* @Author: yeminglong
* @Date: 2023-09-09 10:23:30
* @LastEditTime: 2023-09-09 14:51:52
* @LastEditors: yeminglong
* @Description:
* tree2Array
* @param {tree} tree
* @returns
export function treeToArray(tree) {
let res = [];
for (const item of tree) {
const { children, ...i } = item;
if (children && children.length) {
res = res.concat(treeToArray(children));
return res;
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width: '85',
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width: '78',
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width: '78',
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show: true,
width: '85',
const propsObj = {
props: [
dic: {
workcordSc: {
prop: 'workcordSc',
checked: false,
type: '1',
zd_flag: {
prop: 'zd_flag',
checked: false,
type: '1',
rg_flag: {
prop: 'rg_flag',
checked: false,
type: '1',
avg_value_B: {
prop: 'avg_value_B',
checked: false,
type: '1',
cou_value_B: {
prop: 'cou_value_B',
checked: false,
type: '1',
avg_revised: {
prop: 'avg_revised',
checked: false,
type: '1',
cou_revised_: {
prop: 'cou_revised_',
checked: false,
type: '1',
min: {
prop: 'min',
checked: false,
type: '1',
max: {
prop: 'max',
checked: false,
type: '1',
avg_hm_revised_S: {
prop: 'avg_hm_revised_S',
checked: false,
type: '1',
ndbjh_: {
prop: 'ndbjh_',
checked: true,
type: '1',
ndhmh_: {
prop: 'ndhmh_',
checked: true,
type: '1',
hand: {
prop: 'hand',
checked: false,
type: '1',
avg_revised_S: {
prop: 'avg_revised_S',
checked: false,
type: '1',
outlet_standard_: {
prop: 'outlet_standard_',
checked: false,
const setShow = (tree = []) => {
try {
for (const v of tree) {
const ft = propsObj.props.filter((s) => v.prop.indexOf(s) > -1);
// if (ft.length) {
// console.log(v.prop);
// }
if (ft.length) {
const ftProp=ft[0];
if (propsObj.dic[ftProp] && v.show != propsObj.dic[ftProp].checked) {
v.show = propsObj.dic[ftProp].checked;
if (v.children && v.children.length) {
if (v.show && v.children.filter((x) => x.show).length == 0) {
v.show = false;
} catch (e) {
标签:show,单元测试,label,width,prop,true,78 From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15311558/8016255