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az-204 practice-003

时间:2023-11-16 14:12:01浏览次数:32  
标签:multiple consistency practice 003 API Learn Azure az Microsoft

Question 2 of 50

You manage an Azure API Management instance.

You need to limit the maximum number of API calls allowed from a single source for a specific time interval.

What should you configure?


This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of polices in Azure API Management, which is part of implementing API Management.

API publishers can change API behavior through configuration using policies. Policies are a collection of statements that run sequentially on the request or response of an API. A product has one or more APIs, a usage quota, and the terms of use and cannot be used to restrict the number of API calls. Subscriptions are the most common way for API consumers to access APIs published through an API Management instance. API is a representation of a back-end API and needs to be configured with a policy to implement a rate limit.

How Azure API Management Works - Training | Microsoft Learn

Subscriptions in Azure API Management | Microsoft Learn

Question 5 of 50

You manage an Azure event hub.

You need to ensure that multiple load-balanced instances of a .NET application (version 5.0) can be used to scale event processing.

Which event processor client should you use?


This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of scaling event processing applications, which is part of developing event-based solutions.

EventProcessorClient balances the load between multiple instances of a program in newer .NET versions (version 5.0). EventHubConsumerClient balances the load between multiple instances of a program in Python and JavaScript. EventProcessorHost balances the load between multiple instances of a program in earlier .NET versions. The EventHubProducerClient class is used to send events to an event hub.

Explore Azure Event Hubs - Training | Microsoft Learn

Scale your processing application - Training | Microsoft Learn

EventHubProducerClient class | Microsoft Learn

Question 6 of 50

You have an instance of Azure Event Grid.

You need to ensure an application can receive events filtered by values in the data field in the advanced filtering options.

Which filter should you use?


This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of using event filters, which is part of developing event-based solutions.

An advanced filter is used to filter events by values in the data fields and specify the comparison operator. An event type filter is used to send only certain event types to the endpoint. A subject filter is used to specify a starting or ending value for the subject. Topics is not a type of filter; the event grid topic provides an endpoint where the source sends events.

Filter events - Training | Microsoft Learn

Azure Event Grid concepts - Azure Event Grid | Microsoft Learn


Question 8 of 50

You have an Azure Service Bus queue.

You need to ensure a publisher can send messages into a topic and multiple subscribers can become eligible to consume the messages.

Which message routing pattern should you use?

multicast request/reply

This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of message routing in Azure Service Bus, which is part of developing message-based solutions.

A publisher can send a message into a topic and multiple subscribers can become eligible to consume the message. A publisher can send a message into a queue and expect a reply from the message consumer, but multiple subscribers cannot consume the message. This session feature enables multiplexing of streams of related messages through a single queue but cannot be consumed by multiple subscribers. This session feature enables multiplexed replies, allowing several publishers to share a reply queue, but a message cannot be consumed by multiple subscribers.

Explore Service Bus message payloads and serialization - Training | Microsoft Learn

Azure Service Bus messages, payloads, and serialization - Azure Service Bus | Microsoft Learn


Question 9 of 50

You manage a multiregion deployment of an Azure Cosmos DB account named account1.

You need to configure the default consistency level for account1. The consistency level must maximize throughput and minimize latency for write operations.

Which consistency level should you use?


This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of selecting the consistency level, which is part of developing Azure Cosmos DB solutions.

The eventual consistency level maximizes throughput and minimizes latency.

The bounded staleness consistency level provides lower throughput and higher latency comparing with the remaining answer choices.

The consistent prefix consistency level provides higher throughput and lower latency for write operations than the session consistency level but lower throughput and higher latency than the eventual consistency levels.

The session consistency level provides higher throughput and lower latency for write operations than the bounded staleness consistency level but lower throughput and higher latency than the eventual and consistent prefix consistency levels.

Choose the right consistency level - Training | Microsoft Learn

Consistency levels in Azure Cosmos DB | Microsoft Learn


Question 11 of 50

You plan to implement a storage mechanism for managing state across multiple change feed consumers.

You need to configure the change feed processor in the .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL API.

Which component should you use?

Lease container

This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of configuring change feed processor as part of developing solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB.

The lease container component serves as a storage mechanism to manage state across multiple change feed consumers. The delegate component is the code within the client application that implements business logic for each batch of changes. The host component is a client application instance that listens for changes from the change feed. The monitored container component is monitored for any insert or update operations. It does not serve as a storage mechanism to manage state across multiple change feed consumers.

Understand change feed features in the SDK - Training | Microsoft Learn

How to use Azure Cosmos DB change feed with Azure Functions | Microsoft Learn







From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/17836075.html


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