(桌子),它们用于组织和存储相关的数据和行为。 -
来存储菜单项、订单项和桌子订单等列表数据。通过添加、删除和遍历集合元素来管理订单信息。 -
循环来处理不同的条件和迭代订单项。 -
类的方法来比较字符串、转换大小写等。 -
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Calendar; import java.time.YearMonth; class Dish { String name;//菜品名称 boolean isSpecial = false;//是不是特色菜 int unit_price; //单价 boolean exist = true; //int num; int getPrice(int portion) { int peic = 0; if (portion == 1) { peic = unit_price ; } else if (portion == 2) { peic = Math.round((float) (unit_price * 1.5)) ; } else if (portion == 3) { peic = (unit_price * 2) ; } return peic;//计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小/中/大份) } } class Menu { Dish[] dishs = new Dish[10];//菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息 int count = 0; Dish searthDish(String dishName){ Dish temd = null; for(int i=count-1;i>=0;i--){ if(dishName.equals(dishs[i].name)&&dishs[i].exist){ temd = dishs[i]; break; } } if(temd==null){ System.out.println(dishName+" does not exist"); } return temd; }//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。 Dish addDish(String dishName,int unit_price){ Dish dh = new Dish(); dh.name = dishName; dh.unit_price = unit_price; count++; if(unit_price<1||unit_price>300) { dh.exist = false; System.out.println(dishName+" price out of range "+unit_price); } return dh; }//添加一道菜品信息 } class Record { int orderNum;//序号\ Dish d = new Dish();//菜品\ int num = 0; int portion;//份额(1/2/3代表小/中/大份)\ boolean noNeed = true; int exist = 1; float realdiscnt = 1; //int asum = 0; boolean isTaked = false;//是否是给别人点的 int getPrice(){ return Math.round(d.getPrice(portion)*num); }//计价,计算本条记录的价格\ float Checkportion(float discnt){//数量输入检查,计算价格 if(portion>3||portion<1) { System.out.println(orderNum + " portion out of range " + portion); exist = 0; noNeed = false; }else if(num<1||num>15) { System.out.println(orderNum + " num out of range" +" "+num); exist = 0; noNeed = false; }else{ if(d.isSpecial) if(discnt==0.8F||discnt==0.6F) realdiscnt = 0.7F; if(exist==1&&!isTaked) { System.out.println(orderNum + " " + d.name + " " + getPrice()); } } return realdiscnt; } boolean Checkahead(){ if(num<1||num>15) { return false; }else return portion <= 3 && portion >= 1; } } class Order { Record[] records = new Record[100];//保存订单上每一道的记录 int count = 0;//订单数量 int getTotalPrice(){ int sum=0; for(int i=0;i<count;i++){ if(records[i].exist==0) continue; sum=sum+records[i].getPrice(); } return sum; }//计算订单的总价 Record addARecord(int orderNum, String dishName, int portion, int num){ boolean flag = true; for(int i=0;i<count;i++){//不能点份额一样的菜 if (records[i].d.name.equals(dishName) && records[i].portion == portion) { flag = false; break; } } count++; records[count] = new Record(); records[count].d.name = dishName; records[count].orderNum = orderNum; records[count].portion = portion; records[count].num = num; records[count].noNeed = flag; return records[count]; }//添加一条菜品信息到订单中。 Record TakeOdfor(int mynum,Table[] table, int AnotherNum, int orderNum, String dishName, int portion, int num){ boolean flag = false; for(Table t : table) { if(t==null) continue; if (t.tableNum != mynum&&t.tableNum==AnotherNum) { flag = true; break; } } if(flag) { count++; records[count] = new Record(); records[count].d.name = dishName; records[count].orderNum = orderNum; records[count].portion = portion; records[count].num = num; return records[count]; }else{ System.out.println("Table number :" + AnotherNum + " does not exist"); return null; } } void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum){ if(orderNum>count||orderNum<=0){ System.out.println("delete error;"); }else { if(records[orderNum-1].exist==0) { System.out.println("deduplication "+orderNum); return; } records[orderNum-1].exist = 0; } }//根据序号删除一条记录 } class Table { int tableNum; boolean inputIsvalid = false; boolean istoSum = false;//判断是否要合并计算 String tableDtime; int year,month,day,week,hh,mm,ss; int sum = 0;//一桌价格 ; int primesum = 0; Order odt = new Order(); float discnt = -1; float rediscnt = 1; void Gettottalprice(){ if(discnt>0){ primesum = odt.getTotalPrice(); if(primesum==0) sum=0; System.out.println("table " + tableNum + ": " +primesum+" "+sum); } } void AheadProcess(String tableDtime){ this.tableDtime = tableDtime; processTime(); discount(); } void processTime(){//处理时间 String[] temp = tableDtime.split(" "); tableNum = Integer.parseInt(temp[1]); String[] temp1 = temp[2].split("/"); String[] temp2 = temp[3].split("/"); year = Integer.parseInt(temp1[0]); month = Integer.parseInt(temp1[1]); day = Integer.parseInt(temp1[2]); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(year, (month-1), day); week = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if(week==1) week = 7; else week--; hh = Integer.parseInt(temp2[0]); mm = Integer.parseInt(temp2[1]); ss = Integer.parseInt(temp2[2]); } boolean DateisValid(){ if(year<1000) return false; if(month<1||month>12) return false; YearMonth mytime = YearMonth.of(year,month); return mytime.isValidDay(day); } boolean Daterande(){ boolean flag = year >= 2022 && year <= 2023; if(!flag){ System.out.println("not a valid time period"); inputIsvalid = false; } return flag; } void discount(){ if(week>=1&&week<=5) { if(hh>=17&&hh<20) discnt=0.8F; else if(hh==20&&mm<30) discnt=0.8F; else if(hh==20&&mm==30&&ss==0) discnt=0.8F; else if(hh>=11&&hh<=13||hh==10&&mm>=30) discnt=0.6F; else if(hh==14&&mm<30) discnt=0.6F; else if(hh==14&&mm==30&&ss==0) discnt=0.6F; } else { if(hh>=10&&hh<=20) discnt= 1.0F; else if(hh==9&&mm>=30) discnt= 1.0F; else if(hh==21&&mm<30||hh==21&&mm==30&&ss==0) discnt= 1.0F; } } boolean CheckSameTime(Table table){ if(tableNum!=table.tableNum) return false; if(week==table.week&&week>=1&&week<=5){ return discnt == table.discnt; }else if(week==table.week&&week==6||week==7){ int subtime = hh*3600+mm*60+ss-table.hh*3600-table.mm*60-ss; return Math.abs(subtime) < 3600; } return false; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); Menu mu = new Menu(); Table[] tablemes = new Table[57];//桌号1-55; int j = 0;//菜单数 int l = 0;//订单数 //代点菜数 //遍历桌 int cntTab = 0;//桌号 String[] temp;//字符串存储 int tempordernum = 0;//临时存上一个有效序号 String input; String regex = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]* \\d*";//非特色菜菜谱 String regex1 = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]* \\d* T";//特色菜谱 String regex2 = "\\d (delete)";//删除情况 String regex3 = "(table) ([1-4][0-9]*|5[0-5]*) \\d{4}/\\d+/\\d{1,2} ([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3])/([0-5][0-9])/([0-5][0-9])";//添桌子的情况 String regex4 = "([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]*) [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+ \\d+ \\d+";//点菜记录的添加; String regex5 = "([1-4][0-9]*|5[0-5]*|[1-9]) \\d [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+ [123] (1[0-5]|[1-9])";//代点菜 while (true) { int count;//空格数量; input = sc.nextLine();//获取输入,每行 if(input.equals("end")) break; if(input.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } temp = input.split(" ");//分割 /* * 判断输入的类型*/ count = temp.length; if(count==2){//非特色菜菜谱,或者删除菜; if(input.matches(regex2)){//删除的情况桌子有效才删除 if (tablemes[cntTab] != null && tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid) { tablemes[cntTab].odt.delARecordByOrderNum(Integer.parseInt(temp[0]));//删除 } }else if(input.matches(regex)){//非特色菜谱添加 if (cntTab == 0) { mu.dishs[j] = new Dish(); mu.dishs[j] = mu.addDish(temp[0], Integer.parseInt(temp[1])); j++; } else if(tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid){ System.out.println("invalid dish"); } }else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } }else if(count==3){//特色菜菜谱 if(input.matches(regex1)) { if(cntTab!=0) { if(tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid) System.out.println("invalid dish"); else continue; } mu.dishs[j] = new Dish(); mu.dishs[j] = mu.addDish(temp[0], Integer.parseInt(temp[1])); mu.dishs[j].isSpecial = true;//是特色菜 j++; }else System.out.println("wrong format"); } //桌子的添加,点菜记录的添加, else if(temp[0].equals("table")||input.contains("/")) { cntTab++; tablemes[cntTab] = new Table(); if(temp[0].equals("table")){ if(input.matches(regex3)) tablemes[cntTab].AheadProcess(input); tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid=true; if (input.matches(regex3)) { if(tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid&&!tablemes[cntTab].DateisValid()){//检查日期 System.out.println(tablemes[cntTab].tableNum+" date error"); tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid=false; continue; } if(tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid&&!tablemes[cntTab].Daterande()){ tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid=false; continue; } for(int i =1;i<cntTab;i++){ if (tablemes[i].inputIsvalid && tablemes[cntTab].CheckSameTime(tablemes[i])) {//同一时间段 tablemes[cntTab].istoSum = true; } else { l = 0; } tempordernum = 0; } if(tablemes[cntTab].discnt>0) System.out.println("table " + tablemes[cntTab].tableNum + ": "); else { System.out.println("table " + tablemes[cntTab].tableNum + " out of opening hours"); tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid = false; } continue; } else {//第一个是table但不合法 tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid = false; if(!temp[1].isEmpty() &&temp[1].charAt(0)>='1'&&temp[1].charAt(0)<='9'&&!temp[1].contains("/")){ if(Integer.parseInt(temp[1])<1||Integer.parseInt(temp[1])>55){ System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(temp[1])+" table num out of range"); continue; } } } } System.out.println("wrong format"); tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid = false; if(!temp[0].equals("table")) tablemes[cntTab].istoSum = true; }else if(count==4){ if (tablemes[cntTab] != null && input.matches(regex4) && (tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid || tablemes[cntTab].istoSum)) {//点菜记录 Dish tem; int aheadcntTab = cntTab - 1; if (!tablemes[cntTab].istoSum) {//不需要合并 tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l] = new Record(); tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l] = tablemes[cntTab].odt.addARecord(Integer.parseInt(temp[0]), temp[1], Integer.parseInt(temp[2]), Integer.parseInt(temp[3])); if (l - 1 >= 0) {//判断记录序号是否递增 tempordernum = getTempordernum(tablemes, l, cntTab, temp, tempordernum); } else {//特殊情况 if (tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].Checkahead()) tempordernum = tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].orderNum; } if ((tem = mu.searthDish(temp[1])) != null) { float temdiscnt;//临时储存折扣 tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].d = tem; temdiscnt = tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].Checkportion(tablemes[cntTab].discnt); if (temdiscnt != 1F) tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt = temdiscnt;//最终折扣 if (tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].exist == 1 && tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].noNeed) { if (tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt != 1) { tablemes[cntTab].sum += Math.round(tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].getPrice() * tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt); tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt = 1.0F; } else tablemes[cntTab].sum += Math.round(tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].getPrice() * tablemes[cntTab].discnt); } } if (!tablemes[cntTab].istoSum) {//如果份额名字未重复; l++; } } else {//需要合并计算 tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.records[l] = new Record(); tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.records[l] = tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.addARecord(Integer.parseInt(temp[0]), temp[1], Integer.parseInt(temp[2]), Integer.parseInt(temp[3])); if (l - 1 >= 0) {//判断记录序号是否递增 tempordernum = getTempordernum(tablemes, l, aheadcntTab, temp, tempordernum); } if ((tem = mu.searthDish(temp[1])) != null) { float temdiscnt;//临时储存折扣 tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.records[l].d = tem; temdiscnt = tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.records[l].Checkportion(tablemes[aheadcntTab].discnt);//计算折扣 if (temdiscnt == 0.7F)//如果需要调整 tablemes[aheadcntTab].rediscnt = temdiscnt;//最终折扣//更改折扣 if (tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.records[l].exist == 1) {//必须存在 if (tablemes[aheadcntTab].rediscnt != 1) { tablemes[aheadcntTab].sum += Math.round(tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.records[l].getPrice() * tablemes[aheadcntTab].rediscnt); tablemes[aheadcntTab].rediscnt = 1.0F; } else tablemes[aheadcntTab].sum += Math.round(tablemes[aheadcntTab].odt.records[l].getPrice() * tablemes[cntTab].discnt) - 1; } } l++; } } } else if (tablemes[cntTab] != null && count == 5 && tablemes[cntTab].inputIsvalid) {//代点菜 int temSum = 0; if (input.matches(regex5)) { int AnothNum = Integer.parseInt(temp[0]); tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l] = tablemes[cntTab].odt.TakeOdfor(tablemes[cntTab].tableNum, tablemes, AnothNum, Integer.parseInt(temp[1]), temp[2], Integer.parseInt(temp[3]), Integer.parseInt(temp[4])); Dish tem; if ((tem = mu.searthDish(temp[2])) != null && tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l] != null) { tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].isTaked = true;//给别人diade float temdiscnt;//临时储存折扣 tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].d = tem; temdiscnt = tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].Checkportion(tablemes[cntTab].discnt); if (temdiscnt != 1F) tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt = temdiscnt;//最终折扣 if (tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].exist == 1 && tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].noNeed) { if (tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt != 1) { tablemes[cntTab].sum += Math.round((temSum = tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].getPrice()) * tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt); tablemes[cntTab].rediscnt = 1.0F; } else tablemes[cntTab].sum += Math.round((temSum = tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].getPrice()) * tablemes[cntTab].discnt); } System.out.println(temp[1] + " table " + tablemes[cntTab].tableNum + " pay for table " + temp[0] + " " + temSum); } if (tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l] != null) l++; } else System.out.println("wrong format"); } } for(int i=1;i<=cntTab;i++){ if(tablemes[i].inputIsvalid&&!tablemes[i].istoSum) tablemes[i].Gettottalprice(); } } private static int getTempordernum(Table[] tablemes, int l, int cntTab, String[] temp, int tempordernum) { if (Integer.parseInt(temp[0]) <= tempordernum) { System.out.println("record serial number sequence error"); tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].exist = 0; } else if (tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l] != null && tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].noNeed) tempordernum = tablemes[cntTab].odt.records[l].orderNum; return tempordernum; } }
异常。 -
集合来存储菜单信息、订单信息以及其他数据。 -
枚举类型来表示菜品类型。 -
等类,并创建了相应的对象进行数据存储和操作。 -
类来解析和格式化日期和时间。 -
语句对输入进行条件判断和处理。 -
方法对字符串进行排序。 -
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String menuMessage = input.nextLine(); Menu menu = new Menu(); int j = 0; while (!menuMessage.startsWith("table")) { String string[] = menuMessage.split(" "); if (checkDishValidity(menuMessage)) {// 基础格式 if (menu.searthDish(string[0]) == null) {// 没有找到相同名称的菜 if (string.length > 2) {// 特色菜 menu.addDish(string[0], string[1], Integer.parseInt(string[2])); } else {// 非特色菜 menu.addDish(string[0], null, Integer.parseInt(string[1])); } } else {// 找到了相同名称的菜 if (string.length == 4) {// 找到的是特色菜 menu.searthDish(string[0]).unit_price = Integer.parseInt(string[2]); } else { menu.searthDish(string[0]).unit_price = Integer.parseInt(string[1]); } } } else {// 非法输入 System.out.println("wrong format"); } menuMessage = input.nextLine(); j++; } String tableMessage = menuMessage;// 上述循环会多读一条 ArrayList<Table> tables = new ArrayList<Table>(); ArrayList<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); while (true) { Order order = new Order();// 开始读订单信息 if (checkTableValidity(tableMessage)) {// 基础格式正确 String[] string = tableMessage.split(" "); String userName = string[3]; String phoneNum = string[4]; String[] Time1 = string[5].split("/"); String[] Time2 = string[6].split("/"); int day = Integer.parseInt(Time1[2]); int month = Integer.parseInt(Time1[1]); int year = Integer.parseInt(Time1[0]); int hour = Integer.parseInt(Time2[0]); int minute = Integer.parseInt(Time2[1]); int second = Integer.parseInt(Time2[2]); int tableNum = Integer.parseInt(string[1]); if (checkTimeValidity(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)) {// 时间是否合法 if (isBusinessTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)) {// 在营业时间 String recordMessage = input.nextLine(); while (true) {// 读入各桌菜品记录 if (recordMessage.startsWith("table") || recordMessage.startsWith("end")) { break; } String string1[] = recordMessage.split(" "); String dname = string1[1]; if (checkRecordValidity(recordMessage) == 2) {/////////////// 格式正确,非特色菜格式 String number = string1[0]; int portion = Integer.parseInt(string1[2]); int copies = Integer.parseInt(string1[3]); if (menu.searthDish(dname) == null) { System.out.println(dname + " does not exist"); } else { if (menu.searthDish(dname).taste == null) { if (portion > 3) { portion = 3; } Record record = new Record(number, menu.searthDish(dname), 0, portion, copies); order.addARecord(record); } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } else if (checkRecordValidity(recordMessage) == 1) {////////////////////// 格式正确,特色菜格式 String number = string1[0]; int portion = Integer.parseInt(string1[3]); int copies = Integer.parseInt(string1[4]); int degree = Integer.parseInt(string1[2]); if (menu.searthDish(dname) == null) { System.out.println(dname + " does not exist"); } else { if (menu.searthDish(dname).taste == null) { System.out.println("wrong format"); } else { if (portion > 3) { portion = 3; } Record record = new Record(number, menu.searthDish(dname), degree, portion, copies); order.addARecord(record); } } } else if (checkDeleteValidity(recordMessage)) {// 删除基础格式正确 String[] deleteMessage = recordMessage.split(" "); if (!order.findRecordByNum(deleteMessage[0])) { System.out.println("delete error"); } else { order.delARecordByOrderNum(deleteMessage[0]); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } recordMessage = input.nextLine(); tableMessage = recordMessage;/* * 如果是当前订单最后一条菜品记录,但已经读了下一条, * 所以此时让tableMessage=recordMessage,就算不是循环也不会停 */ } Table table = new Table(tableNum, order); table.time[0] = year; table.time[1] = month; table.time[2] = day; table.time[3] = hour; table.time[4] = minute; table.time[5] = second; tables.add(table); int flag = 0; if (users.isEmpty()) { User user = new User(); user.setName(userName); user.setPhonenum(phoneNum); user.tables.add(table); users.add(user); } else { for (int k = 0; k < users.size(); k++) { if (users.get(k).name.equals(userName)) {// 一人多桌 users.get(k).tables.add(table); flag = 1; } } if (flag == 0) { User user = new User(); user.setName(userName); user.setPhonenum(phoneNum); user.tables.add(table); users.add(user); } } } else { System.out.println("table " + tableNum + " out of opening hours"); tableMessage = input.nextLine(); while (true) { if (tableMessage.startsWith("table") || tableMessage.startsWith("end")) { break; } tableMessage = input.nextLine(); } } } else {// 非法输入 System.out.println("wrong format"); tableMessage = input.nextLine(); while (true) { if (tableMessage.startsWith("table") || tableMessage.startsWith("end")) { break; } tableMessage = input.nextLine(); } } } else {// 非法输入 System.out.println("wrong format"); tableMessage = input.nextLine(); while (true) { if (tableMessage.startsWith("table") || tableMessage.startsWith("end")) { break; } tableMessage = input.nextLine(); } } if (tableMessage.startsWith("end")) { break; } } for (int k = 0; k < tables.size(); k++) { // 输出桌信息 System.out.println("table " + tables.get(k).tableNum + ": "); for (int l = 0; l < tables.get(k).order.records.size(); l++) {// 输出对应桌的菜品信息 if (tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).degree > 5 && tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).d.taste.equals("川菜")) { System.out.println("spicy num out of range :" + tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).degree); } else if (tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).degree > 4 && tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).d.taste.equals("晋菜")) { System.out.println("acidity num out of range :" + tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).degree); } else if (tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).degree > 3 && tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).d.taste.equals("浙菜")) { System.out.println("sweetness num out of range :" + tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).degree); } else { System.out.print(tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).orderNum + " " + tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).d.name + " "); System.out.println(Math.round(tables.get(k).order.records.get(l).getPrice1()));// 输出每条记录的菜价 } } } for (int k = 0; k < tables.size(); k++) {// 输出对应桌的菜品信息 System.out.print("table " + tables.get(k).tableNum + ": "); System.out.print(tables.get(k).getPrice1() + " ");// 输出每桌原价 System.out.print(tables.get(k).getPrice2());// 输出每桌总价 if (tables.get(k).isContainSichuancuisine()) { if (tables.get(k).isContainJincuisine() || tables.get(k).isContainZhejiangcuisine()) { System.out.print( " 川菜 " + tables.get(k).getTotallcopies("川菜") + " " + tables.get(k).getFinalDegree("川菜")); } else System.out.println( " 川菜 " + tables.get(k).getTotallcopies("川菜") + " " + tables.get(k).getFinalDegree("川菜")); } if (tables.get(k).isContainJincuisine()) { if (tables.get(k).isContainZhejiangcuisine()) { System.out.print( " 晋菜 " + tables.get(k).getTotallcopies("晋菜") + " " + tables.get(k).getFinalDegree("晋菜")); } else System.out.println( " 晋菜 " + tables.get(k).getTotallcopies("晋菜") + " " + tables.get(k).getFinalDegree("晋菜")); } if (tables.get(k).isContainZhejiangcuisine()) { System.out.println( " 浙菜 " + tables.get(k).getTotallcopies("浙菜") + " " + tables.get(k).getFinalDegree("浙菜")); } } for (int m = 0; m < users.size(); m++) {// 排列用户信息 for (int n = 0; n < users.size() - m - 1; n++) { for (int p = 0; p < users.get(n).name.length(); p++) { if (users.get(n).name.toLowerCase().charAt(p) > users.get(n + 1).name.toLowerCase().charAt(p)) { User temp = new User(); temp = users.get(n); users.set(n, users.get(n + 1)); users.set(n + 1, temp); break; } if (users.get(n).name.toLowerCase().charAt(p) < users.get(n + 1).name.toLowerCase().charAt(p)) break; } } } for (int m = 0; m < users.size(); m++) {// 输出用户信息 System.out.println(users.get(m).name + " " + users.get(m).phonenum + " " + users.get(m).getPrice()); } } public static boolean isBusinessTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) { int week = (day + 2 * month + 3 * (month + 1) / 5 + year + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400 + 3) % 7; if (week >= 1 && week <= 5) {// 周一到周五 if (hour > 10 && hour < 14 || (hour == 10 && minute >= 30) || (hour == 14 && minute <= 30)) {// 中午 return true; } else if (hour >= 17 && hour < 20 || (hour == 20 && minute <= 30)) {// 晚上 return true; } else {// 不在周一至周五的营业时间 return false; } } else {// 周末 if (hour > 9 && hour < 21 || (hour == 9 && minute >= 30) || (hour == 21 && minute <= 30)) { return true; } else {// 不在周末的营业时间 return false; } } } public static boolean checkTimeValidity(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) { int[] mon_maxnum = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; if (year >= 1000 && month >= 1 && month <= 12 && day >= 1) { if ((year % 400 == 0 || year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) && month == 2) { if (day <= 29 && hour <= 24 && hour >= 0 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 60 && second >= 0 && second <= 60) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (day <= mon_maxnum[month] && hour <= 24 && hour >= 0 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 60 && second >= 0 && second <= 60) return true; else return false; } else return false; } public static boolean checkDishValidity(String menuMessage) { if (menuMessage.matches(".+\\s[1-9][\\d]{0,}+")) { return true; } if (menuMessage.matches(".+\\s.+\\s[1-9][\\d]{0,}\\sT")) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean checkTableValidity(String tableMessage) { if (tableMessage.matches( "table\\s[\\d]+\\s:\\s.{1,11}\\s(180|181|189|133|135|136)[\\d]{8}\\s[\\d]+/[\\d]+/[\\d]+\\s[\\d]+/[\\d]+/[\\d]+")) { return true; // table+英文空格+桌号+英文空格+":"+英文空格+客户姓名+英文空格+手机号+日期(格式:YYYY/MM/DD)+英文空格+ 时间(24小时制格式: // HH/MM/SS) } else { return false; } } public static int checkRecordValidity(String recordMessage) { if (recordMessage.matches("[\\d]\\s.+\\s[\\d]+\\s[\\d]+\\s[\\d]+")) { return 1;// 序号+英文空格+菜名+英文空格+口味度值+英文空格+份额+英文空格+份数 } if (recordMessage.matches("[\\d]\\s.+\\s[\\d]+\\s[\\d]+")) { return 2; } return 0; } public static boolean checkDeleteValidity(String recordMessage) { if (recordMessage.matches("[\\d]+\\sdelete")) { return true; } else { return false; } } } class Dish { String name;// 菜品名称 int unit_price; // 单价 String taste; public Dish() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public Dish(String name, int unit_price, String taste) { super(); this.name = name; this.unit_price = unit_price; this.taste = taste; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getUnit_price() { return unit_price; } public void setUnit_price(int unit_price) { this.unit_price = unit_price; } public int getPrice(int portion) {// 计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小/中/大份) return (int) Math.round(unit_price * (1 + (portion - 1) * 0.5)); } } class Menu { ArrayList<Dish> dishs = new ArrayList<Dish>();// 菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息 public ArrayList<Dish> getDishs() { return dishs; } public void setDishs(ArrayList<Dish> dishs) { this.dishs = dishs; } public Menu(ArrayList<Dish> dishs) { super(); this.dishs = dishs; } public Menu() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public Dish searthDish(String dishName) {// 根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。 if (dishs == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < dishs.size(); i++) { if (dishName.equals(dishs.get(i).name)) { return dishs.get(i); } } return null; } public Dish addDish(String dishName, String taste, int unit_price) {// 添加一道菜品信息 Dish dish = new Dish(dishName, unit_price, taste); dishs.add(dish); return dish; } } class Record { String orderNum;// 序号 Dish d;// 菜品 int degree;// 口味度 int portion;// 份额(1/2/3代表小/中/大份) int amout;// 份数 boolean state = true; public String getOrderNum() { return orderNum; } public void setOrderNum(String orderNum) { this.orderNum = orderNum; } public Dish getD() { return d; } public void setD(Dish d) { this.d = d; } public int getPortion() { return portion; } public void setPortion(int portion) { this.portion = portion; } public Record(String orderNum, Dish d, int degree, int portion, int amout) { super(); this.orderNum = orderNum; this.d = d; this.degree = degree; this.portion = portion; this.amout = amout; } public Record(String orderNum, Dish d, int portion, int amout) { super(); this.orderNum = orderNum; this.d = d; this.portion = portion; this.amout = amout; } public Record() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public int getPrice() {// 计价,计算本条记录的价格 if ((degree > 5 && d.taste.equals("川菜")) || (degree > 4 && d.taste.equals("晋菜")) || (degree > 3 && d.taste.equals("浙菜")) || (state == false)) { return 0; } return d.getPrice(portion) * amout; } public int getPrice1() {// 计价,计算本条记录的价格 if ((degree > 5 && d.taste.equals("川菜")) || (degree > 4 && d.taste.equals("晋菜")) || (degree > 3 && d.taste.equals("浙菜"))) { return 0; } return d.getPrice(portion) * amout; } } class Order { ArrayList<Record> records = new ArrayList<Record>();// 保存订单上每一道的记录 public ArrayList<Record> getRecords() { return records; } public void setRecords(ArrayList<Record> records) { this.records = records; } public Order(ArrayList<Record> records) { super(); this.records = records; } public Order() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public void addARecord(Record record) {// 添加一条菜品信息到订单中。 records.add(record); } public void delARecordByOrderNum(String orderNum) {// 根据序号删除一条记录 for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if (records.get(i).orderNum.equals(orderNum)) { records.get(i).state = !records.get(i).state; } } } public boolean findRecordByNum(String orderNum) {// 根据序号查找一条记录 for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if (records.get(i).orderNum.equals(orderNum)) { return true; } } return false; } } class Table { int tableNum; Order order; int[] time = new int[6]; public Table() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public int getTableNum() { return tableNum; } public void setTableNum(int tableNum) { this.tableNum = tableNum; } public Order getOrder() { return order; } public void setOrder(Order order) { this.order = order; } public Table(int tableNum, Order order) { super(); this.tableNum = tableNum; this.order = order; } public long getPrice2() { long totallPrice = 0; for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { int year = time[0]; int month = time[1]; int day = time[2]; int hour = time[3]; int minute = time[4]; int second = time[5]; int week = (day + 2 * month + 3 * (month + 1) / 5 + year + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400 + 1) % 7; if (week >= 1 && week <= 5 && order.records.get(i).d.taste != null) { totallPrice += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.7); } else if (week >= 1 && week <= 5 && order.records.get(i).d.taste == null && hour >= 17 && hour < 20 || (hour == 20 && minute <= 30)) { totallPrice += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.8); } else if (week >= 1 && week <= 5 && order.records.get(i).d.taste == null && hour > 10 && hour < 14 || (hour == 10 && minute >= 30) || (hour == 14 && minute <= 30)) { totallPrice += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.6); } else { totallPrice += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice()); } } return totallPrice; } public int getPrice1() { int totallPrice = 0; for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { totallPrice += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice()); } return totallPrice; } public boolean isContainSichuancuisine() { for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste != null) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("川菜") && order.records.get(i).state == true) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isContainZhejiangcuisine() { for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste != null) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("浙菜") && order.records.get(i).state == true) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isContainJincuisine() { for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste != null) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("晋菜") && order.records.get(i).state == true) { return true; } } } return false; } public int getAverageDegree(String taste) { double totall = 0; double num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste != null) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals(taste)) { if ((order.records.get(i).degree > 5 && order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("川菜")) || (order.records.get(i).degree > 4 && order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("晋菜")) || (order.records.get(i).degree > 3 && order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("浙菜")) || (order.records.get(i).state == false)) { ; } else { totall += order.records.get(i).degree * order.records.get(i).amout; num += order.records.get(i).amout; } } } } return (int) Math.round(totall / num); } public int getTotallcopies(String taste) { int totall = 0; for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste != null) { if (order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals(taste)) { if ((order.records.get(i).degree > 5 && order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("川菜")) || (order.records.get(i).degree > 4 && order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("晋菜")) || (order.records.get(i).degree > 3 && order.records.get(i).d.taste.equals("浙菜")) || (order.records.get(i).state == false)) { ; } else { totall += order.records.get(i).amout; } } } } return Math.round(totall); } public String getFinalDegree(String taste) { if (taste.equals("川菜")) { if (getAverageDegree("川菜") == 0) {// 不辣、微辣、稍辣、辣、很辣、爆辣 return "不辣"; } else if (getAverageDegree("川菜") == 1) { return "微辣"; } else if (getAverageDegree("川菜") == 2) { return "稍辣"; } else if (getAverageDegree("川菜") == 3) { return "辣"; } else if (getAverageDegree("川菜") == 4) { return "很辣"; } else { return "爆辣"; } } if (taste.equals("晋菜")) {// 不酸、微酸、稍酸、酸、很酸 if (getAverageDegree("晋菜") == 0) { return "不酸"; } else if (getAverageDegree("晋菜") == 1) { return "微酸"; } else if (getAverageDegree("晋菜") == 2) { return "稍酸"; } else if (getAverageDegree("晋菜") == 3) { return "酸"; } else { return "很酸"; } } if (taste.equals("浙菜")) {// 不甜、微甜、稍甜、甜 if (getAverageDegree("浙菜") == 0) { return "不甜"; } else if (getAverageDegree("浙菜") == 1) { return "微甜"; } else if (getAverageDegree("浙菜") == 2) { return "稍甜"; } else { return "甜"; } } return null; } } class User { String name; String phonenum; ArrayList<Table> tables = new ArrayList<Table>(); public User() { super(); // TODO 自动生成的构造函数存根 } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getPhonenum() { return phonenum; } public void setPhonenum(String phonenum) { this.phonenum = phonenum; } public ArrayList<Table> getTables() { return tables; } public void setTables(ArrayList<Table> tables) { this.tables = tables; } public User(String name, String phonenum, ArrayList<Table> tables) { super(); this.name = name; this.phonenum = phonenum; this.tables = tables; } public int getPrice() { int totallPrice = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { totallPrice += tables.get(i).getPrice2(); } return totallPrice; } }
- 使用ArrayList存储Shape对象。
- 使用while循环根据用户选择创建不同类型的形状对象并添加到ArrayList中。
- 使用Comparator接口的naturalOrder()方法对列表进行排序。
- 实现Comparable接口来定义Shape对象之间的比较规则。
- 创建Point类来表示坐标点。
- 创建抽象类Shape,并在子类Circle和Rectangle中实现抽象方法
7-2 测验2-类结构设计
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); double x1 = scanner.nextDouble(); double y1 = scanner.nextDouble(); double x2 = scanner.nextDouble(); double y2 = scanner.nextDouble(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); double area = rectangle.getArea(); System.out.printf("%.2f", area); } static class Rectangle { private double x1; private double y1; private double x2; private double y2; public Rectangle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; } public double getArea() { double width = Math.abs(x2 - x1); double height = Math.abs(y2 - y1); return width * height; } } }
7-3 测验3-继承与多态
import java.util.Scanner; abstract class Shape { public abstract double getArea(); } class Circle extends Shape { private double radius; public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public double getArea() { return Math.PI * radius * radius; } } class Rectangle extends Shape { private Point leftTopPoint; private Point lowerRightPoint; public Rectangle(Point leftTopPoint, Point lowerRightPoint) { this.leftTopPoint = leftTopPoint; this.lowerRightPoint = lowerRightPoint; } public double getArea() { double width = Math.abs(lowerRightPoint.getX() - leftTopPoint.getX()); double height = Math.abs(lowerRightPoint.getY() - leftTopPoint.getY()); return width * height; } } class Point { private double x; private double y; public Point(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double getX() { return x; } public double getY() { return y; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int choice = input.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1:// Circle double radius = input.nextDouble(); if (radius <= 0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Shape circle = new Circle(radius); printArea(circle); } break; case 2:// Rectangle double x1 = input.nextDouble(); double y1 = input.nextDouble(); double x2 = input.nextDouble(); double y2 = input.nextDouble(); Point leftTopPoint = new Point(x1, y1); Point lowerRightPoint = new Point(x2, y2); Shape rectangle = new Rectangle(leftTopPoint, lowerRightPoint); printArea(rectangle); break; } } public static void printArea(Shape shape) { double area = shape.getArea(); System.out.printf("%.2f\n", area); } }
7-4 测验4-抽象类与接口
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Scanner; abstract class Shape implements Comparable<Shape> { public abstract double getArea(); public int compareTo(Shape shape) { double area1 = this.getArea(); double area2 = shape.getArea(); if (area1 < area2) { return -1; } else if (area1 > area2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } class Circle extends Shape { private double radius; public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public double getArea() { return Math.PI * radius * radius; } } class Rectangle extends Shape { private Point leftTopPoint; private Point lowerRightPoint; public Rectangle(Point leftTopPoint, Point lowerRightPoint) { this.leftTopPoint = leftTopPoint; this.lowerRightPoint = lowerRightPoint; } public double getArea() { double width = Math.abs(lowerRightPoint.getX() - leftTopPoint.getX()); double height = Math.abs(lowerRightPoint.getY() - leftTopPoint.getY()); return width * height; } } class Point { private double x; private double y; public Point(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double getX() { return x; } public double getY() { return y; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); ArrayList<Shape> list = new ArrayList<>(); int choice = input.nextInt(); while (choice != 0) { switch (choice) { case 1:// Circle double radius = input.nextDouble(); if (radius <= 0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Shape circle = new Circle(radius); list.add(circle); } break; case 2:// Rectangle double x1 = input.nextDouble(); double y1 = input.nextDouble(); double x2 = input.nextDouble(); double y2 = input.nextDouble(); Point leftTopPoint = new Point(x1, y1); Point lowerRightPoint = new Point(x2, y2); Shape rectangle = new Rectangle(leftTopPoint, lowerRightPoint); list.add(rectangle); break; } choice = input.nextInt(); } list.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder());// 正向排序 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { System.out.print(String.format("%.2f", list.get(i).getArea()) + " "); } } }
Java 语言定义了一些异常类在 java.lang 标准包中。
标准运行时异常类的子类是最常见的异常类。由于 java.lang 包是默认加载到所有的 Java 程序的,所以大部分从运行时异常类继承而来的异常都可以直接使用。
使用 try 和 catch 关键字可以捕获异常。try/catch 代码块放在异常可能发生的地
Catch 语句包含要捕获异常类型的声明。当保护代码块中发生一个异常时,try 后面的 catch 块就会被检查。
如果发生的异常包含在 catch 块中,异常会被传递到该 catch 块,这和传递一个参数到方法是一样。
每条菜品记录包含:菜名、基础价格 三个信息。
删除记录格式:序号 delete
如果序号不对,输出"delete error"
代点菜信息包含:桌号 序号 菜品名称 口味度 份额 份数
如果下单时间不在营业范围内,输出"table " + t.tableNum + " out of opening hours"
Dish {
String name;//菜品名称
int unit_price; //单价
int getPrice(int portion)//计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小/中/大份) }
Menu {
Dish[] dishs ;//菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息
Dish searthDish(String dishName)//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。
Dish addDish(String dishName,int unit_price)//添加一道菜品信息
Record {
int orderNum;//序号\\
Dish d;//菜品\\
int portion;//份额(1/2/3代表小/中/大份)\\
int getPrice()//计价,计算本条记录的价格\\
Order {
Record[] records;//保存订单上每一道的记录
int getTotalPrice()//计算订单的总价
Record addARecord(int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num)//添加一条菜品信息到订单中。
delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum)//根据序号删除一条记录
findRecordByNum(int orderNum)//根据序号查找一条记录
- 我先创建一个Menu对象来存储菜单信息。
- 通过Scanner对象从控制台读入菜单信息,按照特定的格式进行解析,将菜品信息添加到Menu对象中。
- 创建一个ArrayList来存储Table对象和一个ArrayList来存储顾客姓名。
- 通过Scanner对象从控制台读入订单信息,按照特定的格式进行解析,根据订单类型进行相应的操作。
- 将Table对象添加到Tables列表中,并检查订单的合法性和时间是否在营业时间范围内。
- 最后,根据需求打印输出订单信息和统计信息。
- Dish类表示菜品,包含菜品名称、单价和菜品类型。
- Menu类表示菜单,包含一个菜品列表和相关的操作方法。
- Record类表示订单记录,包含订单编号、菜品、份数、数量、口味等信息。
- Table类表示餐桌,包含订单记录列表、餐桌号、顾客姓名、电话号码、日期、时间等信息,以及相关的操作方法。
)可能导致无法访问或访问权限错误。 -
方法。 -
double x1 = input.nextDouble();
double y1 = input.nextDouble();
double x2 = input.nextDouble();
double y2 = input.nextDouble();
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = input.nextDouble();
y1 = input.nextDouble();
x2 = input.nextDouble();
y2 = input.nextDouble();
- 在使用try-catch块捕获异常时,尽量避免捕获所有异常,可以只捕获需要处理的特定异常类型,以便更好地处理异常情况。
- 在比较字符串时,推荐使用
方法而不是"=="运算符,以确保比较的是字符串的内容而不是引用。 - 考虑使用更简洁的语法来初始化集合。例如,可以使用更现代的方式初始化HashMap,如
Map<String, String> map = Map.of("川菜", "Chuan", "晋菜", "Jin", "浙菜", "Zhe");
5. 将 Reord
类中的 flag
属性改为 isValid
或 isFlagged
6.将 Record
类中的 givenId
属性改为 givenTableId
7.考虑将 Record
标签:tablemes,int,BLOG2,records,&&,get,public From: https://www.cnblogs.com/1111I/p/17842057.html