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DNS Records

时间:2023-09-19 11:56:18浏览次数:57  
标签:website domain name records Records DNS our

What are DNS records?

DNS records are specific resource records stored in the DNS database that allow us to configure and control additional information about our domain name.Usually we can set up our DNS records to tell others what type of mail server our domain name will use(eg.Microsoft Exchange),or which IP address should be returned when someone visits our website.

DNS records are organized into zones,which correspond to one or more domain names.For example,if we own the domain names cutetv.com,anothercutetv.com,each domain name will have its own set of DNS records.

SOA(Start Of Authority)

SOA record indicates the start of a zone and it contains the zone's values,such as a serial number and multiple expiration timeouts.Each zone can only have one SOA record.


The most common type of DNS records.A record points to the IP address of a website or domain name.


IPv6 version of A.


PTR record is a mapping between an IP address and a hostname.

CNAME(Canonical Name)

CNAME records are used to create aliases for domain name.We can use CNAME records to set up redirects between different versions of website or application,or between different subdomains of the same website.

NS(Name Server)

NS records tell others what name servers you are using to resolve domain names,making them an important part of almost every DNS configuration.NS records help users find their way around the web by providing an authoritative source of DNS information.

MX(Mail Exchange)

MX records specify the mail server responsible for accepting email sent to a domain name.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/darkpool/p/17714245.html


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