/** * Prototype Pattern 原型是一种创建型设计模式, 使你能够复制对象, 甚至是复杂对象, 而又无需使代码依赖它们所属的类。 * The example class that has cloning ability. We'll see how the values of field * with different types will be cloned. */ class Prototype { public primitive: any; public ducomponent: object; public circularReference: ComponentWithBackReference; public clone(): this { const clone = Object.create(this); clone.component = Object.create(this.ducomponent); // Cloning an object that has a nested object with backreference // requires special treatment. After the cloning is completed, the // nested object should point to the cloned object, instead of the // original object. Spread operator can be handy for this case. clone.circularReference = { ...this.circularReference, prototype: { ...this }, }; return clone; } } /** * */ class ComponentWithBackReference { public prototype; constructor(prototype: Prototype) { this.prototype = prototype; } } /** * The client code. */ function clientCodeproto() { const p1 = new Prototype(); p1.primitive = 245; p1.ducomponent = new Date(); p1.circularReference = new ComponentWithBackReference(p1); let str=""; const p2 = p1.clone(); // if (p1.primitive == p2.primitive) { console.log('Primitive field values have been carried over to a clone. Yay!'); str=str+"Primitive ;"; } else { console.log('Primitive field values have not been copied. Booo!'); str=str+"not been copied;"; } // if (p1.ducomponent == p2.ducomponent) { console.log('Simple component has not been cloned. Booo!'); str=str+"Simple component not been cloned;"; } else { console.log('Simple component has been cloned. Yay!'); str=str+"Simple component;"; } // if (p1.circularReference == p2.circularReference) { console.log('Component with back reference has not been cloned. Booo!'); str=str+"Component not been cloned;"; } else { console.log('Component with back reference has been cloned. Yay!'); str=str+"Component been cloned;"; } // if (p1.circularReference.prototype == p2.circularReference.prototype) { console.log('Component with back reference is linked to original object. Booo!'); str=str+"Component to original object;"; } else { console.log('Component with back reference is linked to the clone. Yay!'); str=str+" Component to the clone;"; } return str; } let strpro=clientCodeproto(); let strpro1="geovindu"; let messageprototype: string = 'Hello World,This is a typescript!,涂聚文 Geovin Du Web'; document.body.innerHTML = messageprototype+","+strpro+","+strpro1+",TypeScript 原型方法模式"
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标签:typescript,Pattern,been,cloned,p1,str,Prototype,prototype From: https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/17743945.html