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时间:2023-10-17 23:12:12浏览次数:34  
标签:goods terms 20231016 price value pricing FOB

//acceptable, candidly, feasible, workable, CIF, final price, FOB, landing charge, sticker price, subject to, total value

acceptable - 可接受的

Acceptable means something that is satisfactory, fitting, or suitable. It refers to something that meets the required standards or criteria and is deemed appropriate or agreeable.

candidly - 坦率地

Candidly means speaking or expressing oneself honestly, openly, and without reservation. It implies being straightforward and sincere in communication, without hiding or sugarcoating the truth.

feasible - 可行的

Feasible means something that is possible, practical, or achievable. It suggests that a plan, idea, or solution is likely to be successful or effective based on available resources, capabilities, and circumstances.

workable - 可行的,可操作的

Workable means something that is capable of being put into action or practical use. It implies that a method, approach, or solution is functional, manageable, and able to produce the desired result.

CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) - 成本、保险和运费价

CIF is a trade term used in international commerce. It represents the total cost of goods, including the price of the goods, insurance coverage, and freight charges to the designated destination. The seller is responsible for arranging and paying for these costs until the goods are delivered to the buyer.

final price - 最终价格

Final price refers to the last or ultimate price of a product or service after considering all relevant factors and costs. It represents the total amount that needs to be paid, including any applicable taxes, fees, or discounts.

FOB (Free On Board) - 离岸价

FOB is a trade term used in international shipping. It indicates that the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to a specified port or location, and the buyer assumes the responsibility and costs from that point onwards. The FOB price does not include shipping charges or insurance.

landing charge - 着陆费

Landing charge refers to the fee or cost associated with the landing of an aircraft at an airport. It covers services and facilities provided by the airport for the safe arrival and departure of aircraft.

sticker price - 标价,吊牌价

Sticker price refers to the listed or advertised price of a product or service. It is the initial price displayed on a sticker or tag, often before any discounts, promotions, or negotiations take place.

subject to - 以...为条件,受...的限制

Subject to means being dependent on or influenced by a particular condition, requirement, or factor. It implies that something is contingent upon the fulfillment or occurrence of another event or circumstance.

total value - 总价值

Total value refers to the complete or overall worth or cost of something. It represents the combined value of all the components, elements, or factors involved.


  1. The company strives to provide customers with products of the highest quality to ensure they meet acceptable standards.
  2. The proposed solution was deemed acceptable by the team as it effectively addressed the identified issues.
  3. The contractor submitted a bid for the project, and the client found the price to be acceptable within their budget.


  1. The manager addressed the team candidly about the challenges the company was facing and encouraged open discussion.
  2. The employee candidly shared their concerns during the performance review meeting.
  3. The CEO spoke candidly during the company-wide town hall, providing transparency about the future plans and goals.


  1. After conducting a thorough feasibility study, it was determined that the project is financially viable.
  2. The team brainstormed ideas and evaluated their feasibility before presenting them to the stakeholders.
  3. The proposed timeline for the project is feasible, considering the available resources and manpower.


  1. The team came up with a workable solution to streamline the production process and increase efficiency.
  2. The manager provided the employees with a workable schedule that balanced their workload and personal commitments.
  3. The IT department implemented a workable software solution to address the technical issues reported by the users.

CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight):

  1. The CIF price includes the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight charges to the destination port.
  2. The buyer requested a CIF quotation to have a clear understanding of the total cost involved in importing the product.
  3. The seller agreed to cover the CIF charges up to the destination port as per the agreed terms of the contract.

final price:

  1. After negotiations, the parties agreed on a final price for the property.
  2. The customer received a discount, resulting in a lower final price for the product.
  3. The final price includes all applicable taxes and fees, ensuring transparency for the customer.

FOB (Free on Board):

  1. The FOB price indicates that the seller is responsible for the goods until they are loaded onto the vessel at the port of shipment.
  2. The buyer requested an FOB quotation to have more control over the shipping arrangements and costs.
  3. The company offers FOB terms for international customers, providing flexibility and cost-saving options.

landing charge:

  1. The landing charge at the airport is included in the ticket price for international flights.
  2. The shipping company informed the customer about the additional landing charge at the destination port.
  3. The landing charge covers the handling and administrative fees associated with the arrival of goods at the port.

sticker price:

  1. The sticker price of the car is displayed prominently on the windshield at the dealership.
  2. The customer negotiated with the salesperson to get a lower price than the sticker price.
  3. The sticker price includes the base price of the product before any additional fees or discounts.

subject to:

  1. The offer is subject to the approval of the board of directors.
  2. The contract is subject to the satisfactory completion of a background check.
  3. The promotion is subject to availability and the terms and conditions stated in the advertisement.

total value:

  1. The total value of the project is estimated to be $1 million, including all expenses and contingencies.
  2. The customer was impressed with the total value provided by the company's comprehensive service package.
  3. The total value of the order was calculated to determine the applicable discounts and incentives.

//Title: Finding the Right Terms: Understanding Pricing and Terms in International Trade

When engaging in international trade, it is crucial to understand the various pricing terms and ensure that the final deal is acceptable and feasible. This article provides valuable insights into common pricing terms used in international trade and offers tips on negotiating the best possible deal.

One of the commonly used pricing terms is CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight). This term indicates that the seller is responsible for the cost, insurance, and freight of delivering the goods to the buyer's designated port. It is essential to candidly discuss and clarify the CIF terms to avoid any misunderstandings and ensure a smooth transaction.

On the other hand, FOB (Free on Board) is a pricing term where the seller is responsible for the cost and delivery of goods to the designated port, but the buyer assumes responsibility once the goods are on board the vessel. Understanding the FOB terms is crucial as it determines when the buyer assumes ownership and liability for the goods.

In addition to the pricing terms, it is important to consider other charges that may be involved. Landing charges, for example, refer to the fees incurred at the destination port for unloading and handling the goods. These charges should be taken into account when calculating the total value of the goods.

When negotiating pricing, it is important to consider the sticker price as well as any additional costs. The final price should be feasible and workable for both parties involved. It is advisable to subject the pricing to market conditions, ensuring that it remains competitive and in line with the current value of the goods.

In conclusion, understanding the various pricing terms and considering all associated costs is essential in international trade. By candidly discussing and clarifying terms such as CIF and FOB, businesses can ensure a smooth transaction. Additionally, considering landing charges and subjecting the pricing to market conditions helps negotiate a feasible and acceptable deal. With a thorough understanding of pricing and terms, businesses can navigate international trade successfully and maintain profitability.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17770972.html


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