362	Q4
2863 	770	Basic Calculator IV	基本计算器 IV	basic-calculator-iv	weekly-contest-68	Q5
2872 	1982	Find Array Given Subset Sums	从子集的和还原数组	find-array-given-subset-sums	weekly-contest-255	Q4
2873 	2699	Modify Graph Edge Weights	修改图中的边权	modify-graph-edge-weights	weekly-contest-346	Q4
2978 	2809	Minimum Time to Make Array Sum At Most x	使数组和小于等于 x 的最少时间	minimum-time-to-make-array-sum-at-most-x	biweekly-contest-110	Q4
3018 	1719	Number Of Ways To Reconstruct A Tree	重构一棵树的方案数	number-of-ways-to-reconstruct-a-tree	biweekly-contest-43	Q4

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/TimusGo/p/17859029.html


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