The streets are alive with gods and ghouls. China may not have a long history with Halloween, but the holiday's presence is real for the younger generation in first-tier cities, who seize the opportunity to party in costume.
Not everyone is with it - in fact, Guangzhou subways banned "terrifying makeup" completely, fearing that it would frighten pregnant women and the elderly.
Even so, Halloween weekend is still a force to be reckoned with across the country. Alongside the classic ghosts, ghouls, and global pop culture references, we're also seeing an uptick in Chinese cultural costumes, as folks take a tongue-in-cheek approach to the holiday.
first-tier cities 一线城市
口语中常表达为"major / biggest cities","first-tier cities"在口语中略学术化
"not everyone is with it" 译为:“并不是所有人都同意这一点”
句中的用"with"这样一个简单的介词表达了同意这个动作。"I am with you." 字面意思我和你站在一起,可理解为我支持你的观点。
"be reckoned with" 是一个习语,意思是被认为是重要、有影响力或不容忽视的存在。这个短语常用于描述某人、某组织或某事物具有强大的力量、能力或影响力,需要被认真对待或考虑。它通常用于积极的意义,表示某人或某物具有足够的实力和能力来产生重要的影响或结果。
This emerging company has made a name for itself in the market and is considered a force to be reckoned with as a competitor.
This young athlete has showcased remarkable talent in the competition and is considered a force to be reckoned with as an opponent.
"folks take a tongue-in-cheek approach to the holiday" 译为:人们以一种调侃的方式对待这个节日。" tongue-in-cheek" 是一个习语,表示以戏谑或幽默的口吻说话,通常是在表达某种观点或评论时使用。这个短语意味着说话者并不是完全认真或字面上的,而是在使用一种调侃、讽刺或嘲笑的方式来表达自己的意思。
When it comes to ab workouts, you don't need to spend hours in the gym to really work your core, as Pamela Reif and her plethora of 10-minute ab workouts prove.
For more than just an aesthetic goal, strong abdominal muscles can help you run faster, lift heavier, and sit with a better posture.
If you're new to Pamela Reif, the German fitness influencer has racked up more tha 9 million followers on YouTube for her simple, easy-to-follow workouts.
From beginner-friendly exercises to rigorous fat burners, her plans make working out from just about anywhere that little bit easier.
"ab" 原单词"abdomen"腹部,
plethora /ˈpleθərə/ n.过多;过剩;过量
"plethora" 是一个名词,意思是大量或过多的东西。它通常用来描述某物的大量或过多,比如大量的选择或大量的信息。
"互联网上提供了大量关于任何主题的信息" The internet provides a plethora of information on any given topic.
aesthetic /esˈθetɪk/ n.美学;美感;审美观 adj.审美的;美学的;艺术的;美的;有审美观点的
abdominal /æbˈdɑːmɪnl/ adj.腹部的 n.腹肌
abdominal curl 仰卧起坐,卷腹
"be new to" 表达对某个事物或概念还不熟悉或不了解。
"Rack up" 是一个英语短语,意思是积累或累计某物,通常是指数量显著或过多。它经常用于积累分数、成就、债务或开支等方面的语境中。例如,"他在游戏中获得了很高的得分" 或者 "她的信用卡债务积累了很多"。它暗示了随着时间的推移,某物会逐渐积累或堆积起来的概念。
rigorous /ˈrɪɡərəs/ adj.严格的;严厉的;细致的;彻底的;谨慎的;严格缜密的
"her plans make working out from just about anywhere that little bit easier" 她的计划使得从几乎任何地方进行锻炼变得更加容易一些
标签:reckoned,精读,her,plethora,11.6,Pamela,某物,cities,英语 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/coding-inspirations/p/17813678.html