1.非静态常量(non-static const)
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Test { const int t; //C++11之后可以直接在定义后初始化: const int t = 0; public: Test(int t):t(t) {} //Initializer list must be used int getT() { return t; } }; int main() { Test t1(10); cout<<t1.getT(); return 0; } /* OUTPUT: 10 */
2.引用 (reference)
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Test { int &t; public: Test(int &t):t(t) {} //Initializer list must be used int getT() { return t; } }; int main() { int x = 20; Test t1(x); cout<<t1.getT()<<endl; x = 30; cout<<t1.getT()<<endl; return 0; } /* OUTPUT: 20 30 */
3.没有默认构造函数的对象 (objects which do not have default constructor)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { int i; public: A(int ); }; A::A(int arg) { i = arg; cout << "A's Constructor called: Value of i: " << i << endl; } // Class B contains object of A class B { A a; public: B(int ); }; B::B(int x):a(x) { //Initializer list must be used cout << "B's Constructor called"; } int main() { B obj(10); return 0; } /* OUTPUT: A's Constructor called: Value of i: 10 B's Constructor called */
4.派生类初始化基类对象 (base class members)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { int i; public: A(int ); }; A::A(int arg) { i = arg; cout << "A's Constructor called: Value of i: " << i << endl; } // Class B is derived from A class B: A { public: B(int ); }; B::B(int x):A(x) { //Initializer list must be used cout << "B's Constructor called"; } int main() { B obj(10); return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Type { public: Type() { cout << "default constructor called." << endl; } Type(const Type &t) { cout << "copy constructor called." << endl; } Type& operator= (const Type &t) { if (this == &t) return *this; cout << "assignment operator called." << endl; return *this; } }; class TestA { Type a; public: TestA(const Type &t):a(t) { //a调用一次拷贝构造函数 } }; class TestB { Type b; public: TestB(const Type &t) { b = t; //b先调用默认构造函数,再调用赋值操作符 } }; int main() { Type t; cout << "-----Test A--------" << endl; TestA a(t); cout << "-----Test B--------" << endl; TestB b(t); return 0; }
标签:初始化,int,列表,Test,class,构造函数 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Sleuth/p/11843500.html