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时间:2023-11-02 22:22:23浏览次数:27  
标签:plans 20231028 will examine important something future

//check, cover, examine, future, execute, observe, prescribe, provision, purchase, summarize, draw up, fall through

check - 核对无误
When you check something, you carefully verify or examine it to ensure that it is correct, accurate, or in proper order. It involves reviewing and confirming the accuracy or completeness of something.

cover - 涉及
When something is said to cover a particular topic or subject, it means that it includes or deals with that topic or subject. It implies the inclusion or consideration of a specific matter within a broader context.

examine - 检查
To examine something is to closely inspect or scrutinize it in order to assess its condition, quality, or validity. It involves a thorough and detailed investigation or evaluation.

future - 未来
The future refers to the time or period that is yet to come, beyond the present. It signifies the upcoming or forthcoming events, possibilities, or developments.

execute - 履行
When you execute something, you carry out or perform a task, duty, or action in accordance with a plan, agreement, or instruction. It involves the completion or fulfillment of a specific task or obligation.

observe - 遵守
To observe something is to comply with or adhere to a rule, law, custom, or practice. It implies the act of following or respecting a particular requirement or standard.

prescribe - 规定
When something is prescribed, it is officially or formally stated or specified as a requirement, rule, or instruction. It involves the establishment or imposition of a particular regulation or guideline.

provision - 条款
A provision refers to a specific clause, condition, or stipulation that is included in a document, agreement, or law. It signifies a particular requirement or term that is outlined for a specific purpose.

purchase - 购买
To purchase something is to acquire or obtain it by paying a certain amount of money. It involves the act of buying or acquiring a product, service, or item.

summarize - 总结
When you summarize something, you briefly and concisely present or describe the main points or key information of a text, speech, or event. It involves the condensation or abstraction of essential details.

draw up - 草拟
To draw up something is to prepare or create it, usually in written form. It implies the act of composing, formulating, or drafting a document, plan, or proposal.

fall through - 失败
When a plan, agreement, or arrangement falls through, it means that it fails to materialize or be completed as intended. It signifies the breakdown or collapse of a proposed or anticipated outcome.


  1. Before submitting the report, it is important to check for any errors or inaccuracies.
  2. The accountant will check the financial statements to ensure their accuracy.
  3. Please check the document for any missing information or signatures.


  1. The book covers a wide range of topics related to environmental conservation.
  2. The presentation will cover the key findings of the research study.
  3. The training program is designed to cover all aspects of customer service.


  1. The doctor will examine the patient to determine the cause of the symptoms.
  2. The inspector will examine the construction site for compliance with safety regulations.
  3. It is important to carefully examine the evidence before reaching a conclusion.


  1. The company is planning for future growth and expansion.
  2. The students are excited about their future career prospects.
  3. It is important to plan for the future and set achievable goals.


  1. The project manager will execute the plan according to the established timeline.
  2. The CEO has the authority to execute contracts on behalf of the company.
  3. The team worked together to successfully execute the marketing campaign.


  1. It is important to observe traffic rules for the safety of everyone on the road.
  2. The researcher will observe the behavior of the subjects in the experiment.
  3. The company has a policy of observing ethical standards in all business operations.


  1. The doctor will prescribe medication to treat the patient's symptoms.
  2. The teacher may prescribe additional reading materials to enhance learning.
  3. The company policy prescribes a dress code for employees.


  1. The contract includes a provision for early termination under certain circumstances.
  2. The lease agreement contains provisions regarding rent payment and maintenance responsibilities.
  3. The policy provides provisions for employee benefits and retirement plans.


  1. The customer decided to purchase the new product based on its features and reviews.
  2. The company plans to purchase new equipment to improve productivity.
  3. The online store offers a wide range of products available for purchase.


  1. The summary of the report highlights the key findings and recommendations.
  2. The speaker will summarize the main points of the presentation at the end.
  3. The article provides a concise summary of the research study.

draw up:

  1. The lawyer will draw up the contract based on the client's requirements.
  2. The project manager will draw up a detailed plan for the construction project.
  3. The committee will draw up a proposal to be presented at the next meeting.

fall through:

  1. The business deal fell through due to disagreements over the terms.
  2. The plan to organize a company retreat fell through due to scheduling conflicts.
  3. Despite their efforts, the negotiations fell through and no agreement was reached.

Title: Navigating Challenges and Planning for the Future

In today's dynamic and ever-changing world, it is crucial to check and verify information to ensure accuracy and reliability. The ability to cover a wide range of topics and examine them thoroughly is essential for making informed decisions. As we look towards the future, it is important to execute plans and observe prescribed guidelines to achieve success.

When we examine various aspects of our lives, such as education, career, and personal growth, we gain insights into potential opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. By observing trends and patterns, we can better prepare ourselves for the future.

To execute plans effectively, it is important to consider the provisions and requirements that govern our actions. Whether it is purchasing a new product or entering into a contractual agreement, understanding the provisions and adhering to them is crucial for a successful outcome.

Summarizing key information and drawing up plans are essential skills for navigating the complexities of life. By summarizing important details, we can gain a clearer understanding of the situation and make informed decisions. Drawing up plans allows us to organize our thoughts and actions, ensuring that we stay focused and on track.

However, it is important to acknowledge that not all plans will succeed. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things may fall through. It is important to learn from these experiences and adapt our strategies accordingly. By embracing challenges and learning from failures, we can grow and become more resilient.

In conclusion, the ability to check information, cover various topics, examine details, and plan for the future is crucial for success. By executing plans, observing prescribed guidelines, and summarizing key information, we can navigate challenges and pave the way for a brighter future. Even when plans fall through, it is important to persevere and learn from these experiences. By doing so, we can continue to grow and thrive in an ever-changing world.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17806481.html


  • 20231028
  • 20231028
  • test20231028