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时间:2023-11-06 23:12:51浏览次数:28  
标签:credit indicates minimum draft sight 20231105 payment

//calculate, collection, currency, facilitate, installment, irrevocable, leeway, minimum, remittance, sight credit, sight draft

calculate - 计算
Calculate means to determine or estimate a numerical value or result through mathematical or logical processes. It involves performing mathematical operations or using formulas to arrive at a specific answer or solution.

collection - 托收
Collection refers to the act of gathering or bringing together items, such as payments, documents, or objects. It involves the process of receiving or obtaining something from various sources or individuals.

currency - 货币
Currency refers to the system of money used in a particular country or region. It indicates the medium of exchange for goods and services, typically in the form of banknotes or coins.

facilitate - 促进
Facilitate means to make a process or action easier or more efficient. It involves removing obstacles or providing assistance to enable the smooth progress or accomplishment of a task or objective.

installment - 分期付款
An installment is a portion of a payment or debt that is made at regular intervals over a specified period. It indicates the division of a total amount into smaller, more manageable payments.

irrevocable - 不可变更的
Irrevocable means unable to be changed, reversed, or revoked. It indicates something that is permanent, final, or binding and cannot be altered or undone.

leeway - 空间
Leeway refers to the amount of freedom, flexibility, or discretion allowed in a particular situation. It indicates the margin or room for variation or adjustment within certain limits or boundaries.

minimum - 最低限度的
Minimum means the smallest or lowest amount, level, or degree that is acceptable or allowed. It indicates the least possible or required quantity or standard.

remittance - 汇款
Remittance refers to the transfer of money or funds from one place to another, typically from a sender to a recipient. It involves the process of sending payment or making a financial transaction.

sight credit - 即期信用证
Sight credit is a type of letter of credit that allows the beneficiary to receive payment immediately upon presentation of the required documents. It indicates that payment will be made as soon as the conditions are met.

sight draft - 即期汇票
Sight draft is a type of bill of exchange that is payable upon presentation to the drawee or payer. It indicates that payment is due immediately upon receipt of the draft.


  1. The calculator can be used to calculate complex mathematical equations.
  2. It is important to calculate the total cost before making a purchase decision.
  3. The formula allows you to calculate the area of a triangle.


  1. The bank offers collection services for businesses to receive payments from their customers.
  2. The collection of data is essential for conducting research and analysis.
  3. The museum has an impressive collection of artwork from different periods.


  1. The currency of the United States is the US dollar.
  2. Foreign currency exchange rates fluctuate daily.
  3. The company accepts multiple currencies for international transactions.


  1. The new software will facilitate the automation of manual processes.
  2. The meeting room is equipped with technology to facilitate video conferencing.
  3. The company provides training programs to facilitate employee development.


  1. The car loan is divided into monthly installments over a period of five years.
  2. The installment plan allows customers to pay for the product in smaller, more manageable payments.
  3. The installment agreement specifies the amount and frequency of the payments.


  1. The decision to terminate the contract is irrevocable and cannot be changed.
  2. The irrevocable trust ensures that the assets are protected and cannot be altered by the grantor.
  3. The company made an irrevocable commitment to reduce its carbon footprint.


  1. The project timeline allows for some leeway to account for unexpected delays.
  2. The manager gives employees leeway to make decisions and take initiative.
  3. The negotiation allows for leeway in terms of price and delivery time.


  1. The minimum age requirement for the job is 18 years old.
  2. The company has set a minimum order quantity for wholesale customers.
  3. The minimum payment for the credit card is $25.


  1. The customer sent a remittance to settle the invoice.
  2. The remittance can be made through electronic transfer or by mailing a check.
  3. The company provides a remittance advice to indicate the purpose of the payment.

sight credit:

  1. The exporter requested a sight credit to ensure prompt payment upon shipment.
  2. The sight credit allows the seller to receive immediate payment upon presentation of the required documents.
  3. The buyer opened a sight credit to secure the goods from the supplier.

sight draft:

  1. The seller presented a sight draft to the buyer for immediate payment.
  2. The sight draft is payable upon presentation to the drawee.
  3. The exporter requested payment by sight draft to ensure timely receipt of funds.

Title: Efficient Financial Transactions and Payment Methods

In today's fast-paced business environment, it is crucial to have efficient financial transactions and secure payment methods. Calculating accurate figures and amounts ensures financial accuracy and reliability.

Collection services play a vital role in receiving payments from customers and clients. Currency exchange enables seamless transactions between different countries and regions. Facilitating smooth and convenient payment processes is essential for customer satisfaction.

Installment plans provide flexibility for customers to make payments over a specified period. Irrevocable decisions and commitments ensure stability and trust in business transactions. Allowing leeway in timelines and terms accommodates unexpected circumstances and promotes cooperation.

Setting minimum standards and requirements ensures fairness and consistency. Remittance services enable the secure transfer of funds across borders. Sight credit and sight draft offer immediate payment options for efficient and timely transactions.

By implementing efficient financial systems and utilizing secure payment methods, businesses can streamline operations and enhance customer experiences.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17814038.html
