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时间:2023-09-23 11:23:35浏览次数:36  
标签:customers business 20230923 maintain their regular something

//assure, beneficial, correspond, courtesy, desirous, deteriorate, discussion, interim, keen, maintain, requirement, valid, regular customer, substantial business

assure - 保证

To assure means to give someone confidence or certainty about something. It involves providing reassurance or guaranteeing the truth, reliability, or fulfillment of a statement, promise, or commitment.

beneficial - 有益的

Beneficial describes something that is advantageous, helpful, or favorable. It refers to a positive effect or outcome that promotes well-being, growth, or improvement.

correspond - 对应

To correspond means to match or be similar to something else. It involves having a connection or relationship that is consistent or in harmony with another person, thing, or idea.

courtesy - 礼貌

Courtesy refers to polite and considerate behavior towards others. It involves showing respect, kindness, and good manners in one's interactions or dealings with others.

desirous - 渴望的

Desirous means having a strong desire or longing for something. It describes a person who is eager or keen to obtain or achieve a particular goal, object, or outcome.

deteriorate - 恶化

To deteriorate means to worsen or decline in quality, condition, or value over time. It involves a gradual or progressive deterioration or degradation of something.

discussion - 讨论

Discussion refers to the exchange of ideas, opinions, or information between two or more people. It involves a conversation or dialogue aimed at exploring a topic, solving a problem, or reaching a decision.

interim - 临时的

Interim describes something that is temporary or in the meantime. It refers to a temporary arrangement, position, or solution that is put in place until a permanent one is established.

keen - 热衷的

Keen describes someone who is enthusiastic, eager, or passionate about something. It refers to a strong interest, desire, or motivation to pursue or engage in a particular activity, subject, or goal.

maintain - 维持

To maintain means to keep something in a particular state, condition, or position. It involves preserving, upholding, or sustaining the stability, quality, or functionality of something.

requirement - 要求

Requirement refers to something that is necessary or mandatory for a particular purpose or goal. It involves a condition, rule, or specification that must be met or fulfilled.

valid - 有效的

Valid describes something that is legally or logically sound, accurate, or acceptable. It refers to information, documents, arguments, or claims that are supported by evidence or meet the required standards.

regular customer - 常客

A regular customer is someone who frequently or consistently patronizes a business or service. They are a loyal and repeat customer who regularly engages in transactions or purchases from a particular establishment.

substantial business - 大量业务

Substantial business refers to a significant or considerable amount of commercial activity or transactions. It involves a large volume or scale of business operations, sales, or revenue.


  1. I assure you that the product will be delivered on time.
  2. The manager assured the team that their jobs were secure despite the company's recent challenges.
  3. She assured her friend that she would always be there to support her.


  1. Regular exercise is beneficial for both physical and mental health.
  2. The new software update will bring beneficial improvements to the system.
  3. Learning a second language has numerous beneficial effects on the brain.


  1. I received your email and will correspond with you regarding your inquiry.
  2. The colors in the painting correspond beautifully with the decor of the room.
  3. The data collected corresponded with the research findings from previous studies.


  1. He opened the door for her as a courtesy.
  2. It is common courtesy to say "thank you" when someone does something nice for you.
  3. The company sent a courtesy email to inform customers about the upcoming changes.


  1. She was desirous of obtaining a promotion at work.
  2. The company is desirous of expanding its operations into international markets.
  3. He was desirous of learning a new skill to enhance his career prospects.


  1. The condition of the old building continued to deteriorate over time.
  2. The relationship between the two countries has deteriorated due to ongoing conflicts.
  3. Without proper maintenance, the quality of the product will deteriorate.


  1. The team gathered for a discussion on how to improve their productivity.
  2. The book club members engaged in a lively discussion about the latest novel.
  3. The discussion during the meeting led to a decision on the next steps to be taken.


  1. The manager appointed an interim leader until a permanent replacement could be found.
  2. The company hired an interim consultant to help with the transition period.
  3. The interim report provided an overview of the project's progress so far.


  1. She is a keen learner and always seeks opportunities to expand her knowledge.
  2. The team showed a keen interest in the new project and worked diligently to deliver results.
  3. He is a keen observer and notices even the smallest details.


  1. It is important to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  2. The company strives to maintain high-quality standards in all its products.
  3. Regular exercise and a balanced diet help maintain good physical health.


  1. Meeting the minimum GPA is a requirement for admission to the university.
  2. The job posting listed several requirements for the position, including relevant work experience.
  3. The project has specific requirements that need to be met in order to be successful.


  1. The coupon is valid until the end of the month.
  2. She presented a valid ID to prove her age.
  3. The argument presented in the research paper is backed by valid evidence.

regular customer:

  1. As a regular customer, he receives special discounts and perks.
  2. The restaurant knows the preferences of its regular customers and provides personalized service.
  3. The store has a loyalty program to reward its regular customers with exclusive benefits.

substantial business:

  1. The new partnership brought in substantial business for both companies.
  2. The company's expansion into international markets resulted in substantial business growth.
  3. The sales team secured a substantial amount of new business during the quarter.

//Maintaining a Strong Relationship with Regular Customers

Regular customers are the backbone of any business, and maintaining a strong relationship with them is crucial for continued success. By assuring their satisfaction, corresponding with their needs, and showing courtesy, businesses can foster a beneficial partnership. Let's discuss some strategies for keeping regular customers happy and ensuring substantial business.

First and foremost, it's important to assure regular customers that their needs and satisfaction are a top priority. By providing high-quality products or services and consistently meeting their expectations, businesses can build trust and loyalty. Regularly checking in with customers and addressing any concerns or issues promptly helps to maintain their confidence in your business.

Corresponding with regular customers is key to understanding their evolving needs and preferences. Regularly seeking feedback and engaging in open dialogue allows businesses to stay ahead of the curve and tailor their offerings accordingly. This two-way communication fosters a sense of partnership and shows customers that their opinions are valued.

Courtesy is another essential aspect of maintaining strong relationships with regular customers. Treating them with respect, gratitude, and appreciation goes a long way in building loyalty. Simple gestures such as personalized thank-you notes, special offers, or exclusive perks can make customers feel valued and encourage them to continue doing business with you.

Regular customers are often desirous of a consistent and reliable experience. It's crucial to keenly monitor the quality of products or services and maintain high standards. Any deterioration in quality can lead to disappointment and potentially drive customers away. By consistently delivering on promises and exceeding expectations, businesses can retain regular customers and attract new ones through positive word-of-mouth.

Businesses should also stay up to date with any changes or requirements that may affect regular customers. Whether it's industry regulations, market trends, or technological advancements, staying informed allows businesses to adapt and continue providing value. Regularly reviewing and updating processes and offerings ensures that they remain valid and meet customers' evolving needs.

In conclusion, maintaining strong relationships with regular customers requires assuring their satisfaction, corresponding with their needs, and showing courtesy. By consistently delivering high-quality products or services, engaging in open communication, and staying ahead of the curve, businesses can foster loyalty and enjoy substantial business from their regular customers.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/movit/p/17724031.html
