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时间:2023-10-24 09:00:26浏览次数:32  
标签:FlexGrid 单元格 range grid && 计算器 构建 Blazor Row




以下步骤将帮助进一步演示我们如何使用 Blazor 创建此投资计算器。

使用 FlexGrid 设置 Blazor 应用程序

我们首先使用 Blazor 服务器应用程序模板创建 Blazor 应用程序:

创建应用程序后,我们需要使用 Nuget Package Manager 安装C1.Blazor.FlexGrid包,并添加所需的客户端引用以开始使用 FlexGrid 控件。FlexGrid快速入门可以为您提供有关如何将 FlexGrid 控件添加到 Blazor 应用程序的详细步骤。

FlexGrid 在绑定和非绑定模式下都能很好地工作。对于此应用程序,我们将使用 FlexGrid 的非绑定模式,因为我们需要输入一些值,根据这些值执行计算以填充 FlexGrid 中的其他单元格。请参阅描述 FlexGrid 的非绑定模式的演示和文档。

下面的代码假设项目已根据 FlexGrid 快速入门进行配置,并且 Razor 组件已添加到项目中。现在,将以下代码添加到 razor 页面,通过显式添加所需的行数和列数来添加和配置 FlexGrid 控件以实现非绑定模式:

@page "/"
@using C1.Blazor.Core
@using C1.Blazor.Grid

<FlexGrid @ref="grid"
          CellEditEnded="OnCellEditEnded" BeginningEdit="OnBeginningEdit" SelectionChanging="OnSelectionChanging"
          Style="@("max-height:100vh; max-width:97vh;position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 25%; ")">
        <GridColumn Width="14" IsReadOnly="true" />
        <GridColumn Width="67" IsReadOnly="true" />
        <GridColumn Width="147" Format="c2" IsReadOnly="true" />
        <GridColumn Width="147" Format="c2" IsReadOnly="true" />
        <GridColumn Width="147" Format="c2" IsReadOnly="true" />
        <GridColumn Width="164" Format="c2" />
        <GridColumn Width="14" IsReadOnly="true" />
        @for (int i = 0; i < 378; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                <GridRow Height="50" />
                <GridRow Height="25" />

    FlexGrid grid;
    GridCellFactory cellFactory = new CustomCellFactory();
    CustomMergeManager custommergemanager = new CustomMergeManager();

如何设计 Blazor 计算器布局

现在,让我们开始自定义 FlexGrid 外观,使其类似于投资计算器。我们可以通过调整列宽、行高、合并单元格、格式化单元格以及将计算器字段标签填充到 FlexGrid 中适当的单元格来实现相同的目的。以下部分将为您提供有关应用所有所需自定义的详细信息。


FlexGrid 提供对跨行或列合并单元格的内置支持,前提是相邻单元格具有相同的内容。我们可以通过继承GridMergeManager类来自定义FlexGrid的默认合并行为,定义跨行和列合并单元格的自定义逻辑。

对于此实现,我们需要定义一个自定义 MergeManager,它将合并 FlexGrid 中预定义的单元格列表,以便为投资计算器呈现适当的单元格表示形式。下面的代码合并 FlexGrid 中所需的单元格:

//Define custom MergeManager class to merge cell ranges based on custom logic
public class CustomMergeManager : GridMergeManager
   public override GridCellRange GetMergedRange(GridCellType cellType, GridCellRange range)
      //Merge cells containing Calculator title
      if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && (range.Row == 0 && range.Column >= 0 && range.Column <= 5))
         GridCellRange range1 = new GridCellRange(0, 0, 0, 5);
         return range1;

      //Merge cells containing calculator description
      if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && range.Column >= 1 && range.Column <= 2)
         if (range.Row == 2 || range.Row == 3 || range.Row == 5 || range.Row == 6 || range.Row == 8 || range.Row == 9)
            GridCellRange range2 = new GridCellRange(range.Row, 1, range.Row, 2);
            return range2;

      //Merge cells containing calculator field labels
      if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && range.Column >= 3 && range.Column <= 4)
         if (range.Row == 2 || range.Row == 3 || range.Row == 4 || range.Row == 6 || range.Row == 7 || range.Row == 8 || range.Row == 10 || range.Row == 11)
            GridCellRange range3 = new GridCellRange(range.Row, 3, range.Row, 4);
            return range3;

       return base.GetMergedRange(cellType, range);



在下面的代码中,我们将投资计算器字段标签填充到未绑定 FlexGrid 的相应单元格中:

//Override AfterRender method to populate grid for Calculator fields
protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
   if (firstRender)

// Fill unbound grid to showcase calculator fields and results
private void GenerateCalculator()
    //Populate calculator field labels
    grid[0, 0] = "Investment Calculator";

    grid[2, 1] = "Calculate your investment ";
    grid[3, 1] = "returns.";
    grid[5, 1] = "Enter values into the yellow";
    grid[6, 1] = " boxes.";
    grid[8, 1] = "Results will be shown in the ";
    grid[9, 1] = "green boxes.";

    grid[2, 3] = "Initial Investment Amount:";
    grid[3, 3] = "Annual Rate of Return:";
    grid[4, 3] = "Deposit Amount per Period:";

    grid[6, 3] = "Duration of Investment (In Years):";
    grid[7, 3] = "Number of Deposits Per Year:";
    grid[8, 3] = "Total Number of Periods (Upto 360):";

    grid[10, 3] = "Total Interest Income:";
    grid[11, 3] = "Ending Balance(FV):";

    grid[15, 1] = "Period";
    grid[15, 2] = "Initial Balance";
    grid[15, 3] = "Interest Earned";
    grid[15, 4] = "New Deposit";
    grid[15, 5] = "New Balance";

    //Populate initial values for initial investment Amount, Return rate and deposit amount per period
    grid[2, 5] = 5000;
    grid[3, 5] = Convert.ToString(10) + "%";
    grid[4, 5] = 100;

    //Populate initial values for Investment duration(in years), number of deposits per year
    grid[6, 5] = Convert.ToString(30);
    grid[7, 5] = Convert.ToString(12);

    //Invoke method to calculate investment return


我们已在适当的合并单元格中添加了所有必需的标签。现在,让我们对单元格应用样式,以增强投资计算器的外观和感觉,并使其看起来更加真实。要将样式应用于 FlexGrid 中的单元格,请继承GridCellFactory类以创建自定义 CellFactory 类,该类可让您单独设置每个单元格的样式。您可以通过应用背景颜色、前景色、边框、字体等来设置单元格的样式。

下面的代码定义了一个自定义 CellFactory 并设置 FlexGrid 中所有单元格的样式:

public override void PrepareCellStyle(GridCellType cellType, GridCellRange range, C1Style style, C1Thickness internalBorders)
    base.PrepareCellStyle(cellType, range, style, internalBorders);

    //Style Calculator border
    if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell)
       if (range.Column == 0 && range.Row >= 1 && range.Row <= 376)
          style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
          style.BorderLeftWidth = new C1Thickness(2);

       if (range.Column == 6 && range.Row >= 1 && range.Row <= 376)
          style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
          style.BorderRightWidth = new C1Thickness(2);

       if (range.Row == 0)
          style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
          style.BorderBottomWidth = new C1Thickness(2);

       if (range.Row == 376)
         style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
         style.BorderBottomWidth = new C1Thickness(2);

    //Style calculator title
    if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && range.Column >= 0 && range.Column <= 6 && range.Row == 0)
       style.BackgroundColor = C1Color.FromARGB(255, 112, 173, 70); ;
       style.FontSize = 32;
       style.FontWeight = "Arial";
       style.Color = C1Color.White;

    //Style calculator description
    if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && range.Column == 0 && range.Row == 3)
       style.FontSize = 10;
       style.FontWeight = "Arial";

    //Style Calculator fields labels and inputs
    if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && range.Column >= 3 && range.Column <= 4)
       if (range.Row >= 2 && range.Row <= 11)
          if (range.Row != 5 && range.Row != 9)
             style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
             style.BorderWidth = new C1Thickness(1);
             style.BackgroundColor = C1Color.FromARGB(255, 112, 173, 70);
             style.Color = C1Color.White;
             style.JustifyContent = C1StyleJustifyContent.FlexEnd;
      if (range.Row == 12 && range.Column >= 3 && range.Column <= 4)
         style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
         style.BorderTopWidth = new C1Thickness(1);

    if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && range.Column == 5)
       if (range.Row >= 2 && range.Row <= 7)
          if (range.Row != 5)
             style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
             style.BorderWidth = new C1Thickness(1);
             style.BackgroundColor = C1Color.White;                       
             style.JustifyContent = C1StyleJustifyContent.FlexEnd;

       if (range.Row >= 8 && range.Row <= 11)
          if (range.Row != 9)
             style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
             style.BorderWidth = new C1Thickness(1);
             style.BackgroundColor = C1Color.FromARGB(255, 226, 239, 219);                       
             style.JustifyContent = C1StyleJustifyContent.FlexEnd;

       if (range.Row == 12)
          style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
          style.BorderTopWidth = new C1Thickness(1);

    //Style investment return table
    if (cellType == GridCellType.Cell && range.Column >= 1 && range.Column <= 5)
       if (range.Row >= 15 && range.Row <= 375)
          if (range.Row == 15)
             style.BackgroundColor = C1Color.FromARGB(255, 112, 173, 70);
             style.Color = C1Color.White;
             style.JustifyContent = C1StyleJustifyContent.Center;
             if (range.Row % 2 == 0)
                 style.BackgroundColor = C1Color.FromARGB(255, 226, 239, 219);
                 style.BackgroundColor = C1Color.FromARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);
             style.JustifyContent = C1StyleJustifyContent.FlexEnd;

          if (range.Column == 1)
             style.JustifyContent = C1StyleJustifyContent.Center;

       if (range.Row == 376)
          style.BorderColor = C1Color.Black;
          style.BorderTopWidth = new C1Thickness(1);

以下是 FlexGrid 控件的快速浏览,在执行上述所有步骤后,该控件被设计为投资计算器:




必须安装Microsoft.VisualBasic包才能调用 C#.Net 中财务函数。Microsoft.VisualBasic 命名空间的 Financial 类中提供了不同的财务函数。在下面的代码中,我们使用了Financial 类中的FV财务函数。

请参阅下面的代码,了解如何在 C# 中实现各种计算,以使计算器正常工作并使用适当的投资回报值填充单元格。

//Method to calculate investment return
public async Task<bool> CalculateReturn()
   //Fetch initial investment amount
   int initialAmt = Convert.ToInt32(grid[2, 5]);

   //Fetch Rate of return by removing percentage sign
   string rate = (string)grid[3, 5];
   int ror = Convert.ToInt32(rate.Replace("%", " "));

   //Fetch deposit amount
   int depositAmt = Convert.ToInt32(grid[4, 5]);

   //Fetch total duration of investment(in years)
   int investmentYears = Convert.ToInt32(grid[6, 5]);

   //Fetch number of deposits in an year
   int numDeposits = Convert.ToInt32(grid[7, 5]);

   //Calculate total number of periods and assign to respective grid cell
   int totalPeriods = investmentYears * numDeposits;

   //Make sure total number of periods is not more than 360
   if (totalPeriods <= 360)
       grid[8, 5] = Convert.ToString(totalPeriods);
      grid[8, 5] = null;
      await JsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", "Please make sure total number of periods is upto 360 !!");
      return false;

   //Calculate investment return for each period in investment duration
   for (int period = 1, row = 16; row <= 375; row++, period++)
      if (period <= totalPeriods)
        grid[row, 1] = period;
        if (row == 16)
           grid[row, 2] = initialAmt;
           grid[row, 2] = grid[row - 1, 5];
        grid[row, 3] = (((Convert.ToDouble(ror) / Convert.ToDouble(numDeposits)) * Convert.ToInt32(grid[row, 2])) / 100);
        grid[row, 4] = depositAmt;
        grid[row, 5] = Convert.ToInt32(grid[row, 2]) + Convert.ToDouble(grid[row, 3]) + Convert.ToInt32(grid[row, 4]);
         grid[row, 1] = grid[row, 2] = grid[row, 3] = grid[row, 4] = grid[row, 5] = null;

   //Calculate Future Value of investment/Ending Balance
   double Rate = Convert.ToDouble(ror) / (Convert.ToDouble(numDeposits) * 100);
   double NPer = Convert.ToDouble(totalPeriods);
   double Pmt = Convert.ToInt32(depositAmt);
   double PV = Convert.ToInt32(initialAmt);
   double fv = -(Financial.FV(Rate, NPer, Pmt, PV));
   grid[11, 5] = fv;

   //Calculate total interest income
   double endingBal = fv - initialAmt - (depositAmt * totalPeriods);
   grid[10, 5] = endingBal;

   return true;


由于投资计算器是使用 FlexGrid 创建的,因此必须处理与编辑和选择相关的 FlexGrid 的默认行为以满足计算器的行为。本节描述了更改计算器的用户交互行为必须处理的所有 FlexGrid 事件。

首先,我们需要处理FlexGrid 的CellEditEnded事件,以确保每当用户更改计算器中的任何输入值(即回报率、初始投资金额、存款金额或投资期限)时,计算器必须重新计算所有投资回报值。


//Handle Flexgrid's CellEditEdited event to recalcuate investment return
//when either of the values Rate of Return, Deposit Amount etc. are changed
public async void OnCellEditEnded(object sender, GridCellRangeEventArgs e)
   //Parse string input value to int and assign to cell
   if (e.CellRange.Row == 2 || e.CellRange.Row == 4)
      grid[e.CellRange.Row, e.CellRange.Column] = Convert.ToInt32((string)grid[e.CellRange.Row, e.CellRange.Column]);

   //Add percentage sign to Rate of Return
   if (e.CellRange.Row == 3)
       grid[e.CellRange.Row, e.CellRange.Column] = (string)grid[e.CellRange.Row, e.CellRange.Column] + "%";

   //Invoke method to reclaculate investment return based on new values.
   await CalculateReturn();

接下来,我们处理FlexGrid的BeginningEdit事件来限制FlexGrid中的编辑。如上所述,FlexGrid 中的所有单元格都不应该是可编辑的。用户应该能够仅编辑那些需要用户输入值的单元格。

因此,下面的代码处理 BeginningEdit 事件以实现上述行为:

//Handle Flexgrid's BeginningEdit event to cancel editing for cells.
public void OnBeginningEdit(object sender, GridCellRangeEventArgs e)
   if (e.CellRange.Row >= 8 && e.CellRange.Row <= 375)
         e.Cancel = true;

最后,我们处理FlexGrid 的SelectionChanging事件,以确保用户只能选择 FlexGrid 中的可编辑单元格:

//Handle Flexgrid's SelectionChanging event to disable selection of non editable cells.
public void OnSelectionChanging(object sender, GridCellRangeEventArgs e)
   if (!(e.CellRange.Row >= 2 && e.CellRange.Row <= 7))
      if (e.CellRange.Row != 5)
            e.Cancel = true;
   else if (e.CellRange.Column >= 1 && e.CellRange.Column <= 4)
      e.Cancel = true;

下面是一个 GIF,展示了正在运行的投资计算器:





From: https://www.cnblogs.com/powertoolsteam/p/17782144.html


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