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配置MUX VLAN配置案例

时间:2023-11-09 14:39:43浏览次数:31  
标签:vlan 配置 VLAN MUX DeviceD 10GE1 port DeviceC



微思 2002年成立,专业IT认证培训21年!



配置MUX VLAN配置案例_组网

图4-25 配置MUX VLAN组网图


  1. 配置MUX VLAN。

  # 在DeviceB上创建VLAN 2~VLAN 4,配置VLAN 2为主VLAN,VLAN 3为互通型从VLAN,VLAN4为隔离型从VLAN。

<HUAWEI> system-view

[HUAWEI] sysname DeviceB

[DeviceB] vlan batch 2 3 4

[DeviceB] vlan 2

[DeviceB-vlan2] mux-vlan

[DeviceB-vlan2] subordinate group 3

[DeviceB-vlan2] subordinate separate 4

[DeviceB-vlan2] quit

# 在DeviceC上创建VLAN 2~VLAN 4,配置VLAN 2为主VLAN,VLAN 3为互通型从VLAN,VLAN 4为隔离型从VLAN。

<HUAWEI> system-view

[HUAWEI] sysname DeviceC

[DeviceC] vlan batch 2 3 4

[DeviceC] vlan 2

[DeviceC-vlan2] mux-vlan

[DeviceC-vlan2] subordinate group 3

[DeviceC-vlan2] subordinate separate 4

[DeviceC-vlan2] quit

# 在DeviceD上创建VLAN 2~VLAN 4,配置VLAN 2为主VLAN,VLAN 3为互通型从VLAN,VLAN 4为隔离型从VLAN。

<HUAWEI> system-view

[HUAWEI] sysname DeviceD

[DeviceD] vlan batch 2 3 4

[DeviceD] vlan 2

[DeviceD-vlan2] mux-vlan

[DeviceD-vlan2] subordinate group 3

[DeviceD-vlan2] subordinate separate 4

[DeviceD-vlan2] quit

  1. 配置DeviceB的上行口interface1加入VLAN 2,并使能MUX VLAN功能,配置下行口interface2和interface3允许VLAN 2~VLAN 4通过。

[DeviceB] interface 10ge 1/0/1

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/1] portswitch

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 2

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/1] port mux-vlan enable vlan 2

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/1] quit

[DeviceB] interface 10ge 1/0/2

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/2] portswitch

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/2] port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/2] quit

[DeviceB] interface 10ge 1/0/3

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/3] portswitch

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/3] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/3] port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4

[DeviceB-10GE1/0/3] quit

  1. 配置DeviceC的上行口interface1允许VLAN 2~VLAN 4通过,配置下行口interface2和interface3加入VLAN 3并在接口下使能MUX VLAN功能。

[DeviceC] interface 10ge 1/0/1

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/1] portswitch

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/1] quit

[DeviceC] interface 10ge 1/0/2

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/2] portswitch

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/2] port link-type access

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/2] port default vlan 3

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/2] port mux-vlan enable vlan 3

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/2] quit

[DeviceC] interface 10ge 1/0/3

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/3] portswitch

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/3] port link-type access

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/3] port default vlan 3

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/3] port mux-vlan enable vlan 3

[DeviceC-10GE1/0/3] quit

  1. 配置DeviceD的上行口interface1允许VLAN 2~VLAN 4通过,配置下行口interface2和interface3加入VLAN 4并在接口下使能MUX VLAN功能。

[DeviceD] interface 10ge 1/0/1

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/1] portswitch

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/1] quit

[DeviceD] interface 10ge 1/0/2

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/2] portswitch

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/2] port link-type access

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/2] port default vlan 4

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/2] port mux-vlan enable vlan 4

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/2] quit

[DeviceD] interface 10ge 1/0/3

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/3] portswitch

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/3] port link-type access

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/3] port default vlan 4

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/3] port mux-vlan enable vlan 4

[DeviceD-10GE1/0/3] quit

  1. 在DeviceA上创建VLANIF 2,配置IP地址为10.1.1.1 24,并配置接口interface1加入VLAN 2。

<HUAWEI> system-view

[HUAWEI] sysname DeviceA

[DeviceA] vlan batch 2

[DeviceA] interface 10ge 1/0/1

[DeviceA-10GE1/0/1] portswitch

[DeviceA-10GE1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-10GE1/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 2

[DeviceA-10GE1/0/1] quit

[DeviceA] interface vlanif 2

[DeviceA-Vlanif2] ip address 24

[DeviceA-Vlanif2] quit

如果MUX VLAN中有多个Group VLAN,并且Group VLAN之间需要互通,则需要在DeviceA的VLANIF接口下执行命令arp proxy intra-vlan enable配置VLAN内ARP Proxy功能。

  1. 配置网络内主机的IP地址,使其和DeviceA上VLANIF 2接口的IP地址同网段。


  • Host1、Host2、Host3、Host4可以访问Internet。
  • Host1和Host2可以互相ping通。
  • Host3和Host4互相ping不通。
  • VLAN3内主机(Host1、Host2)和VLAN4内主机(Host3、Host4)互相ping不通。



sysname DeviceA

vlan batch 2

interface Vlanif2

ip address

interface 10GE1/0/1

port link-type trunk

port trunk allow-pass vlan 2


sysname DeviceB

vlan batch 2 to 4

vlan 2


subordinate separate 4

subordinate group 3

interface 10GE1/0/1

port link-type trunk

port trunk allow-pass vlan 2

port mux-vlan enable vlan 2

interface 10GE1/0/2

port link-type trunk

port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4

interface 10GE1/0/3

port link-type trunk

port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4


sysname DeviceC

vlan batch 2 to 4

vlan 2


subordinate separate 4

subordinate group 3

interface 10GE1/0/1

port link-type trunk

port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4

interface 10GE1/0/2

port default vlan 3

port mux-vlan enable vlan 3

interface 10GE1/0/3

port default vlan 3

port mux-vlan enable vlan 3


sysname DeviceD

vlan batch 2 to 4

vlan 2


subordinate separate 4

subordinate group 3

interface 10GE1/0/1

port link-type trunk

port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4

interface 10GE1/0/2

port default vlan 4

port mux-vlan enable vlan 4

interface 10GE1/0/3

port default vlan 4

port mux-vlan enable vlan 4

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16331325/8278488


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