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English for Travel

时间:2023-09-21 15:33:55浏览次数:30  
标签:Enjoy ... 例句 Travel please so English your




Enjoy your flight:祝你的飞行愉快
Enjoy your meal:祝你用餐愉快
Enjoy your holiday:祝你假期愉快
Enjoy your stay:祝你居住愉快
Enjoy your day:祝你今天过得愉快
Enjoy your weekend:祝你周末愉快
Enjoy your vacation:祝你度假愉快
Enjoy your trip:祝你旅途愉快
Enjoy your movie:祝你看电影愉快
Enjoy your party:祝你派对愉快
Enjoy your game:祝你玩游戏愉快
Enjoy your time:祝你过得愉快


Of course:当然
all done:都搞定了
Hi there.:你好。这是一个常见的英语问候语
Fingers crossed:祖宗保佑;用于希望某件事能顺利和成功进行
oh,that’s a first:这是第一次。这是一个常见的英语表达,用于表示某件事情是第一次发生。
That's great! Thank you so much:太好了!非常感谢你。
That's fantastic:那太棒了
That’s all right:这是一个常见的表达方式,用来表示接受或同意,中文中可以翻译为"都没问题了"。
it's lovely to meet you:很高兴见到你
you're so kind:你人真好
Ok,that's all gone through:好了,所有的都已经处理完了。通常在完成一项任务或操作后使用,特别是在完成付款或交易后。
You're telling me? 还用你说。这是一个表示“你不用告诉我,我已经知道了”的表达方式,相当于中文中的“你还用说?”或“你在告诉我?”。


hou can I help you:有什么能帮助到你
when were you thinking of visiting:你打算什么时候过来坐坐(拜访)
can l ask where you’re coming in from:我可以问你从哪里来吗?
what can l get you to drink:你要喝什么呢
What can l choose from? 我能选什么呢
What can we do? 我们该咋办、我们该咋做
Who are you traveling with? 你和谁一起旅行
Would you mind opening it for me, please? 你介意帮我打开它吗
Where do you come from? 你们来自哪
ls this your first time in the UK? 这是你第一次来英国吗
what's the purpose of your visit? 你来访问的目的是什么?
how long do you plan to stay? 你计划呆多久
Where will you be staying? 你要呆在(住在)哪
What room are vou in? 你的房间号多少
What can I get for you: 您想要点什么。表示询问某人想要的服务或物品。

English for Travel

I was wondering: 我想知道...
make a reservation:预订位置
let me take a look for you a moment:稍等一会,让我帮你看一下
I’m guessing...:我猜...,例句:I’m guessing you’re not in England.我猜你不在英格兰
We've always wanted to do sth:我们一直想做某事,例句:We've always wanted to visit your beautiful country,我们一直想参观你们的漂亮国家
finally,we can make our dreams a reality:我们终于能让我们的梦想成真
do you plan to do sth:你有计划(打算)做某事吗,例句:Do you plan to visit another area of England during your stay? 在逗留期间,你有计划访问英格兰的其他地区吗?
so once we've toured London, we're travelling to Devon and Cornwall:所以,一旦我们参观完伦敦,我们就会去德文郡和康沃尔郡。
preferred dates:首选日期、选择的日期
choose from A or B:从A和B进行选择。例句:You can choose from a double room, which includes a double bed and standard services ,or a king-sized room, with a balcony hot tub overlooking central London,你可以选择双人房,包括一张双人床和标准服务,或者选择带有阳台热水浴缸的大床房,可以俯瞰伦敦市中心
splash out:花大笔钱。例句:I think we will splash out,我想我们会花一大笔钱
make a decision:做决定
this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip:这是一生一次的旅行
Could l please book the king-sized room for the given dates:我能在选择的日期预订特大号房间吗?
That's all sorted:都处理完了、都安排好了
booking confirmation:预约确认
here we are:我们到了
check in online:网上办理登机手续
departure lounge:候机厅
treat ourselves to:(我们)享受...
It’ll cost a bomb:这会花费一大笔钱
an airport trip isn't worth it:机场旅行不值得
it doesn’t start with ...:不从..开始,例句:an airport trip isn’t worth it if it doesn’t start with a slap-up full English breakfast,如果没有一顿丰盛的全英式早餐开始,机场之旅就不值得
cross over:越过..
ticket number:机票号码
boarding pass:登记牌
check in our baggage:托运行李
desk 23:23号柜台
Could l see your passport and boarding passes, please?:我可以看一下你的护照和登机牌吗?
Here you go:给你
That's all good:(东西)都没问题
luggage conveyer:行李传送带
Okay, you're all checked in: 好了,你已办理好了登机手续
make your way down to..:前往..
boarding gate:登机口
Enjoy your flight:祝你的飞行愉快
you look out of your windows now:现在向窗外看
dinner service:晚餐服务
we will serve you as soon as possible:我们会尽快为您服务(提供)
l am starving:我快饿死了
this is for you:这是给你的
could l have a few extra napkins, please?:我能多要几张餐巾纸吗
at some point:表示在未来的某个时间点。例句:I’m so clumsy I know I’ll spill my coffee at some point.我太笨拙了,我知道我迟早会把咖啡洒出来
That's the last thing we needed to happen:这是最不希望发生的事情。the last thing表示不希望发生的事情
Baggage Service counter:行李服务柜台
get this sorted out:把这个问题解决、处理掉这个问题
l wonder:我想知道
come through:出现、到达
This sort of thing has never happened to us before:这类事情在之前都没发生过
baggage people:行李人员、行李部门
phone through to:打电话给..
flight number:航班号
What does the luggage look like:行李长什么样子
leather suitcase:皮质的行李箱
tie around it:把它系着、把它缠着
check with…:与...联系
baggage team:行李部门
see if they can locate it:看看是否能找到
In the meantime, did you make sure to tag your luggage with your name and contact information:与此同时,你确定你已经在你的行李上贴上了你的名字和联系方式吗?
Thank you for ... :对...表示感谢,例句:Thank you for your help,谢谢你的帮助
I'm so relieved:我很庆幸,我松了口气
Can l see your passports, please:我能看下你的护照吗
Have you got…:这是一个常见的表达方式,用来询问对方是否有某件事情或物品,中文中可以翻译为"你有…吗?",例句:"Have you got anything to declare?“ "你有什么需要申报的吗?”
You can go now:现在你可以走了
You've come a long way, I believe:我相信你们走了很长的一段路
lt was super smooth:非常顺利
to and from:往返。例句:With the travelling time to and from the airport, it's just been a long journey,加上往返机场的旅游时间,这正是个漫长的旅行
checked in:办理入驻
so that...:这样就...
take a lie down:躺下休息
you are in room 321: 你们是321房间
tourist attractions:旅游景点
take the elevator:搭电梯
follow the corridor straight:沿着走廊直走
your room is the fourth door on the right:你的房间在右边的第四个(第四扇门)
If you need anything else during your stay, please don't hesitate to ask:如果你在住宿期间需要其他任何东西,请不要犹豫,尽管提问。
Now that:既然
make a plan:制定计划
That way:这样的话
make sure:确保。例句:we can make sure we see everything we want in the city.我们可以确保我们看到我们想在城市里看到的所有东西
head down:向下(向南)走
get around:游览、克服
l have always wanted to do sth:我一直想去做某事。eg:l have always wanted to visit the Tower of London.
beyond comparison(名词词性):无与伦比
I reckon:我认为..。和I think一样,不过"I reckon"在某些地区(如澳大利亚和英国)的口语中更为常见,而"I think"在书面语和正式场合中使用得更多。
I’d love to do sth:我很想去做某事、我想去做某事
head over:前往
watch a show:看演出
desperate to do:迫切想做的。eg:Let's fill our first day with everything we're desperate to do.我们把第一天都用来做我们最想做的事情吧。
fill A with B: 用B填A
take each day as it comes:vt:随遇而安
feel like doing..: 想要做..
the Natural History Museum:自然历史博物馆
I'd love to:我很乐意,我很赞成
Right then: 好吧。表示结束前面的话题,开始新的话题或行动。
head out:出发、前往
get to breakfast:该去吃早餐了,该享用早餐了
check the schedule: 查了时刻表,表示查看或核对公交车的发车时间。
in the opposite direction:往反方向
You don't sound like you're from around here:你听起来不像是这里的人
don't sound like:听起来不像
from around here:来自这里附近
point us in the direction of: 指给我们…的方向
the right stop:正确的车站
cross the road:过马路,穿过马路
just there: 就在那边。表示指示或强调某个地点或位置。
see the sign for...: 看到…的标志
You need to cross the road and head down Arthur Street, just there until you see the sign for bus 88:你需要过马路,然后沿着亚瑟街往前走,就在那边,直到你看到88路公交车的标志
Mind you; it's much easier to travel by tube:不过你要知道(温馨提示),坐地铁旅行要容易得多。
every junction:每个路口、每个交叉口
in half the time:用一半的时间。表示比其他方式更快速的时间。
You've been so helpful:你真是乐于助人
the authentic way: 最地道的方式
We walked so far yesterday:我们昨天走了好远
step counter:计步器
by the end of the day:到了一天结束的时候
My feet are killing me:我的脚快要疼死了
I’m not even sure: 我甚至不确定
make it down to: 能下楼到
I'm not even sure l can make it down to breakfast:我甚至不确定我能不能下楼吃早饭
indulge ourselves:好好享受一下,表示放纵或满足自己的欲望或需求。eg:Maybe we should call room service and indulge ourselves.也许我们应该打电话给客房服务,好好享受一下。
I'll call down to thefront desk and place our order:
call down to ..: 打电话给..
the front desk: 前台
place sb order: 下某人的订单
sth with that one too:某种东西再要一份,eg:a latte with that one too,再要一杯拿铁
wine glass holder: 酒杯架。表示一种用来放置酒杯的器具或装置。
so up oneself alley :符合某人的品味
I have to get her a book:我得给她本书、我给得她买本书
has always been in love with: 一直都很喜欢
pencil case:铅笔盒
stationery: 文具
Can l add some fudge to the pile:我能追加一些软糖到这堆里面吗?
who for:谁要,给谁



A:Good evening. Would you like pork sausages or vegetarian sausages and beans? 晚上好。你想要猪肉香肠还是素食香肠和豆子?
B:Pork sausages, please. 请给我猪肉香肠
C:Pork sausages, for me too.我也要猪肉香肠


A:What canlget for you. sir? 你想要点什么呢,先生?
B:Could l please ask for poached eggs on toast? 请给我一份水煮蛋配吐司好吗?
A:What sort of bread would you like? White bread or brown bread? 您喜欢什么样的面包?白面包还是全麦面包?
B:Oh, brown bread, please. With that,could,l have a latte coffee?.哦,全麦面包,还有,我能要一杯拿铁咖啡吗?
A:Certainly, sir. Would you like anything else? 当然可以,先生。您还需要别的什么吗?
B:Yes, then l would like a full English breakfast....um......是的,然后我想要一份英式早餐……嗯……
A:Fried or scrambled eggs? 煎蛋还是炒蛋?
B:Scrambled eggs please...and a latte with that one too 炒蛋,还有一杯拿铁配那个
A:Okay. Your order will be delivered to your room in 15 minutes. 好的。您的订单将在15分钟内送到您的房间。
B:15 minutes is fine.Thankyou so much. Goodbye. 15分钟没问题。非常感谢。再见。


A:Hello there.Can l pay for these bits, please?你好,我可以付款买这些东西吗?
B:Hi! Of course.嗨!当然可以。
A:You have a great store.你的店铺真棒
B:Thank you. This little place is my pride and joy.谢谢。这个小地方是我的骄傲和快乐。
B:Ok, what do we have here; wine glass holder... that's 9.99...好的,我们来看看这里有什么;酒杯架…那是9.99…
B:Two pencil cases...they're 7.50 each, and the Paddington bear....that's 12.99.两个铅笔盒…每个7.50,还有帕丁顿熊…那是12.99。
A:Oh, and the fudge.哦,还有软糖。
B:and the fudge, which is 4.50.Great, that's 42.48,please. How would you like to pay; cash or card?还有软糖,那是4.50。好的,总共是42.48,请问你想用现金还是卡付款?
A:Card, please.请刷卡。
B:Wonderful, that's all gone through.好的,已经刷过了。
B:Because l can hear you're not from around here, I'l l pop it all in a limited edition London bag-for-life.因为我听得出你不是本地人,我会把所有的东西放在限量版的伦敦环保购物袋里
B:Have a wonderful day.祝你有美好的一天
A:Thank you so much, you too.非常感谢,你也是。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ibcdwx/p/17719698.html


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