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Go - Creating JSON Data Byte Arrays from Structs

时间:2023-10-03 11:55:44浏览次数:34  
标签:Creating err Arrays json person JSON want data

Problem: You want to create JSON data from a struct.

Solution: Create the structs then use the json.Marshal or json.MarshalIndent to marshal the data into a JSON slice of bytes.


func   main ()   { 
      person   :=   struct{}

      data ,   err   :=   json . Marshal ( & person ) 
      if   err   !=   nil   { 
          log . Println ( "Cannot  marshal  person:" ,   err ) 
      err   =   os . WriteFile ( "han.json" ,   data ,   0644 ) 
      if   err   !=   nil   { 
          log . Println ( "Cannot  write  to  file" ,   err ) 

The file is not very readable. If you want a more readable version, you can use json.Mar⁠shalIndent instead. You need to put in two more parameters: the first is the prefix, and the second is the indent. Mostly if you want to have a clean JSON output, the prefix is an empty string while the indent is a single space:

data ,   err   :=   json . MarshalIndent ( & person ,   "" ,   "  " )


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangzhihui/p/17740931.html


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