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Some Recent Thoughts Wrritten By NiuJiawen-2019141490165

时间:2023-09-24 19:34:02浏览次数:30  
标签:life Some NiuJiawen 2019141490165 Thoughts Recent

Recently, many students who are junior year are taking part in interviews for exempt students. Some have obtained satisfactory offers, whereas, others think it is too hard to get a wonderful offer.  And there is no doubt that the latter will be frustrated. It may not be a lack of ability, but just bad lucky. And it is more important is to realize that the quality of college life is not only determined by the result. No matter the outcome, we still have the opportunity to work hard to get the life we want in the future. 

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/njw1123/p/17726479.html


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