Здравствуйте, дорогой товарищ!
22, Сентября, 2023. After 8-day modifications on all kinds of settings, the blog of prms-prmt is finally ready. Thanks to all the friends and strangers for their contributive ideas when I was lack of technology or inspiration. The abnormal intense work of building the blog took much time and energy, but it did teach me useful knowledge. If you have any suggestion, I would be glad to hear about it.
Друзья, please do not move your sight away. Let us see the road stretches towards the far. Let us believe. Anyway, the journey starts.
Я верю, друзья, караваны ракет
Помчат нас вперёд от звезды до звезды.
На пыльных тропинках далёких планет
Останутся наши следы.
Я Верю Друзья
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/prms-prmt/p/17723383.html