Harbor 安装在k8s 集群
本小节目的是要在k8s 集群上安装一个 harbor镜像仓库。
- Kubernetes cluster 1.10+
- Helm 2.8.0+
- High available ingress controller (Harbor does not manage the external endpoint)
- High available PostgreSQL 9.6+ (Harbor does not handle the deployment of HA of database)
- High available Redis (Harbor does not handle the deployment of HA of Redis)
- PVC that can be shared across nodes or external object storage
- k8s 集群,参考前面小节:集群的安装
- 安装 helm,关于 helm官文档,官方准备了一个脚本拉取运行即可
#拉取官方准备的安装 sh脚本
curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3
chmod 700 get_helm.sh
- helm 添加仓库,也可以添加其他仓库
#添加 harbor仓库
helm repo add harbor https://helm.goharbor.io
#查看仓库 harbor 最新四条信息
helm search repo harbor -l | grep harbor/harbor | head -4
- 从仓库拉取 harbor
helm pull harbor/harbor --version 1.13.0
#当前目录就可以看到 harbor-1.13.0.tgz,解压
tar zxvf harbor-1.13.0.tgz harbor
#进入解压文件,修改 values.yml
cd harbor
[root@localhost harbor]# ls
Chart.yaml LICENSE README.md templates values.yaml
- 安装一个 NFS,配置存储卷自动分配 PV