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Grafana学习(4)——Time series dimensions

时间:2023-11-22 12:46:41浏览次数:31  
标签:dimensions series Time 序列 Location time 维度

In Introduction to time series, the concept of labels, also called tags, is introduced:
       Another feature of a TSDB is the ability to filter measurements using tags. Each data point is labeled with a tag that adds context information, such as where the measurement was taken.

With time series data, the data often contain more than a single series, and is a set of multiple time series. Many Grafana data sources support this type of data.
The common case is issuing a single query for a measurement with one or more additional properties as dimensions. For example, querying a temperature measurement along with a location property. In this case, multiple series are returned back from that single query and each series has unique location as a dimension.
To identify unique series within a set of time series, Grafana stores dimensions in labels.

Introduction to time series中,引入了labels的概念,也称为tags:

Each time series in Grafana optionally has labels. Labels are a set of key/value pairs for identifying dimensions. Example labels could be {location=us} or {country=us,state=ma,city=boston}. Within a set of time series, the combination of its name and labels identifies each series. For example, temperature {country=us,state=ma,city=boston} could identify the series of temperature values for the city of Boston in the US.
Different sources of time series data have dimensions stored natively, or common storage patterns that allow the data to be extracted into dimensions.
Time series databases (TSDBs) usually natively support dimensionality. Prometheus also stores dimensions in labels. In TSDBs such as Graphite or OpenTSDB the term tags is used instead.
In table databases such SQL, these dimensions are generally the GROUP BY parameters of a query.

时间序列数据库(TSDB)通常原生支持维度。Prometheus也将维度存储在标签中。在诸如Graphite或OpenTSDB之类的TSDB中,使用术语 tags作为维度。
在SQL这样的表数据库中,这些维度通常是查询的GROUP BY参数。

Multiple dimensions in table format
In SQL or SQL-like databases that return table responses, additional dimensions are usually represented as columns in the query response table.
Single dimension
For example, consider a query like: 
  SELECT BUCKET(StartTime, 1h), AVG(Temperature) AS Temp, Location   FROM T
    GROUP BY BUCKET(StartTime, 1h), Location
    ORDER BY time asc
This query would return a table with three columns with data types time, number, and string respectively:
The table format is a long formatted time series, also called tall. It has repeated time stamps, and repeated values in Location. In this case, we have two time series in the set that would be identified as Temp {Location=LGA} and Temp {Location=BOS}.
Individual time series from the set are extracted by using the time typed column StartTime as the time index of the time series, the numeric typed column Temp as the series name, and the name and values of the string typed Location column to build the labels, such as Location=LGA.


Multiple dimensions
If the query is updated to select and group by more than just one string column, for example, GROUP BY BUCKET(StartTime, 1h), Location, Sensor, then an additional dimension is added:
In this case the labels that represent the dimensions will have two keys based on the two string typed columns Location and Sensor. This data results four series: Temp {Location=LGA,Sensor=A}, Temp {Location=LGA,Sensor=B}, Temp {Location=BOS,Sensor=A}, and Temp {Location=BOS,Sensor=B}.
Note: Multiple dimensions are not supported in a way that maps to multiple alerts in Grafana, but rather they are treated as multiple conditions to a single alert. For more information, see the documentation on [creating alerts with multiple series][create-grafana-managed-rule].

如果更新查询以选择并按多个字符串列分组,例如group by BUCKET(StartTime,1h)、Location、Sensor,则会添加一个附加维度:

Multiple values
In the case of SQL-like data sources, more than one numeric column can be selected, with or without additional string columns to be used as dimensions. For example, AVG(Temperature) AS AvgTemp, MAX(Temperature) AS MaxTemp. This, if combined with multiple dimensions, can result in a lot of series. Selecting multiple values is currently only designed to be used with visualization.

Additional technical information on tabular time series formats and how dimensions are extracted can be found in the developer documentation on data frames as time series.

在类似SQL的数据源的情况下,可以选择多个数字列,无论是否使用其他字符串列作为维度。例如,AVG(Temperature)AS AvgTemp、MAX(Temperation)AS MaxTemp。如果与多个维度相结合,可能会产生大量的系列。选择多个值目前仅设计用于可视化。
关于表格时间序列格式以及如何提取维度的其他技术信息,可以在作为时间序列的data frames的开发人员文档中找到。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/route/p/17848740.html


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