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The 'China Solution' in Nigeria

时间:2023-11-19 15:35:40浏览次数:29  
标签:land green Solution practices grain China Nigeria local

Nigeria, The northern region of Nigeria, particularly the Sahel region, is experiencing severe desertification due to factors such as deforestation, overgrazing, and climate change. This has led to land degradation, loss of biodiversity, and reduced agricultural productivity, posing a threat to food security and livelihoods of the local population.



 The Chinese eco-environmental protection measure "grain for green" can be adapted and applied in Nigeria to address the issue of desertification.

The "grain for green" program involves converting marginal agricultural land into forest or grassland in exchange for grain and cash subsidies. This approach can be applied in Nigeria by incentivizing farmers in the affected regions to adopt sustainable land management practices such as reforestation, agroforestry, and rotational grazing. By providing subsidies and support for these practices, the Nigerian government can encourage the restoration of degraded lands and the conservation of natural resources.



 Additionally, the "grain for green" model can be tailored to the local context in Nigeria by incorporating traditional knowledge and practices of the indigenous communities. This can help ensure the success and sustainability of the program by engaging and empowering the local population in the conservation and restoration efforts.

Overall, the "grain for green" approach can be adapted and applied in Nigeria to address the environmental issues related to desertification and promote sustainable land management practices in the affected regions.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Wjl123456789/p/17842104.html


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