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Microplastics in China Sea

时间:2023-11-01 20:23:48浏览次数:47  
标签:Microplastics China MP Sea were intertidal pollution MPs

Research on microplastic (MP) pollution in the marine environment has received widespread attention in recent years. To assess the degree of MP contamination in the intertidal zone of China, the abundance, shape, particle size and composition of MPs in sediment were investigated in this study.

Sediment samples were collected from 13 stations along the coast of China. The density separation method was employed to isolate MPs from sediment and the polymer types of the MPs were determined by Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. Our study demonstrated that MP pollution was widespread in the 13 intertidal stations. The average abundance of MPs was 309 ± 81 items/kg dry weight. Fiber accounted for 71.5% of the isolated MPs, and the particles of less than 500 μm accounted for the highest proportion (35.0%). A total of 12 polymers were identified; the main types were rayon (RY), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene (PE).

The shape and chemical composition of the MPs from the intertidal sediments of South and North China were different. In South China, MP fragments were more extensive, and PP was a more important component. In contrast, the intertidal sediments of North China contained more MP fibers with the majority being RY, indicating that the major source of MPs in the intertidal zone of North China may be domestic sewage. Additionally, the abundance of MPs in the intertidal sediments of the Pearl River and Jiulong River estuaries was higher than at other sites. A Spearman's correlation analysis showed that there was no correlation between MP abundance and sediment grain size or organic matter content. Our study highlights the ubiquitous distribution of MPs in the sediment along the coast of China and provides valuable information for risk assessment and source control of MP pollution in China's intertidal zone.

The abundances of MPs in China Sea varied from 0.1 to 27,840.0 items m-3 in seawater, and from 13.0 to 14,712.0 items kg-1 d.w. in sediments. Furthermore, MPs were mainly featured with sizes ranging from 0.001 to 0.5 mm, with colors of transparent and black, and polymer types of polypropylene and polyethylene. To promote research on MPs in China Sea, the sampling and analytical methods were insufficiently standardized and should be improved. As for microplastic (MP) pollution in China Sea, laws and regulations have already been established to manage and control plastic waste.

Furthermore, several suggestions to control plastic pollution were as follows:

(1) control marine plastic pollution at the source;

(2) strengthen technological innovations;

(3) urge people to minimize disposable plastic products in their daily lives;

(4) strengthen international cooperation in the treatment of marine plastic waste.


From others

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Canaan168846/p/17803923.html


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