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时间:2023-10-28 17:35:57浏览次数:43  
标签:nala volian Installation sudo apt install deb



Debian Testing/Sid

Nala is officially in the testing and sid repos.

sudo apt install nala

Volian Scar

Alternatively you can use the Volian Scar repo.

Updates from this repo are slightly faster than the Debian repos, but usually only about a day sooner.

Install the Repository and Keyring

Head over to The Volian Archive Release Page

Download the following packages:

  • volian-archive-keyring_0.1.0_all.deb
  • volian-archive-nala_0.1.0_all.deb or volian-archive-scar_0.1.0_all.deb

Note, for Ubuntu 21.04 / Debian 11 you may want volian-archive-scar_0.1.0_all.deb

volian-archive-scar will allow newer dependencies to be installed so that Nala will work. This could have unintended consequences as the packages, and Nala are not developed for these releases.

Install the archive packages:

sudo apt install ./volian-archive*.deb

If you experience issues with the repository see Troubleshooting

Source Repo

This step is optional, but if you want to add the source repo.

echo "deb-src https://deb.volian.org/volian/ scar main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/volian-archive-scar-unstable.list

Ubuntu 22.04

After the repository and key are installed simply run

sudo apt update && sudo apt install nala

Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian Buster and older

Unfortunately Nala will not work on these releases or older.

The python versions are too old, and they don't have the required packages.

Having said that you may be able to look further below and install from source. These distros will not be officially supported.


Alternatively we maintain a pacscript for Pacstall.

If you haven't already, install Pacstall.

Once that is complete all you have to do is run

pacstall -I nala-deb

Local .deb

You can also choose to download our .deb and install it locally through apt or dpkg.

To download the package you can head over to our Releases page.

From there you can run the command below to install nala.

sudo apt install /path/to/nala_version_arch.deb

Installing From Source

There are 2 choices to make on what source to install from

  • Main Branch. This may be ahead of the current release.

  • Main Branch, but targeting a specific version.

The first step is to clone the repository. Make sure the following build depends are installed.

sudo apt install git python3-apt python3-debian pandoc -y

Clone Main

git clone https://gitlab.com/volian/nala.git
cd nala/

Clone Specific Release

git clone --branch=v0.12.1 https://gitlab.com/volian/nala.git
cd nala/

Ubuntu 22.04 / Debian Stable/Testing/Sid

sudo make install

Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian Buster

And maybe older releases

The following commands will all install Nala with pip, along with the man pages, translations, shell completions and configuration file.

Nala requires python3.9+, which these distros do not have.

This method will install python3.10 from source, as that's the version Nala is developed with

Before continuing you will need the following additional build depends

sudo apt-get install -y wget build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev libsqlite3-dev libbz2-dev

Now you can get to building and installing Nala!

sudo make legacy

After this is installed, anytime you want to update, we provide a command that will skip building python.

sudo make legacy-update


sudo make uninstall

If you build the legacy way

sudo make uninstall-legacy

That's it! we hope you enjoy using Nala!

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/exmyth/p/17794329.html


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