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时间:2023-11-01 21:25:55浏览次数:27  
标签:land lead soil desertification dersertification human

1.Desertification   is    a   worldwide   environmental   problem    that   significantly   impinges   upon   human   habitat    and   economic   progress.It   consists   of   various   phenomena   like   diminished   land   fertility,soil   depletion,vegetation   degradation,and   deterioration   of   ecological   systems,and   is   mainly   induced   by   natural   elements    and   human   interventions.

2. Natural factors include climate change, topography, soil type, etc. Climate change could lead to less precipitation, increased evaporation, and dry out the land, triggering desertification. Topography and soil types may also influence the occurrence of desertification, for example, areas with high slopes are prone to soil erosion and sandy soils are susceptible to wind erosion.
The human factor is the main cause of desertification. Human activities such as over-exploitation and utilization of land, overgrazing, indiscriminate logging, and irrational irrigation will damage the ecological environment of land and lead to desertification. In addition, pollution emissions and energy development in the process of urbanization and industrialization may also have an impact on desertification.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wkl3/p/17804128.html
