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WS-Introducing Colleagues

时间:2023-11-04 14:46:48浏览次数:33  
标签:Introducing Colleagues people company WS she new he He

2023.11.04 周六

In this lesson you will learn set phrases to describe people's professional strengths and responsibilities.By the end of this lesson,you will be able to introduce a colleague from your workplace.

A.Key Vocabulary

Match the phrases to the definitions.
1.a great people person
good at working with other people.

2.a quick learner
develops new abilities in a short time.

3.a positive attitude
looks for good points,not problems.

4.highly motivated
wants to work very much

5.to believe in the company culture
agreeing with the business ideas/image

6.to work you way up
to start in a low level position and be promoted


Choose the correct dependent prepositions from the box to complete the sentences.

1.He really believes in the company culture.
2.You'll be surprised by how much he knows about marketing.
3.She's really contributed to the success of this company.
4.We need to talk about the headcount.
5.You can talk to the finance department if you have questions about your expenses.
6.Gary Golding is responsible for training new staff.

C.Use the language from this lesson.

Find a partner.Imagine they are a visitor to your company.Describe your colleagues using the language from this lesson.

Brian Bell has been with the company for ten years.He's a great people person.He's the training manager,so he's responsible for new staff onboarding.


good friends...
he has...
he doesn't have...
three people


girlfriends ---> girlfriend
he have ---> he has
three person ---> three people


she/he be a great people person.
she/he be a quick leaner.

he/she believe in company culture.
he/she worked his way up.

he has a positive attitude.

for example:He started as staff,he work his way up.

make small talking


No,I can't share the new headcount with you now.
First,I need to know each person's role,experience and contribution to the team.
Then I can decide who we're going to keep.

Well,Dean Rice is the area supervisor.
He's been with us for six years now,He started as an intern and worked his way up.
He would be a good one to keep.
He really believes in the company culture.

Margaret:OK,Go on.

John:Christine Sharp is head of training.
she runs training sessions twice a week and usually does new staff onboarding.
she's great perple person.
she started here last year;september,I think.


John:Molly cummings is new to the team,but she's a quick learner and highly motivated.she's responsible for meeting with other business units.
I think you'll be really surprised by her positive attitude.

Margaret:Okay,I see.
Let's take a minute to talk about your role....

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/17809306.html


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