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时间:2023-10-07 22:55:59浏览次数:26  
标签:fair means offer realistic reputation 20231007 important

//acceptable, finalize, insist, persuade, quote, rate, realistic, reputation, suggest, compare with, fair offer, make an offer, predatory pricing

acceptable - 可接受的

Acceptable means satisfactory or suitable to meet a certain standard or requirement. It implies that something meets the expectations or criteria and is deemed appropriate or agreeable.

finalize - 完成,定稿

To finalize means to complete or finish something, often with the intention of making it official or permanent. It involves making the last adjustments or decisions to reach a final version or conclusion.

insist - 坚持

To insist means to demand or assert something firmly and persistently. It involves expressing a strong belief or opinion and not accepting any opposition or compromise.

persuade - 说服

To persuade means to convince or influence someone to do or believe something through reasoning or argumentation. It involves presenting compelling or persuasive arguments to change someone's opinion or behavior.

quote - 引用,报价

As a verb, to quote means to repeat or reproduce words or statements from another source. It can also refer to providing a price or estimate for goods or services in a formal or official manner.

rate - 速度,比率

Rate can refer to the speed or pace at which something happens or the ratio or proportion between two quantities. It can also represent a charge or fee for a service or the evaluation or assessment of something.

realistic - 现实的

Realistic means practical or based on a true understanding of what is possible or achievable. It suggests being aware of limitations or constraints and considering the practical aspects of a situation.

reputation - 声誉

Reputation refers to the overall opinion or perception that others have about a person, organization, or product. It represents the assessment of someone's character, credibility, or quality based on past actions or experiences.

suggest - 建议

To suggest means to propose or recommend something as a possible course of action or solution. It involves offering an idea or opinion for consideration or as a way to contribute to a discussion or decision-making process.

compare with - 与...进行比较

Compare with means to examine the similarities and differences between two or more things or concepts. It involves analyzing and evaluating the characteristics or qualities of each item to determine their similarities or distinctions.

fair offer - 公平的报价

A fair offer represents a proposal or price that is reasonable, just, or equitable. It implies that the offer is unbiased and considers the interests and needs of both parties involved.

make an offer - 提出报价

To make an offer means to present a proposal or price for consideration or acceptance. It involves formally expressing the willingness to buy or sell something at a specific price or terms.

predatory pricing - 掠夺性定价

Predatory pricing refers to a strategy where a company sets very low prices for its products or services in order to drive competitors out of the market. It involves intentionally undercutting prices to gain a dominant position and then raising prices once the competition is eliminated.


  1. The quality of the product is not acceptable and needs improvement.
  2. The company's policy on employee behavior is clear and acceptable.
  3. The proposal was deemed acceptable by the committee.


  1. We need to finalize the details of the contract before signing.
  2. The team is working hard to finalize the project before the deadline.
  3. The meeting is scheduled to finalize the budget for next year.


  1. I insist that we follow the agreed-upon plan.
  2. The customer insisted on speaking to a manager to resolve the issue.
  3. Despite the opposition, she insisted on pursuing her dreams.


  1. The speaker used strong arguments to persuade the audience to support the cause.
  2. I will try to persuade my friend to join me on the trip.
  3. The advertisement is designed to persuade customers to buy the product.


  1. Can you provide me with a quote for the cost of the repair?
  2. The article included a quote from an expert in the field.
  3. She loves to quote famous authors in her speeches.


  1. The interest rate for the loan is quite high.
  2. The hotel offers a discounted rate for long-term stays.
  3. The company is known for its high success rate in customer satisfaction.


  1. Setting realistic goals is important for personal growth.
  2. The budget proposal needs to be realistic and feasible.
  3. He has a realistic understanding of the challenges ahead.


  1. The restaurant has a reputation for serving delicious food.
  2. The company's reputation for quality has attracted many customers.
  3. She has built a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy professional.


  1. I suggest we meet at the café for our discussion.
  2. The doctor suggested a change in diet to improve my health.
  3. The report suggests that there is room for improvement in the current system.

compare with:

  1. Let's compare the prices of different brands before making a decision.
  2. The new model is faster compared with the previous version.
  3. The student's performance can be compared with her classmates.

fair offer:

  1. The seller made a fair offer for the used car.
  2. The company is willing to negotiate a fair offer for the job position.
  3. The landlord accepted the tenant's fair offer for the rent.

make an offer:

  1. The buyer decided to make an offer on the house.
  2. The company made an offer to acquire a competitor.
  3. She is waiting for someone to make an offer on her artwork.

predatory pricing:

  1. The company engaged in predatory pricing to drive competitors out of the market.
  2. Predatory pricing is considered anti-competitive and is illegal in some jurisdictions.
  3. The government implemented regulations to prevent predatory pricing practices.

//Title: Ethical Business Practices: Building Trust and Making Fair Offers

In the competitive world of business, ethical practices are crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and fostering trust among stakeholders. Today, we will explore key words related to ethical business practices, fair offers, and maintaining a realistic approach.

One of the most important aspects of any business transaction is ensuring that the terms and conditions are "acceptable" to all parties involved. This means that the terms are fair and reasonable, taking into account the interests of both sides.

When reaching the final stages of a transaction, it is important to "finalize" all agreements and ensure that all parties are in complete agreement. This solidifies the commitment and helps to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

In negotiations, it is common for parties to "insist" on certain terms or conditions that are important to them. However, it is equally important to listen to the other party's perspective and find a middle ground that satisfies both sides.

Effective persuasion skills are essential in business negotiations. Being able to "persuade" the other party to see the value in your offer can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. It is important to present compelling arguments and provide evidence to support your position.

When presenting a price or estimate, it is common to "quote" a rate that reflects the value of the product or service. It is essential to provide accurate and transparent information to build trust and credibility.

Being "realistic" in your offers and expectations is crucial for maintaining credibility and trust. It is important to consider market conditions, costs, and other relevant factors when making offers or setting prices.

In business, a good "reputation" is invaluable. It is built on trust, integrity, and fair dealings. Maintaining a positive reputation requires ethical practices and a commitment to delivering value to customers and stakeholders.

When engaging in negotiations, it is important to "suggest" alternative options or solutions that can meet the needs of both parties. This demonstrates flexibility and a willingness to find common ground.

To make informed decisions, it is important to "compare" offers, prices, or terms with other available options. This ensures that you are getting the best possible deal and helps to avoid potential pitfalls.

Making a "fair offer" is essential for building trust and maintaining ethical business practices. Fair offers take into account the value of the product or service, market conditions, and the interests of all parties involved.

In some cases, businesses may engage in "predatory pricing," which involves setting prices artificially low to drive competitors out of the market. This unethical practice undermines fair competition and can harm the industry as a whole.

In conclusion, ethical business practices are essential for maintaining trust and credibility in the business world. By ensuring that offers are fair, realistic, and transparent, businesses can build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders. So, strive to make fair offers, maintain a positive reputation, and conduct negotiations with integrity and respect for all parties involved.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17747688.html


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