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the useage of edas

时间:2023-09-30 13:06:31浏览次数:33  
标签:useage HSF Service edas distributed Alibaba EDAS Cloud

Enterprise Distributed Application Service - An Overview

Over the last decade, Alibaba Cloud has continuously introduced several enterprise-level middleware solutions. These middleware products have established themselves as leading tools due to the impeccable integration with other products and services within the Alibaba Cloud universe. The Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) is one such middleware product from Alibaba Cloud.

In this article, we are going to present an overview of the Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).

Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) is a fully managed [Platform as a Service (PaaS)] service. It is used for microservices management and other application hosting scenarios. Alibaba Cloud EDAS is a full-stack solution that enables application development to deployment cycle management, allowing you to perform monitoring and O&M.

the useage of edas_Cloud

Features | EDAS | Alibaba Cloud

With an EDAS console, you can:

  • Create an application instance
  • Deploy an application
  • Scale (Up or Down) - Application Resources
  • Start an application
  • Delete an application

Alibaba Cloud EDAS supports auto scaling. You can manually scale up or down or leverage the auto-scaling feature that is already there. Alibaba Cloud EDAS keeps a close check on CPU, memory, and workload and automatically adjusts the resources as needed.

With the deep integration of Alibaba Cloud RAM (Resource and Access Management), you can easily define roles and set permissions for different teams and operators. You might have multiple teams like developers, DevOps, or Machine managers, but, with EDAS you can easily differentiate and provide authorization to a user or user groups depending on which application resource should be made available to them for maintenance and management.

A distributed network resource is harder to manage. Alibaba Cloud EDAS efficiently manages distribution, management, and reconfiguration of all elements from a centralized EDAS console.

Alibaba Cloud EDAS supports and leverages the Global Transaction Service (GTS), which is also a middleware product. It is a high-performance, distributed transaction service that is highly useful for solving data consistency issues with distributed environments. Together, EDAS and GTS can help you quickly implement distributed database transactions or multi-database transactions. This combination can be used in various service scenarios for high-performance and secure usability transactions.

Alibaba Cloud EDAS allows for the creation of primary and sub-account systems. This distribution allows you to manage resources based on team priority. Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources are organized on primary and sub-account systems for quick allocation wherever required.

Alibaba Cloud EDAS supports:

1.  High-Speed Service Framework (HSF)

HSF is a distributed remote procedure call framework (RPC). HSF is used to connect multiple service systems and for disconnecting multiple systems from each other. HSF is used to conveniently construct distributed applications using common function modules. This takes away the need for the user to perform complex technical operations required for a distributed architecture.

Let's discuss some primary features of Alibaba Cloud HSF:

  • Synchronous | Asynchronous Calls

Alibaba Cloud HSF utilizes synchronous calls as a default setting. The consumer code must maintain a synchronous wait queue for the returned results. However, as a user, you can configure HSF to utilize the asynchronous method of receiving returned results. This cuts down on the time taken for the RPC.

  • HTTP Calls | Generic Calls

Alibaba Cloud HSF supports exposure of services over HTTP, and the service can be initiated using the HTTP protocol. With generic calls, HSF utilizes the API to execute programming calls. Generic calls are known to reduce dependencies when utilized with Microservices in a loosely coupled scenario.



From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_7050893/7657870


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