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时间:2023-11-04 20:56:30浏览次数:26  
标签:good Scholar people believes such Trust

Is Cybersecurity Really (VERY) Important?

People sometimes just trust the people they could trust, not should, which means somebody who has some actual ability but doesn't have a degree/match/ability they(HR, Manager, Leader, Engineer, Officer, Scholar, Diplomat) believed, may experience some differences but they are special. Being Special is not easy, definitely.

So generalists are rare because of many such reasons not only yourself.
Nobody believes an Engineer is a good Scholar, such as nobody believes a good Scholar is a good Engineer, and Manager, Officer, Diplomat, and so on. And maybe generalists just give up his nature!

Nobody believes mathematics could be actually applicable, such as nobody believes an application could be actually mathematical.

Trust. It's not such common either. Especially gradually getting older and your sufferings。 Sometimes maybe people should mention their ages! When is life the gold time?
Luckily, from a macro perspective, more Trust make people greater.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qianxinn/p/17809769.html


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