传统CBC模式虽然需要16字节对齐,但是可以通过密文偷窃算法(Cipher Text Steal)实现>16字节的明文生成一致长度的密文,同时,当密文>16字节时,通过使用16字节后的数据哈希值作为IV,可能避免专门的IV存储,哈希函数只用HMAC提高安全性。
public byte[] encrypt(byte[] data) { if (data.Length < 16) return ecbPadEnc.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length); else if (data.Length == 16) return ecbEnc.transform(data, new byte[17]); var cipher = new byte[data.Length + 1]; var iv = hmac.ComputeHash(data, 16, data.Length - 16).head(16); // no need steal cipher if (data.Length % 16 == 0) return cbcEnc(iv, data, 0, data.Length, cipher, 0); // transform N-1 CBC block var lastPos = 16 * (data.Length / 16); cbcEnc(iv, data, 0, lastPos, cipher, 0); // steal cipher text for padding var lastSize = data.Length - lastPos; var stealPos = lastPos - 16 + lastSize; Buffer.BlockCopy(cipher, stealPos, data, data.Length - 16, 16 - lastSize); ecbEnc.TransformBlock(data, data.Length - 16, 16, cipher, cipher.Length - 17); return cipher; }
public byte[] decrypt(byte[] cipher) { if (cipher.Length == 16) return ecbPadDec.TransformFinalBlock(cipher, 0, cipher.Length); else if (cipher.Length == 17) return ecbDec.transform(cipher, 0, 16, new byte[16]); var data = new byte[cipher.Length - 1]; // last steal block if (data.Length % 16 != 0) { ecbDec.TransformBlock(cipher, cipher.Length - 17, 16, data, data.Length - 16); // pay back the steal cipher Buffer.BlockCopy(data, data.Length - 16, cipher, cipher.Length - 17, 16); } // middle normal cbc chain var middleCount = data.Length / 16 - 1; if (middleCount > 0) cbcDec(cipher.head(16), cipher, 16, middleCount * 16, data, 16); // first block var iv = hmac.ComputeHash(data, 16, data.Length - 16).head(16); cbcDec(iv, cipher, 0, 16, data, 0); return data; }
完整代码 HmacIvCbc.cs
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using util.ext; namespace util.crypt { public class HmacIvCbc : IDisposable { Aes aes; HMACSHA256 hmac; ICryptoTransform ecbEnc; ICryptoTransform ecbDec; ICryptoTransform ecbPadEnc; ICryptoTransform ecbPadDec; public HmacIvCbc(byte[] key) { init(key.head(key.Length / 2), key.tail(key.Length / 2)); } public HmacIvCbc(byte[] encKey, byte[] macKey) { init(encKey, macKey); } void init(byte[] encKey, byte[] macKey) { aes = Aes.Create(); aes.Key = encKey; hmac = new HMACSHA256(macKey); ecbEnc = getEncoder(CipherMode.ECB); ecbPadEnc = getEncoder(CipherMode.ECB, null, PaddingMode.PKCS7); ecbDec = getDecoder(CipherMode.ECB); ecbPadDec = getDecoder(CipherMode.ECB, null, PaddingMode.PKCS7); } ICryptoTransform getEncoder(CipherMode mode, byte[] iv = null, PaddingMode pad = PaddingMode.None) { aes.Mode = mode; aes.Padding = pad; if (null != iv) aes.IV = iv; return aes.CreateEncryptor(); } byte[] cbcEnc(byte[] iv, byte[] src, int srcPos, int count, byte[] dst, int dstPos) { using (var enc = getEncoder(CipherMode.CBC, iv)) { enc.TransformBlock(src, srcPos, count, dst, dstPos); } return dst; } ICryptoTransform getDecoder(CipherMode mode, byte[] iv = null, PaddingMode pad = PaddingMode.None) { aes.Mode = mode; aes.Padding = pad; if (null != iv) aes.IV = iv; return aes.CreateDecryptor(); } byte[] cbcDec(byte[] iv, byte[] src, int srcPos, int count, byte[] dst, int dstPos) { using (var enc = getDecoder(CipherMode.CBC, iv)) { enc.TransformBlock(src, srcPos, count, dst, dstPos); } return dst; } public byte[] encrypt(byte[] data) { if (data.Length < 16) return ecbPadEnc.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length); else if (data.Length == 16) return ecbEnc.transform(data, new byte[17]); var cipher = new byte[data.Length + 1]; var iv = hmac.ComputeHash(data, 16, data.Length - 16).head(16); // no need steal cipher if (data.Length % 16 == 0) return cbcEnc(iv, data, 0, data.Length, cipher, 0); // transform N-1 CBC block var lastPos = 16 * (data.Length / 16); cbcEnc(iv, data, 0, lastPos, cipher, 0); // steal cipher text for padding var lastSize = data.Length - lastPos; var stealPos = lastPos - 16 + lastSize; Buffer.BlockCopy(cipher, stealPos, data, data.Length - 16, 16 - lastSize); ecbEnc.TransformBlock(data, data.Length - 16, 16, cipher, cipher.Length - 17); return cipher; } public byte[] decrypt(byte[] cipher) { if (cipher.Length == 16) return ecbPadDec.TransformFinalBlock(cipher, 0, cipher.Length); else if (cipher.Length == 17) return ecbDec.transform(cipher, 0, 16, new byte[16]); var data = new byte[cipher.Length - 1]; // last steal block if (data.Length % 16 != 0) { ecbDec.TransformBlock(cipher, cipher.Length - 17, 16, data, data.Length - 16); // pay back the steal cipher Buffer.BlockCopy(data, data.Length - 16, cipher, cipher.Length - 17, 16); } // middle normal cbc chain var middleCount = data.Length / 16 - 1; if (middleCount > 0) cbcDec(cipher.head(16), cipher, 16, middleCount * 16, data, 16); // first block var iv = hmac.ComputeHash(data, 16, data.Length - 16).head(16); cbcDec(iv, cipher, 0, 16, data, 0); return data; } public void Dispose() { ecbEnc?.Dispose(); ecbDec?.Dispose(); ecbPadEnc?.Dispose(); ecbPadDec?.Dispose(); aes?.Dispose(); hmac?.Dispose(); } } }View Code
标签:加密,16,方法,iv,Length,cipher,文件目录,byte,data From: https://www.cnblogs.com/bsmith/p/17766157.html