Given a string s
and an array of strings words
, return the number of words[i]
that is a subsequence of s
A subsequence of a string is a new string generated from the original string with some characters (can be none) deleted without changing the relative order of the remaining characters.
- For example,
is a subsequence of"abcde"
Example 1:
Input: s = "abcde", words = ["a","bb","acd","ace"] Output: 3 Explanation: There are three strings in words that are a subsequence of s: "a", "acd", "ace".
Example 2:
Input: s = "dsahjpjauf", words = ["ahjpjau","ja","ahbwzgqnuk","tnmlanowax"] Output: 2
1 <= s.length <= 5 * 104
1 <= words.length <= 5000
1 <= words[i].length <= 50
consist of only lowercase English letters.
For each word in words, its first char of each word is the waiting char.
When iterate s, the currrent char c release corresponding waiting group in words, remove it and see the next waiting char.
If there is none, then we find a subsequence, res++.
To make sure it is liner, we use LinkedList<Character> to represent String.
Time Complexity: O(m*n + len). m = words.length. n is word length. len = s.length().
Space: O(m*n + len).
AC Java:
1 class Solution { 2 public int numMatchingSubseq(String s, String[] words) { 3 int res = 0; 4 List<LinkedList<Character>> [] waiting = new List[26]; 5 for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++){ 6 waiting[i] = new ArrayList<LinkedList<Character>>(); 7 } 8 9 for(String w : words){ 10 LinkedList<Character> que = new LinkedList<>(); 11 for(char letter : w.toCharArray()){ 12 que.add(letter); 13 } 14 15 waiting[w.charAt(0) - 'a'].add(que); 16 } 17 18 for(char c : s.toCharArray()){ 19 List<LinkedList<Character>> cur = waiting[c - 'a']; 20 waiting[c - 'a'] = new ArrayList<LinkedList<Character>>(); 21 for(LinkedList<Character> item : cur){ 22 item.pollFirst(); 23 if(item.size() == 0){ 24 res++; 25 }else{ 26 waiting[item.peekFirst() - 'a'].add(item); 27 } 28 } 29 } 30 31 return res; 32 } 33 }
标签:subsequence,Number,char,item,waiting,Subsequences,words,new,Matching From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Dylan-Java-NYC/p/16757399.html