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时间:2023-11-02 22:24:12浏览次数:33  
标签:cons 20231023 deal pros weigh day out

//defection, delivery, deviation, execute, guarantee, technician, call it a day, deal with, get the ball rolling, iron out, structured deal, weigh the pros and cons

defection - 缺点

A defection refers to a disadvantage or weakness in something or someone.

delivery - 交货

Delivery refers to the act of transporting and handing over goods or services to the intended recipient.

deviation - 背离

Deviation refers to the act of moving away or diverging from a planned or expected course.

execute - 履行;完成

Execute means to carry out or perform a task or action, often with precision and accuracy.

guarantee - 保证

Guarantee means to provide assurance or a promise that something will be done or achieved.

technician - 技术人员

A technician is a skilled worker or expert who specializes in a particular field, often related to technology or machinery.

call it a day - 到此为止

To call it a day means to stop working or end an activity for the day.

deal with - 解决

To deal with means to handle or address a situation or problem.

get the ball rolling - 开始

To get the ball rolling means to start or initiate a process or activity.

iron out - 解决

To iron out means to resolve or smooth out difficulties or differences.

structured deal - 阶段式合约

A structured deal refers to an agreement or contract that is organized and planned in stages or phases.

weigh the pros and cons - 衡量得失

To weigh the pros and cons means to consider the advantages and disadvantages of a decision or situation.


  1. The defection of key employees has caused significant setbacks for the company.
  2. The team's defection from their original strategy led to their defeat in the game.
  3. The defection of customers to competitors has forced the company to reevaluate its marketing strategies.


  1. The delivery of the package was delayed due to bad weather.
  2. The company offers free delivery for orders over $50.
  3. The delivery of the project was completed ahead of schedule.


  1. The deviation from the original plan caused confusion among team members.
  2. The deviation in the test results raised concerns about the accuracy of the experiment.
  3. The deviation from industry standards resulted in a product that did not meet customer expectations.


  1. The chef executed the recipe flawlessly, resulting in a delicious dish.
  2. The team executed the project with precision and achieved outstanding results.
  3. The CEO's ability to execute the company's vision was crucial to its success.


  1. The warranty guarantees that the product will be free from defects for one year.
  2. The company guarantees a full refund if the customer is not satisfied with the product.
  3. The quality of our products is guaranteed to meet the highest standards.


  1. The technician repaired the computer in a timely manner.
  2. The company is hiring technicians to maintain and repair their equipment.
  3. The technician's expertise and skills are crucial in diagnosing and fixing technical issues.

call it a day:

  1. It's been a long day, let's call it a day and continue tomorrow.
  2. We've made significant progress, let's call it a day and celebrate our achievements.
  3. We've reached our goal for today, let's call it a day and rest.

deal with:

  1. I need to deal with a difficult customer complaint.
  2. The manager is skilled at dealing with challenging situations.
  3. The team needs to come up with a plan to deal with the unexpected changes.

get the ball rolling:

  1. Let's get the ball rolling by brainstorming ideas for the project.
  2. We need to get the ball rolling on the new marketing campaign.
  3. The first step is to get the ball rolling by setting clear goals and timelines.

iron out:

  1. We need to have a meeting to iron out the details of the contract.
  2. The negotiation process was challenging, but we managed to iron out our differences.
  3. Let's iron out any remaining issues before finalizing the project plan.

structured deal:

  1. The structured deal allowed the company to gradually acquire the competitor's assets.
  2. The structured deal includes a series of payments over a period of five years.
  3. The structured deal provides flexibility for both parties to adjust terms and conditions.

weigh the pros and cons:

  1. Before making a decision, it's important to weigh the pros and cons.
  2. We should weigh the pros and cons of different investment options.
  3. The team needs to weigh the pros and cons of each strategy before making a final decision.

When it comes to making decisions, it's important to weigh the pros and cons. This allows us to consider the advantages and disadvantages before taking action. Sometimes, we may need to deal with difficult situations and make tough choices. In such cases, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the situation and gather all the necessary information.

For example, let's say we are considering a structured deal. This type of agreement is organized in stages or phases, allowing for flexibility and adjustment along the way. Before entering into such a deal, it's important to iron out the details and ensure that all parties involved are on the same page.

In business, delivery plays a crucial role. It refers to the act of transporting and handing over goods or services to the intended recipient. Timely and efficient delivery is essential for customer satisfaction and maintaining a good reputation. It's important to execute delivery plans with precision and accuracy.

In addition, when faced with challenges, it's important to stay focused and not let defection hinder progress. Defection refers to a disadvantage or weakness in something or someone. By staying motivated and finding solutions, we can overcome these obstacles and continue moving forward.

Furthermore, technicians are valuable assets in any organization. They are skilled individuals who specialize in a particular field, often related to technology or machinery. Their expertise and knowledge are essential in solving technical issues and ensuring smooth operations.

In conclusion, whether it's making decisions, dealing with challenges, or delivering on promises, it's important to weigh the pros and cons, deal with situations effectively, execute plans with precision, and rely on the expertise of technicians. By doing so, we can guarantee success and achieve our goals. So let's get the ball rolling and make the most of every opportunity.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17806470.html


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