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MT4 serverAPI开发接口(头文件)

时间:2022-10-06 11:55:52浏览次数:78  
标签:char const int double MT4 --- +-------------------------------------------------




//|                                      MetaTrader Server Interface |
//|                   Copyright 2001-2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                        http://www.metaquotes.net |
//|                   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!                         |
#pragma once

#define ServerApiVersion                5

//| Memory allocation macro                                          |
#define HEAP_ALLOC(size) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,size)
#define HEAP_FREE(mem)   HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,mem)
//| Structures                                                       |
//| Information about plugin                                         |
struct PluginInfo
   char              name[128];             // plugin name
   unsigned int      version;               // plugin version
   char              copyright[128];        // plugin copyright
   int               reserved[32];          // reserved
//| Plugin configuration structure                                   |
struct PluginCfg
   char              name[32];
   char              value[128];
   int               reserved[16];
//| Server config structures                                         |
//| Access configuration                                             |
struct ConAccess
   int               action;                // type of action (FW_BLOCK,FW_PERMIT)
   unsigned long     from,to;               // from, to addresses
   char              comment[64];           // comment
   int               reserved[17];          // reserved
//--- состояние ограничения
//| Common configuration                                             |
struct ConCommon
   char              owner[128];            // servers owner (include version & build)
   char              name[32];              // server name
   ULONG             address;               // IP address assigned to the server
   int               port;                  // port
   DWORD             timeout;               // sockets timeout
   int               enable_demo;           // enable demo DEMO_DISABLED, DEMO_PROLONG, DEMO_FIXED
   int               timeofdemo;            // demo-account living time (days since last connect)
   int               daylightcorrection;    // allow daylight correction
   char              internal[64];          // reserved
   int               timezone;              // time zone 0-GMT;-1=GMT-1;1=GMT+1;
   char              timesync[64];          // time synchronization server address
   int               minclient;             // minimal authorized client version
   int               minapi;                // minimal authorized client version
   DWORD             feeder_timeout;        // data feed switch timeout
   int               keepemails;            // internal mail keep period
   int               endhour,endminute;     // end of day time-hour & minute
   int               optimization_time;     // optimization start time (minutes)
   int               optimization_lasttime; // optimization last time
   int               optimization_counter;  // internal variable
   int               optimization_unused[8];// reserved for future use
   int               antiflood;             // enable antiflood control
   int               floodcontrol;          // max. antiflood connections
   int               liveupdate_mode;       // LiveUpdate mode LIVE_UPDATE_NO,LIVE_UPDATE_ALL,LIVE_UPDATE_NO_SERVER
   int               lastorder;             // last order's ticket     (read only)
   int               lastlogin;             // last account's number   (read only)
   int               lostlogin;             // lost commission's login (read only)
   int               rollovers_reopen;      // reopen orders at time of rollovers ROLLOVER_NORMAL,ROLLOVER_REOPEN_BY_CLOSE_PRICE,ROLLOVER_REOPEN_BY_BID
   char              path_database[256];    // path to databases
   char              path_history[256];     // path to history bases
   char              path_log[256];         // path to log
   //--- overnigths
   time_t            overnight_last_day;    // day of last overnight
   time_t            overnight_last_time;   // time of last overnight
   time_t            overnight_prev_time;   // time of previous overnight
   //--- month reports
   time_t            overmonth_last_month;  // time of last report
   //--- performance base
   char              adapters[256];         // network adapters list (read-only)
   ULONG             bind_adresses[8];      // array of available IP addresses
   short             server_version;        // server version (filled by server)
   short             server_build;          // server build (filled by server)
   ULONG             web_adresses[8];       // array of IP addresses available for Web services
   int               statement_mode;        // statements generation mode STATEMENT_END_DAY, STATEMENT_START_DAY
   int               monthly_state_mode;    // monthly generation flag
   int               keepticks;             // ticks keep period
   int               reserved[53];
//| Time config                                                      |
struct ConTime
   int               days[7][24];           // server's accessebility(7 days-24 hours, 0-denied, 1-allowed)
   int               dayscontrol;           // internal variable
   int               reserved[3];           // reserved
//| Backup configuration                                             |
struct ConBackup
   char              fullbackup_path[256];  // path to backup
   int               fullbackup_period;     // full backup's period-BACKUP_1HOUR, BACKUP_4HOURS, BACKUP_1DAY
   int               fullbackup_store;      // full backup's store time-BU_STORE_1MONTH, BU_STORE_3MONTHS, BU_STORE_6MONTHS,BU_STORE_1YEAR
   time_t            fullbackup_lasttime;   // full backup's last execution time
   short             fullbackup_shift;      // full backup timeshift (minutes)
   char              external_path[256];    // path to external processing directory
   int               archive_period;        // period of archive backup-ARC_BACKUP_5MIN, ARC_BACKUP_15MIN, ARC_BACKUP_30MIN, ARC_BACKUP_1HOUR
   int               archive_store;         // archive backup's store time-ARC_STORE_1WEEK, ARC_STORE_2WEEKS, ARC_STORE_1MONTH, ARC_STORE_3MONTH, ARC_STORE_6MONTH
   time_t            archive_lasttime;      // archive backup's last execution time
   char              export_securities[512];// comma separated list of exported securities
   char              export_path[256];      // path to export script
   int               export_period;         // export period-enumeration EXPORT_1MIN, EXPORT_5MIN, EXPORT_15MIN, EXPORT_30MIN,EXPORT_1HOUR
   time_t            export_lasttime;       // export's last execution time
   //--- watch dog
   int               watch_role;            // server role WATCH_STAND_ALONE, WATCH_MASTER, WATCH_SLAVE
   char              watch_password[16];    // watch dog password
   char              watch_opposite[24];    // opposite server address
   int               watch_timeout;         // watch dog switch timeout
   int               reserved[3];           // reserved

//--- full backup execution periods: 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day
//--- arc. backup execution periods: 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour
//--- arc. backup store period: 1 month,3 months, 6 months,1 year
//--- export execution period: 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour
//--- rollover mode
//--- statement generate mode
//--- server role
//--- live update modes
//--- demo modes
//--- monthly statement mode
//| Datafeed configuration                                           |
struct ConFeeder
   char              name[64];              // name
   char              file[256];             // datafeed filename
   char              server[64];            // server address
   char              login[32];             // datafeed login
   char              pass[32];              // datafeed password
   char              keywords[256];         // keywords (news filtration)
   int               enable;                // enable feeder
   int               mode;                  // datafeed mode-enumeration FEED_QUOTES, FEED_NEWS, FEED_QUOTESNEWS
   int               timeout;               // max. freeze time (default ~120 sec.)
   int               timeout_reconnect;     // reconnect timeout before attemps_sleep connect attempts (default ~ 5  sec)
   int               timeout_sleep;         // reconnect timeout after attemps_sleep connect attempts  (default ~ 60 sec)
   int               attemps_sleep;         // reconnect count (see timeout_reconnect & timeout_sleep)
   int               news_langid;           // news language id
   int               unused[33];            // reserved
//--- datafeed modes-receive quotes, receive news, receive quotes and news
//| Security group configuration for  client group                   |
#define MAX_SEC_GROUPS       (32)
#define MAX_SEC_GROPS_MARGIN (128)
struct ConGroupSec
   int               show,trade;            // enable show and trade for this group of securites
   int               execution;             // dealing mode-EXECUTION_MANUAL,EXECUTION_AUTO,EXECUTION_ACTIVITY
   //--- comission settings
   double            comm_base;             // standart commission
   int               comm_type;             // commission type-COMM_TYPE_MONEY,COMM_TYPE_PIPS,COMM_TYPE_PERCENT
   int               comm_lots;             // commission lots mode-COMMISSION_PER_LOT,COMMISSION_PER_DEAL
   double            comm_agent;            // agent commission
   int               comm_agent_type;       // agent commission mode-COMM_TYPE_MONEY, COMM_TYPE_PIPS
   int               spread_diff;           // spread difference in compare with default security spread
   int               lot_min,lot_max;       // allowed minimal and maximal lot values
   int               lot_step;              // allowed step value (10 lot-1000, 1 lot-100, 0.1 lot-10)
   int               ie_deviation;          // maximum price deviation in Instant Execution mode
   int               confirmation;          // use confirmation in Request mode
   int               trade_rights;          // clients trade rights-bit mask see TRADE_DENY_NONE,TRADE_DENY_CLOSEBY,TRADE_DENY_MUCLOSEBY
   int               ie_quick_mode;         // 
   double            comm_tax;              // commission taxes
   int               comm_agent_lots;       // agent commission lots mode-COMMISSION_PER_LOT,COMMISSION_PER_DEAL
   int               freemargin_mode;       // free margin check mode
   //--- резерв
   int               reserved[3];

//| Special securities configurations                                |
struct ConGroupMargin
   char              symbol[12];            // security
   double            swap_long,swap_short;  // tickvalue for bid & ask
   double            margin_divider;        // margin divider
   int               reserved[7];
//--- dealing mode
//--- commission type
//--- comission lots mode
//--- clients trade rights
//--- auto close-out modes
//| Client group configuration                                       |
struct ConGroup
   //--- common settings
   char              group[16];                   // group name
   int               enable;                      // enable group
   int               timeout;                     // trade confirmation timeout (seconds)
   int               adv_security;                // enable advanced security
   //--- statements
   char              company[128];                // company name
   char              signature[128];              // statements signature
   char              support_page[128];           // company support page
   char              smtp_server[64];             // statements SMTP server
   char              smtp_login[32];              // statements SMTP login
   char              smtp_password[32];           // statements SMTP password
   char              support_email[64];           // support email
   char              templates[32];               // path to directory with custom templates
   int               copies;                      // copy statements on support email
   int               reports;                     // enable statements
   //--- default settings
   int               default_leverage;            // default leverage (user don't specify leverage himself)
   double            default_deposit;             // default deposit  (user don't specify balance  himself)
   //--- securities
   int               maxsecurities;               // maximum simultaneous securities
   ConGroupSec       secgroups[MAX_SEC_GROUPS];   // security group settings
   ConGroupMargin    secmargins[MAX_SEC_GROPS_MARGIN]; // special securities settings
   int               secmargins_total;            // count of special securities settings
   //--- margin & interest
   char              currency[12];                // deposit currency
   double            credit;                      // virtual credit
   int               margin_call;                 // margin call level (percents)
   int               margin_mode;                 // margin mode-MARGIN_DONT_USE,MARGIN_USE_ALL,MARGIN_USE_PROFIT,MARGIN_USE_LOSS
   int               margin_stopout;              // stop out level
   double            interestrate;                // annual interest rate (percents)
   int               use_swap;                    // use rollovers & interestrate
   //--- rights
   int               news;                        // news mode
   int               rights;                      // rights bit mask-ALLOW_FLAG_EMAIL
   int               check_ie_prices;             // check by stream prices on IE
   int               maxpositions;                // open positions limit (0 - unlimited)
   int               close_reopen;                // partial close mode (if !=0 original position will be fully closed and remain position will be fully reopened)
   int               hedge_prohibited;            // hedge prohibition flag
   int               close_fifo;                  // fifo rule 
   int               unused_rights[3];            // reserverd
   char              securities_hash[16];         // internal data
   int               margin_type;                 // stop out calculation mode { MARGIN_TYPE_PERCENT,  MARGIN_TYPE_CURRENCY }
   //--- archive parameters
   int               archive_period;              
   int               archive_max_balance;         
   //--- stopout mode
   int               stopout_skip_hedged;         
   int               archive_pending_period;      // pendings clean period
   //--- allowed news languages
   UINT              news_languages[8];           // LANGID array
   UINT              news_languages_total;        // news languages total
   //--- reserved
   int               reserved[17];
//--- margin mode
//--- stop out calculation mode
//--- news mode-no news, only topics, full news (topic+body)
//--- group rights
   ALLOW_FLAG_EMAIL      =1,
//| Hollidays configuration                                          |
struct ConHoliday
   int               year;                        // year
   int               month;                       // month
   int               day;                         // day
   int               from,to;                     // work time-from & to (minutes)
   char              symbol[32];                  // security name or symbol's group name or "All"
   char              description[128];            // description
   int               enable;                      // enable
   int               reserved[13];                // reserved
   ConHoliday       *next;                        // internal data
//| LiveUpdate configuration                                         |
#define LIVE_FILES_MAX 64
struct LiveInfoFile
   char              file[256];                   // file name
   int               size;                        // file size
   char              hash[36];                    // file hash
   int               reserved[10];                // reserved
struct ConLiveUpdate
   char              company[128];                // company
   char              path[256];                   // path to LiveUpdate
   int               version;                     // version
   int               build;                       // build
   int               maxconnect;                  // max. simultaneous connections
   int               connections;                 // current connections (read only)
   int               type;                        // type LIVE_UPDATE_CLIENT, LIVE_UPDATE_MANAGER, LIVE_UPDATE_ADMIN
   int               enable;                      // enable
   int               totalfiles;                  // total files count
   LiveInfoFile      files[LIVE_FILES_MAX];       // files' configurations
   int               reserved[16];                // reserved
   ConLiveUpdate    *next;                        // internal data
//--- LiveUpdate type
//| Manager rights for security groups                               |
struct ConManagerSec
   int               internal;                    // internal data
   int               enable;                      // enable
   int               minimum_lots;                // min. lots
   int               maximum_lots;                // max. lots
   int               unused[16];                  // reserved
//| Manager configuration                                            |
struct ConManager
   int               login;                       // login
   //--- rights
   int               manager;                     // right to add & change client records
   int               money;                       // right to balance & credit management
   int               online;                      // right to see online users
   int               riskman;                     // right to use analyzer
   int               broker;                      // right to deal
   int               admin;                       // right to server administration
   int               logs;                        // right to see logs
   int               reports;                     // right to see reports
   int               trades;                      // right to add/modify/delete trades
   int               spread;                      // right to change spread, spread balance, stop levels, execution mode
                                                  // and send quotes
   int               email;                       // right to send internal mail
   int               user_details;                // right to see clients private data-name,country,address,phone,email etc.
   int               see_trades;                  // right to see the trading acitivity
   int               news;                        // right to send news
   int               plugins;                     // right to control server plugins
   int               server_reports;              // right to receive server reports
   int               techsupport;                 // right to access to technical support page
   int               unused[11];
   //--- IP filtration
   int               ipfilter;                    // enable IP control
   unsigned long     ip_from,ip_to;               // range of allowed IPs
   char              mailbox[64];                 // name of mailbof for internal mail
   char              groups[1024];                // comma separated list of managed groups (allowed '*' wildcard)
   ConManagerSec     secgroups[MAX_SEC_GROUPS];   // manager rights for security groups
   DWORD             exp_time;                    // internal data
   char              name[32];                    // manager name (filled from the corresponding UserRecord)
   int               info_depth;                  // depth of avalaible information
   int               reserved[22];
//| Security configurations                                          |
//| Security sessions configurations                                 |
struct ConSession
   short             open_hour,open_min;          // session open  time: hour & minute
   short             close_hour,close_min;        // session close time: hour & minute
   int               open,close;                  // internal data
   short             align[7];                    // internal data
struct ConSessions
   ConSession        quote[3];                    // quote sessions
   ConSession        trade[3];                    // trade sessions
   int               quote_overnight;             // internal data
   int               trade_overnight;             // internal data
   int               reserved[2];                 // reserved
//| Security config                                                  |
#define MAX_SYMBOLS 1024
struct ConSymbol
   //--- common settings
   char              symbol[12];                  // name
   char              description[64];             // description
   char              source[12];                  // synonym
   char              currency[12];                // currency
   int               type;                        // security group (see ConSymbolGroup)
   int               digits;                      // security precision
   int               trade;                       // trade mode
   //--- external settings
   COLORREF          background_color;            // background color
   int               count;                       // symbols index
   int               count_original;              // symbols index in market watch
   int               external_unused[7];
   //--- sessions
   int               realtime;                    // allow real time quotes
   time_t            starting;                    // trades starting date (UNIX time)
   time_t            expiration;                  // trades end date      (UNIX time)
   ConSessions       sessions[7];                 // quote & trade sessions
   //--- profits
   int               profit_mode;                 // profit calculation mode
   int               profit_reserved;             // reserved
   //--- filtration
   int               filter;                      // filter value
   int               filter_counter;              // filtration parameter
   double            filter_limit;                // max. permissible deviation from last quote (percents)
   int               filter_smoothing;            // smoothing
   float             filter_reserved;             // reserved
   int               logging;                     // enable to log quotes
   //--- spread & swaps
   int               spread;                      // spread
   int               spread_balance;              // spread balance
   int               exemode;                     // execution mode
   int               swap_enable;                 // enable swaps
   int               swap_type;                   // swap type
   double            swap_long,swap_short;        // swaps values for long & short postions
   int               swap_rollover3days;          // triple rollover day-0-Monday,1-Tuesday...4-Friday
   double            contract_size;               // contract size
   double            tick_value;                  // one tick value
   double            tick_size;                   // one tick size
   int               stops_level;                 // stops deviation value
   int               gtc_pendings;                // GTC mode ORDERS_DAILY, ORDERS_GTC, ORDERS_DAILY_NO_STOPS
   //--- margin calculation
   int               margin_mode;                 // margin calculation mode
   double            margin_initial;              // initial margin
   double            margin_maintenance;          // margin maintenance
   double            margin_hedged;               // hadget margin
   double            margin_divider;              // margin divider
   //--- calclulated variables (internal data)
   double            point;                       // point size-(1/(10^digits)
   double            multiply;                    // multiply 10^digits
   double            bid_tickvalue;               // tickvalue for bid
   double            ask_tickvalue;               // tickvalue for ask
   int               long_only;                   // allow only BUY positions
   int               instant_max_volume;          // max. volume for Instant Execution
   char              margin_currency[12];         // currency of margin requirments
   int               freeze_level;                // modification freeze level (from market price)
   int               margin_hedged_strong;        // lock open checking mode
   time_t            value_date;                  // value date for this security
   int               quotes_delay;                // quotes delay
   int               swap_openprice;         	  // use open price at swaps calculation in SWAP_BY_INTEREST mode
   int               unused[22];             	  // reserved

//| Symbols enumeration                                              |
//--- symbol execution mode
//--- trade mode
//--- swap type
//--- profit calculation mode
//--- margin calculation mode
//--- GTC mode
//| Symbol groups                                                    |
struct ConSymbolGroup
   char              name[16];                    // group name
   char              description[64];             // group description
//| Feeder quote structure                                           |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct FeedTick
   char              symbol[16];                 // security
   time_t            ctm;                        // time (UNIX time)
   char              bank[32];                   // source bank
   double            bid,ask;                    // bid/ask
   int               feeder;                     // feeder index
   char              reverved[8];                // reserved
//| Feeder data quote                                                |
struct FeedData
   //--- quotes data
   FeedTick          ticks[32];                  // quotes array
   int               ticks_count;                // quotes count
   //--- news data
   char              news_time[32];              // news time description
   char              subject[256];               // news subject
   char              category[64];               // news category
   char              keywords[256];              // news keywords
   char             *body;                       // news body
   int               body_len;                   // news body len
   int               body_maxlen;                // max. body len
   //--- результаты операций
   int               result;                     // work result
   char              result_string[256];         // error description
   int               feeder;                     // datafeed index
   int               mode;                       // internal data
   int               langid;                     // news LANGID
   char              reserved[64];               // reserved
//| Log record structure                                             |
struct LogInfo
   int               code;                       // error code-CmdOK,CmdTrade,CmdLogin,CmdWarn,CmdErr,CmdAtt
   char              ip[64];                     // IP address
   char              msg[512];                   // error description
   tm                ctm;                        // time
   int               unused[2];                  // reserved
#pragma pack(pop)
//--- error code
enum { CmdOK,CmdTrade,CmdLogin,CmdWarn,CmdErr,CmdAtt };
//| Log request record structure                                     |
struct LogRequest
   char              mode;                       // request mode
   time_t            from;                       // from time
   time_t            to;                         // to time
   char              filter[64];                 // filter
//--- log request type
//| Perfomance database record                                       |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct PerformanceInfo
   time_t            ctm;                        // time
   short             users;                      // connections count
   short             cpu;                        // cpu usage
   int               freemem;                    // free memory
   int               network;                    // network usage byte per.sec.
   int               sockets;                    // reserved
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Client full description                                          |
struct UserRecord
   //--- common settings
   int               login;                      // login
   char              group[16];                  // group
   char              password[16];               // password
   //--- access flags
   int               enable;                     // enable
   int               enable_change_password;     // allow to change password
   int               enable_read_only;           // allow to open/positions (TRUE-may not trade)
   int               enable_reserved[3];         // for future use
   char              password_investor[16];      // read-only mode password
   char              password_phone[32];         // phone password
   char              name[128];                  // name
   char              country[32];                // country
   char              city[32];                   // city
   char              state[32];                  // state
   char              zipcode[16];                // zipcode
   char              address[128];               // address
   char              phone[32];                  // phone
   char              email[48];                  // email
   char              comment[64];                // comment
   char              id[32];                     // SSN (IRD)
   char              status[16];                 // status
   time_t            regdate;                    // registration date
   time_t            lastdate;                   // last coonection time
   //--- trade settings
   int               leverage;                   // leverage
   int               agent_account;              // agent account
   time_t            timestamp;                  // timestamp
   int               reserved[1];                // for future use
   //---            торговые данные
   double            balance;                    // balance
   double            prevmonthbalance;           // previous month balance
   double            prevbalance;                // previous day balance
   double            credit;                     // credit
   double            interestrate;               // accumulated interest rate
   double            taxes;                      // taxes
   double            prevmonthequity;            // previous month equity
   double            prevequity;                 // previous day equity
   double            reserved2[2];               // for future use
   char              publickey[272];             // public key
   int               send_reports;               // enable send reports by email
   int               balance_status;             // internal use
   COLORREF          user_color;                 // color got to client (used by MT Manager)
   char              unused[40];                 // for future use
   char              api_data[16];               // for APIs usage
//| Client short description                                         |
struct UserInfo
   //--- common settings
   int               login;                      // login
   char              group[16];                  // group
   char              password[16];               // password
   char              name[128];                  // name
   char              ip[16];                     // IP address
   //--- access flags
   int               enable;                     // enable
   int               enable_change_password;     // allow to change password
   int               enable_read_only;           // allow to open/positions (TRUE-may not trade)
   int               flags;                      // internal data
   //--- trade parameters
   int               leverage;                   // leverage
   int               agent_account;              // agent account
   //--- trade data
   double            balance;                    // balance
   double            credit;                     // credit
   double            prevbalance;                // previous day balance
   ConGroup          grp;                        // client group
//| Rate history record                                              |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct RateInfo
   time_t            ctm;                       // time (UNIX)
   int               open;                      // open price: 11987 => 119.87 (2 digits), 11987 => 1.1987 (4 digits)
   int               high,low,close;            // prices shift in points: open=11987 => open is 119.87; high=5 => open is 119.92
   double            vol;                       // volume
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Tick structure                                                   |
struct TickAPI
   time_t            ctm;                        // time
   double            bid,ask;                    // normalized bid & ask
//| Internal mail record                                             |
struct MailBoxHeader
   time_t            time;                       // receive time
   int               sender;                     // sender login
   char              from[64];                   // sender description
   int               to;                         // addressee login
   char              subject[128];               // subject
   int               readed;                     // reading flag
   char             *body;                       // body
   int               bodylen;                    // body len
   unsigned short    min_build,max_build;        // build limitations
   int               reserved[1];                // reserved
//| Trade transaction structures                                     |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct TradeTransInfo
   UCHAR             type;                       // trade transaction
   char              reserved;                   // reserved
   short             cmd;                        // trade command
   int               order,orderby;              // order ticket,"order by" ticket
   char              symbol[12];                 // security
   int               volume;                     // volume
   double            price;                      // prices
   double            sl,tp;                      // stop loss & take profit
   int               ie_deviation;               // deviation on Instant Execution
   char              comment[32];                // comment
   time_t            expiration;                 // expiration time (server time in UNIX format)
   int               crc;                        // CRC
#pragma pack(pop)
//--- trade transactions type
   TT_PRICES_GET,                                // prices request
   TT_PRICES_REQUOTE,                            // prices requote (for internal usage)
   //--- client activity
   TT_ORDER_IE_OPEN=64,                          // open position at Instant Execution
   TT_ORDER_REQ_OPEN,                            // open position at Request Execution
   TT_ORDER_MK_OPEN,                             // open position at Market Execution
   TT_ORDER_PENDING_OPEN,                        // open pending order
   TT_ORDER_IE_CLOSE,                            // close position at  Instant Execution
   TT_ORDER_REQ_CLOSE,                           // close position at  Request Execution
   TT_ORDER_MK_CLOSE,                            // close position at  Market Execution
   TT_ORDER_MODIFY,                              // modify position or pending order
   TT_ORDER_DELETE,                              // delete pending order
   TT_ORDER_CLOSE_BY,                            // close hedged positions
   TT_ORDER_CLOSE_ALL,                           // close all hedged positions for same security
   //--- manager activity
   TT_BR_ORDER_OPEN,                             // open order (by manager)
   TT_BR_ORDER_CLOSE,                            // close order (by manager)
   TT_BR_ORDER_DELETE,                           // delete ANY open position
   TT_BR_ORDER_CLOSE_BY,                         // close hedged positions (by manager)
   TT_BR_ORDER_CLOSE_ALL,                        // close all hedged positions for same security (by manager)
   TT_BR_ORDER_MODIFY,                           // modify position or pending order (by manager)
   TT_BR_ORDER_ACTIVATE,                         // activate pending order (by manager)
   TT_BR_ORDER_COMMENT,                          // comment order (by manager)
   TT_BR_BALANCE                                 // change balance & credit (by manager)
//--- trade commands
//| Request queue record                                             |
struct RequestInfo
   //--- common info
   int               id;                         // request id
   int               status;                     // request status DC_EMPTY,DC_REQUEST,DC_LOCKED,DC_ANSWERED,DC_RESETED,DC_CANCELED
   DWORD             time;                       // request time (GetTickCount)
   int               manager;                    // login of manager who takes this request
   //--- client info
   int               login;                      // client login
   char              group[16];                  // client group
   double            balance;                    // client balance
   double            credit;                     // client credit
   //--- processed trade transaction
   double            prices[2];                  // prices
   TradeTransInfo    trade;                      // trade transaction
   void             *internal;                   // internal data
   int               internal_id;                // internal identificator
   int               reserved;                   // reserved
   //--- internal data
   RequestInfo      *prev,*next;                 // internal data
//--- request status
//| Trade record                                                     |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct TradeRecord
   int               order;                      // order ticket
   int               login;                      // owner's login
   char              symbol[12];                 // security
   int               digits;                     // security precision
   int               cmd;                        // trade command
   int               volume;                     // volume
   time_t            open_time;                  // open time
   int               state;                      // trade record state
   double            open_price;                 // open price
   double            sl,tp;                      // stop loss & take profit
   time_t            close_time;                 // close time
   time_t            value_date;                 // value date
   time_t            expiration;                 // pending order's expiration time
   int               conv_reserv;                // reserved
   double            conv_rates[2];              // convertation rates from profit currency to group deposit currency
                                                 // (first element-for open time, second element-for close time)
   double            commission;                 // commission
   double            commission_agent;           // agent commission
   double            storage;                    // order swaps
   double            close_price;                // close price
   double            profit;                     // profit
   double            taxes;                      // taxes value
   int               magic;                      // special value used by client experts
   char              comment[32];                // comment
   int               internal_id;                // for internal usage (must be used by API)
   int               activation;                 // used by MT Manager
   int               spread;           		     // used by MT Manager
   double            margin_rate;                // margin cinvertation rate (rate of convertation from margin currency to deposit one)
   time_t            timestamp;                  // timestamp
   int               reserved[4];                // reserved
   TradeRecord      *next;                       // internal data
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Margin status structure                                          |
struct MarginLevel
   int               login;                      // login
   int               leverage;                   // leverage
   int               updated;                    // internal data
   double            balance;                    // balance+credit value
   double            margin;                     // margin requirments
   double            equity;                     // equity
//| Overnight calculation data                                       |
struct OverNightData
   ConSymbol         symbol;                     // symbol
   double            point;                      // internal data
   TradeRecord     **trades;                     // internal data
   int               trades_total;               // internal data
   int               trades_max;                 // internal data
//| Daily report structure                                           |
struct DailyReport
   int               login;                      // login
   time_t            ctm;                        // daily report time
   char              group[16];                  // user group
   char              bank[64];                   // bank info (from UserRecord::Comment)
   double            balance_prev;               // balance for previous day
   double            balance;                    // balance to the end for this day
   double            deposit;                    // sum of balance operations for this day
   double            credit;                     // sum of credit operations for this day
   double            profit_closed;              // profit of the today closed positions (including swaps & commissions)
   double            profit;                     // floating profit/loss
   double            equity;                     // equity
   double            margin;                     // margin
   double            margin_free;                // free margin
   //--- internal data
   int               next;
   int               reserved[3];
//| Client statement summary                                         |
struct StateReport
   //--- closed positions info
   double            deposit;                    // Deposit/Withdrawal result
   double            credit;                     // Credit In/Out      result
   double            closed_profit;              // closed positions total profit
   double            closed_commission;          // closed positions total commission
   double            closed_swap;                // closed positions total swap
   double            closed_taxes;               // closed positions total taxes
   //--- open positions info
   double            profit;                     // profit
   double            commission;                 // commission
   double            swap;                       // swap
   double            equity;                     // Equity
   double            taxes;                      // taxes
   double            margin;                     // margin
   double            margin_free;                // free margin
//| Clients group info for statement				     |
struct GroupState
   ConGroup          group;
   UserRecord       *users;
   int               users_total;
   TradeRecord      *trades;
   int               trades_total;
   MarginLevel      *margins;
   int               margins_total;
//| Server access class                                              |
struct CServerInterface
   virtual int         __stdcall Version(void);
   //---            common functions
   virtual time_t      __stdcall TradeTime(void);
   //--- firewall config access
   virtual int         __stdcall AccessAdd(const int pos,const ConAccess *acc);
   virtual int         __stdcall AccessDelete(const int pos);
   virtual int         __stdcall AccessNext(const int pos,ConAccess *acc);
   virtual int         __stdcall AccessShift(const int pos,const int shift);
   //--- common config access
   virtual void        __stdcall CommonGet(ConCommon *info);
   virtual void        __stdcall CommonSet(const ConCommon *info);
   //--- time config access
   virtual void        __stdcall TimeGet(ConTime *info);
   virtual void        __stdcall TimeSet(const ConTime *info);
   //--- backup config access
   virtual void        __stdcall BackupGet(ConBackup *info);
   virtual int         __stdcall BackupSet(const ConBackup *info);
   //--- feeders config access
   virtual int         __stdcall FeedersAdd(const ConFeeder *feeder);
   virtual int         __stdcall FeedersDelete(const int pos);
   virtual int         __stdcall FeedersNext(const int pos,ConFeeder *feeder);
   virtual int         __stdcall FeedersGet(LPCSTR name,ConFeeder *feeder);
   virtual int         __stdcall FeedersShift(const int pos,const int shift);
   virtual int         __stdcall FeedersEnable(LPCSTR name,const int mode);
   //--- groups config access
   virtual int         __stdcall GroupsAdd(ConGroup *group);
   virtual int         __stdcall GroupsDelete(const int pos);
   virtual int         __stdcall GroupsNext(const int pos,ConGroup *group);
   virtual int         __stdcall GroupsGet(LPCSTR name,ConGroup *group);
   virtual int         __stdcall GroupsShift(const int pos,const int shift);
   //--- holidays config access
   virtual int         __stdcall HolidaysAdd(const int pos,ConHoliday *live);
   virtual int         __stdcall HolidaysDelete(const int pos);
   virtual int         __stdcall HolidaysNext(const int pos,ConHoliday *day);
   virtual int         __stdcall HolidaysShift(const int pos,const int shift);
   //--- live update config access
   virtual int         __stdcall LiveUpdateAdd(ConLiveUpdate *live);
   virtual int         __stdcall LiveUpdateDelete(const int pos);
   virtual int         __stdcall LiveUpdateNext(const int pos,ConLiveUpdate *live);
   virtual int         __stdcall LiveUpdateGet(LPCSTR server,const int type,ConLiveUpdate *live);
   //--- managers config access
   virtual int         __stdcall ManagersAdd(ConManager *man);
   virtual int         __stdcall ManagersDelete(const int pos);
   virtual int         __stdcall ManagersNext(const int pos,ConManager *manager);
   virtual int         __stdcall ManagersGet(const int login,ConManager *manager);
   virtual int         __stdcall ManagersShift(const int pos,const int shift);
   virtual int         __stdcall ManagersIsDemo(LPCSTR group,LPCSTR sec,const int volume);
   //--- symbols config access
   virtual int         __stdcall SymbolsAdd(ConSymbol *sec);
   virtual int         __stdcall SymbolsDelete(const int pos);
   virtual int         __stdcall SymbolsNext(const int pos, ConSymbol *sec);
   virtual int         __stdcall SymbolsGet(LPCSTR symbol,ConSymbol *security);
   virtual int         __stdcall SymbolsShift(const int pos,const int shift);
   virtual int         __stdcall SymbolsGroupsGet(const int index, ConSymbolGroup* group);
   virtual int         __stdcall SymbolsGroupsSet(const int index, ConSymbolGroup* group);
   //--- log access
   virtual void        __stdcall LogsOut(const int code,LPCSTR ip,LPCSTR msg);
   //--- client base access-you should use HEAP_FREE on resulted arrays
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsTotal(void);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsAddUser(UserRecord *inf);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsDeleteUser(const int login);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsUserInfo(const int login,UserRecord *inf);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsUserUpdate(const UserRecord *inf);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsCheckPass(const int login,LPCSTR password,const int investor);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsChangePass(const int login,LPCSTR password,const int change_investor,const int drop_key);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsChangeBalance(const int login,const ConGroup *grp,const double value,LPCSTR comment);
   virtual int         __stdcall ClientsChangeCredit(const int login,const ConGroup *grp,const double value,const time_t date,LPCSTR comment);
   virtual UserRecord* __stdcall ClientsAllUsers(int *totalusers);
   virtual UserRecord* __stdcall ClientsGroupsUsers(int *totalusers,LPCSTR groups);
   //--- request base access
   virtual int         __stdcall RequestsAdd(RequestInfo *request,const int isdemo,int *request_id);
   virtual int         __stdcall RequestsGet(int *key,RequestInfo *req,const int maxreq);
   virtual int         __stdcall RequestsFindAbsolete(const int login,LPCSTR symbol,const int volume,double *prices,DWORD *ctm,int *manager);
   virtual int         __stdcall RequestsPrices(const int id,const UserInfo *us,double *prices,const int in_stream);
   virtual int         __stdcall RequestsConfirm(const int id,const UserInfo *us,double *prices);
   virtual int         __stdcall RequestsRequote(const int id,const UserInfo *us,double *prices,const int in_stream);
   virtual int         __stdcall RequestsReset(const int id,const UserInfo *us,const char flag);
   //--- orders base access-you should use HEAP_FREE on resulted arrays
   virtual int         __stdcall OrdersAdd(const TradeRecord *start,UserInfo* user,const ConSymbol *symb);
   virtual int         __stdcall OrdersUpdate(TradeRecord *order,UserInfo* user,const int mode);
   virtual int         __stdcall OrdersGet(const int ticket,TradeRecord *order);
   virtual TradeRecord*__stdcall OrdersGet(const time_t from,const time_t to,const int *logins,const int count,int* total);
   virtual TradeRecord*__stdcall OrdersGetOpen(const UserInfo* user,int* total);
   virtual TradeRecord*__stdcall OrdersGetClosed(const time_t from,const time_t to,const int *logins,const int count,int* total);
   //--- trade info access
   virtual int         __stdcall TradesCalcProfit(LPCSTR group,TradeRecord *tpi);
   virtual int         __stdcall TradesMarginInfo(UserInfo *user,double *margin,double *freemargin,double *equity);
   //--- history center access-you should use HEAP_FREE on resulted arrays
   virtual void        __stdcall HistoryAddTick(FeedData *tick);
   virtual int         __stdcall HistoryLastTicks(LPCSTR symbol,TickAPI *ticks,const int ticks_max);
   virtual int         __stdcall HistoryPrices(LPCSTR symbol,double *prices,time_t *ctm,int *dir);
   virtual int         __stdcall HistoryPricesGroup(LPCSTR symbol,const ConGroup *grp,double *prices);
   virtual int         __stdcall HistoryPricesGroup(RequestInfo *request,double *prices);
   virtual int         __stdcall HistoryUpdateObsolete(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,void *rt,const int total,const int updatemode);
   virtual void*       __stdcall HistoryQuotesObsolete(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,int *count);
   virtual void        __stdcall HistorySync(void);
   //--- mail&news base access
   virtual int          __stdcall MailSend(MailBoxHeader *mail,int *logins,const int total);
   virtual int          __stdcall NewsSend(FeedData *feeddata);
   //--- main server access
   virtual void         __stdcall ServerRestart(void);
   //--- daily base access-you should use HEAP_FREE on resulted arrays!
   virtual DailyReport* __stdcall DailyGet(LPCSTR group,const time_t from,const time_t to,int* logins,const int logins_total,int *daily_total);
   //--- select & free request from request queue
   virtual int          __stdcall RequestsLock(const int id,const int manager);
   virtual int          __stdcall RequestsFree(const int id,const int manager);
   //--- check available margin
   virtual double       __stdcall TradesMarginCheck(const UserInfo *user,const TradeTransInfo *trade,double *profit,double *freemargin,double *new_margin);
   //--- high level order operations
   virtual int          __stdcall OrdersOpen(const TradeTransInfo *trans,UserInfo *user);
   virtual int          __stdcall OrdersClose(const TradeTransInfo *trans,UserInfo *user);
   virtual int          __stdcall OrdersCloseBy(const TradeTransInfo *trans,UserInfo *user);
   //--- additional trade functions
   virtual double       __stdcall TradesCalcRates(LPCSTR group,LPCSTR from,LPCSTR to);
   virtual double       __stdcall TradesCalcConvertation(LPCSTR group,const int margin_mode,const double price,const ConSymbol *symbol);
   virtual double       __stdcall TradesCommissionAgent(TradeRecord *trade,const ConSymbol *symbol,const UserInfo *user);
   virtual void         __stdcall TradesCommission(TradeRecord *trade,LPCSTR group,const ConSymbol *symbol);
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesFindLogin(const int order);
   //--- special checks
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesCheckSessions(const ConSymbol *symbol,const time_t ctm);
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesCheckStops(const TradeTransInfo *trans,const ConSymbol *symbol,const ConGroup *group,const TradeRecord *trade);
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesCheckFreezed(const ConSymbol *symbol,const ConGroup *group,const TradeRecord *trade);
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesCheckSecurity(const ConSymbol *symbol,const ConGroup *group);
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesCheckVolume(const TradeTransInfo *trans,const ConSymbol *symbol,const ConGroup *group,const int check_min);
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesCheckTickSize(const double price,const ConSymbol *symbol);
   //--- extension
   virtual int         __stdcall  RequestsFind(const int login,LPCSTR symbol,const int volume,const UCHAR type,const UCHAR cmd,double *prices,DWORD *ctm,int *manager);
   virtual int         __stdcall  HistoryUpdate(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,RateInfo *rt,const int total,const int updatemode);
   virtual RateInfo*   __stdcall  HistoryQuotes(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,int *count);
   //--- tick database access
   virtual TickAPI*    __stdcall  HistoryTicksGet(LPCSTR symbol,const time_t from,const time_t to,const char ticks_flags,int* total);
   //--- request server logs
   virtual char*       __stdcall  LogsRequest(const LogRequest *request,int *size);
   //--- check account's balance
   virtual int         __stdcall  ClientsCheckBalance(const int login,int fix_flag,double* difference);
//| Function parameters enumerations                                 |
//--- login types
   LOGIN_FLAG_DC      =3, 
   LOGIN_FLAG_WD      =7, 
//--- avaible history periods enumeration
enum { PERIOD_M1=1,PERIOD_M5=5,PERIOD_M15=15,PERIOD_M30=30,PERIOD_H1=60,PERIOD_H4=240,PERIOD_D1=1440,PERIOD_W1=10080,PERIOD_MN1=43200 };
//--- history updating modes
//--- trade add modes
//--- trade update modes
//--- trade record state
//--- ticks record flags
//| MT Server API Hook Functions                                     |
//| Plugin information                                               |
void APIENTRY        MtSrvAbout(PluginInfo* info);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvStartup(CServerInterface *server);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvCleanup(void);
//| Plugin configuration                                             |
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvPluginCfgAdd(const PluginCfg *value);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvPluginCfgSet(const PluginCfg *values,const int total);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvPluginCfgGet(LPCSTR name,PluginCfg *value);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvPluginCfgNext(const int index,PluginCfg *value);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvPluginCfgDelete(LPCSTR name);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvPluginCfgTotal();
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvPluginCfgLog(LPSTR value,int *len);
//| Auxiliary Server Hook Functions                                  |
void APIENTRY        MtSrvLog(const LogInfo *info);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvScheduler(const time_t curtime);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvPerformance(const PerformanceInfo *inf);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvService(const DWORD curtime);
//| Client base Hook Functions                                       |
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserConnect(const unsigned long ip,LPCSTR ipstring);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserLogin(const UserInfo *info);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserLogout(const UserInfo *info,const UCHAR type);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserLoginExt(const UserInfo *info,const UCHAR type);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserDemo(UserRecord *info);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserCommand(const UserInfo *info,ULONG ip,const unsigned char command);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserChangePass(const UserInfo *info,LPCSTR password,const int change_investor);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserAdd(const    UserRecord *info);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserUpdate(const UserRecord *info);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserDelete(const UserRecord *info);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserArchive(const UserRecord *info,const ConGroup *group);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserCompactDemo(const UserRecord *info);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserCompactArchive(const UserRecord *info);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserRestore(const UserRecord *info);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserInterestDaily(UserRecord *user,const ConGroup *group,const double freemargin);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvUserInterestMonth(UserRecord *user,const ConGroup *group);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvUserFixBalance(const UserRecord  *user,const double prev_balance,const double new_balance);
//| Datafeed Hook Functions                                          |
void APIENTRY        MtSrvFeederData(const  ConFeeder *feed,FeedData *inf);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvFeederStart(const ConFeeder *feed);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvFeederCheck(const ConFeeder *feed,const DWORD curtime,const DWORD lasttime);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvFeederStop(const  ConFeeder *feed);
//| Configuration Hook Functions                                     |
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvGroupsAdd(const ConGroup *group);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvGroupsDelete(const ConGroup *group);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvSymbolsAdd(const ConSymbol *symb);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvSymbolsDelete(const ConSymbol *symb);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvManagersAdd(const ConManager *man);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvManagersDelete(const ConManager *man);
//| Trade activitiy Hook Functions                                   |
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeRequestFilter(RequestInfo *request,const int isdemo);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeRequestApply(RequestInfo *request,const int isdemo);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeRequestRestore(RequestInfo *request);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeTransaction(TradeTransInfo* trans,const UserInfo *user,int *request_id);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeCheckIE(TradeTransInfo* trans,const UserInfo *user,const ConSymbol *symbol,double *prices);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeStopsFilter(const ConGroup *group,const ConSymbol *symbol,const TradeRecord *trade);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeStopsApply(const UserInfo *user,const ConGroup *group,const ConSymbol *symbol,TradeRecord *trade,const int isTP);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradePendingsFilter(const ConGroup *group,const ConSymbol *symbol,const TradeRecord *trade);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradePendingsApply(const UserInfo *user,const ConGroup *group,const ConSymbol *symbol,const TradeRecord *pending,TradeRecord *trade);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeStopoutsFilter(const ConGroup *group,const ConSymbol *symbol,const int login,const double equity,const double margin);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeStopoutsApply(const UserInfo *user,const ConGroup *group,const ConSymbol *symbol,TradeRecord *stopout);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvTradesAdd(TradeRecord *trade,const UserInfo *user,const ConSymbol *symb);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvTradesUpdate(TradeRecord *trade,UserInfo *user,const int mode);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvTradesAddExt(TradeRecord *trade,const UserInfo *user,const ConSymbol *symb,const int mode);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvTradesCloseBy(TradeRecord *ftrade,TradeRecord *strade,TradeRecord *remaind,ConSymbol *sec,UserInfo *user);
//| Commissions & rollover calculation Hook Functions                |
void APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeCommission(TradeRecord *trade,const ConSymbol *sec,const ConGroup *grp);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeCommissionAgent(TradeRecord *trade,const ConSymbol *sec,const UserInfo* user);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvTradeRollover(TradeRecord *trade,const double value,const OverNightData *data);
//| Statements generation Hook Functions                             |
void APIENTRY        MtSrvStatementsBaseAll(const int month_state,const GroupState *groups,const int groups_total,const DailyReport *reports,const int reports_total);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvStatementsUser(const int month_state,const UserRecord *user,const ConGroup *group,TradeRecord *first_trade,TradeRecord *last_trade,StateReport *state);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvStatementsRollovers(const int month_state,const time_t ctm,const tm *ttm);
//| Dealer activity Hook Functions                                   |
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerConnect(const ConManager *manager);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerDisconnect(const ConManager *manager);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerGet(const ConManager *manager,const RequestInfo *request);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerPrice(const int id,const UserInfo *us,double *prices,const int in_stream);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerConfirm(const int id,const UserInfo *us,double *prices);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerRequote(const int id,const UserInfo *us,double *prices,const int in_stream);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerReset(const int id,const UserInfo *us,const char flag);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvDealerClientReject(const int id,const UserInfo *us);
//| Chart history, ticks filtration                                  |
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvHistoryTickFilter(const ConSymbol *symbol,FeedTick *inf);
void APIENTRY        MtSrvHistoryTickApply(const ConSymbol *symbol,FeedTick *inf);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvHistoryCheck(const ConSymbol *symbol,RateInfo *rates,int *total);
//| Internal mail & News Hook Functions                              |
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvNewsCheck(FeedData *inf);
int  APIENTRY        MtSrvMailCheck(MailBoxHeader *mail,int *logins,const int total);
//| Protocol extension Hook functions                                |
int   APIENTRY       MtSrvTelnet(const ULONG ip,char *buf,const int maxlen);
char* APIENTRY       MtSrvTelnetExt(const ULONG ip,char *buf,int* data_len);
int   APIENTRY       MtSrvManagerProtocol(const ULONG ip,const UserInfo *us,const unsigned char *in_data,const int in_size,unsigned char **out_data,int *out_size);
//| Result codes                                                     |
   //--- common errors
   RET_OK                =0,    // all OK
   RET_OK_NONE,                 // all OK-no operation
   RET_ERROR,                   // general error
   RET_INVALID_DATA,            // invalid data
   RET_TECH_PROBLEM,            // server technical problem
   RET_OLD_VERSION,             // old client terminal
   RET_NO_CONNECT,              // no connection
   RET_NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS,       // no enough rights
   RET_TOO_FREQUENT,            // too frequently access to server
   RET_MALFUNCTION,             // mulfunctional operation
   RET_GENERATE_KEY,            // need key generation
   RET_SECURITY_SESSION,        // securied session authorization
   RET_PUBLIC_KEY_MISSING,      // need public key

   //--- account status
   RET_ACCOUNT_DISABLED  =64,   // account blocked
   RET_BAD_ACCOUNT_INFO,        // bad account info
   //--- trade
   RET_TRADE_TIMEOUT     =128,  // trade transatcion timeou expired
   RET_TRADE_BAD_PRICES,        // order has wrong prices
   RET_TRADE_BAD_STOPS,         // wrong stops level
   RET_TRADE_BAD_VOLUME,        // wrong lot size
   RET_TRADE_MARKET_CLOSED,     // market closed
   RET_TRADE_DISABLE,           // trade disabled
   RET_TRADE_NO_MONEY,          // no enough money for order execution
   RET_TRADE_PRICE_CHANGED,     // price changed
   RET_TRADE_OFFQUOTES,         // no quotes
   RET_TRADE_BROKER_BUSY,       // broker is busy
   RET_TRADE_REQUOTE,           // requote
   RET_TRADE_ORDER_LOCKED,      // order is proceed by dealer and cannot be changed
   RET_TRADE_LONG_ONLY,         // allowed only BUY orders
   RET_TRADE_TOO_MANY_REQ,      // too many requests from one client
   //--- order status notification
   RET_TRADE_ACCEPTED,          // trade request accepted by server and placed in request queue
   RET_TRADE_PROCESS,           // trade request accepted by dealerd
   RET_TRADE_USER_CANCEL,       // trade request canceled by client
   RET_TRADE_MODIFY_DENIED,     // modification denied because order too close to market
   RET_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY,      // trade context busy (for client terminal only)
   RET_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED, // expiration specifieng is denied
   RET_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS,   // too many orders
   RET_TRADE_HEDGE_PROHIBITED,  // hedge is prohibited
   RET_TRADE_PROHIBITED_BY_FIFO // prohibited by fifo rule


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/tuxiaomeng-com/p/16757343.html


  • 头文件的调用
    概念:  即调用其他文件写好的函数  工作原理图:    原理图例子(xx代表文件名,最好头文件和源文件一致,方便维护):首先声明一个xx.h的头文件 1intmyCal(......
  • C++ 头文件接口设计浅谈
  • (Vue)前端获取头文件中的文件内容进行点击下载
    一、需求通过点击按钮下载后端接口头文件中的二进制流文件二、实现1、查看后台接口返回及头文件    这里可以通过content-disposition获取文件名,因......