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时间:2023-09-29 15:44:26浏览次数:34  
标签:发音 美式 jaw lips vs UH vowel AH 音标

Vowel and Diphthong Comparison

AH[ɑ] vs AA[æ]

father [ˈfɑːðər] vs bat [bæt]

Notice how the lips are completely relaxed for AH
but the corners pull back and up for AA.


AH[ɑ] vs UH [ʌ]

father[ˈfɑːðər] vs butter[ˈbʌtər]

Notice how there is more jaw drop for AH.
Press your tongue down in the back for this vowel.


AA vs EH

bat[bæt] sat[sæt] vs said [sed] bed[bed]

Notice how the corners of the lips pull back

and up just a bit for the AA vowel.


AH vs AW

father[ˈfɑːðər] vs law[lɔː]

Notice how the lips are totally relaxed for AH but

flared a bit for AW.


EE vs IH

she[ʃiː] vs sit[sɪt]]

IH has more jaw drop. The tongue arches closer to the roof of the mouth in EE.


IH vs EH

sit [sɪt] fix[fɪks] vs bed [bed] said [sed]

EH has more jaw drop. This is the word 'said'. In IH,the front part of the tongue
arches closer to the roof of the mouth.


EE vs AY

please[pliːz] vs say[s] pay[peɪ]

The jaw drops less for EE.EE in the word please.
Notice how much the jaw drops for the first sound of
the AY.


AY vs IH

say[seɪ] pay[peɪ] vs sit [sɪt] fix[fɪks]

The jaw drops more for the first sound of the diphthong

in the word 'pay' but the tongue is forward for both 

sounds. The IH vowel is in the word 'fix'. The second

half of the diphthong is the same sound as the IH vowel.

The jaw drops a little less.


AY vs EH

say [seɪ] pay [peɪ] vs bed[bed] said [sed]

The mouth position for the EH vowel in 'said' looks
identical to the first half of the diphthong in 'pay' but
look at the jaw for the second position of the AY diphthong. Less jaw drop.


UH vs UR

butter[ˈbʌtər] vs bird [bɜːrd]

Notice how the lips and mouth are totally 
relaxed for the UH as in butter vowel.But for the 
UR vowel, the lips flare and the tongue is pulled back.


UH and its schwa

butter [ˈbʌtər] vs supply [səˈplaɪ]

There is more jaw drop for the UH as in butter sound which is usually stressed than for the schwa which is
always unstressed. It looks like no jaw drop.

UH vs OO

push[pʊʃ] vs boo[bu]

The lips round much more for the OO vowel.
Flare them for the UH as in push vowel.

UH as in push vs UH as in butter

The lips flare a bit for the UH as in push vowel
but are totally relaxed for UH as in butter vowel.


OH as in No vs OO as in BOO

For the OH diphthong,the jaw drops a lot for the beiginning sound. Then the lips make a tight circle 
for OO and round but not as much for the second sound of OH.


OH as in NO vs AH as in FATHER

The begining position of OH looks alot like the AH
vowel but the tongue pushes down in the back for AH vowel. The ending position of the OH diphthong has lip
rounding but the lips are always relaxed for AH vowel.


OW as in now vs AW as in law

Notice how the corners of the lips pull back for the first sound of the OW diphthong. But the lips flare for the AW vowel. The jaw drops much less and the lips flare a little
for the second half of the OW diphthong. The mouth doesn't change for the OW vowel.




Sounds of American English Course(视频教程)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/kfcuj/p/17737034.html


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